
Defines functions as.weightitMSM.default as.weightitMSM as.weightit.default as.weightit.weightit.fit as.weightit

Documented in as.weightit as.weightit.default as.weightitMSM as.weightitMSM.default as.weightit.weightit.fit

#' Create a `weightit` object manually
#' @name as.weightit
#' @description
#' This function allows users to get the benefits of a `weightit` object
#' when using weights not estimated with [weightit()] or [weightitMSM()]. These
#' benefits include diagnostics, plots, and direct compatibility with
#' \pkg{cobalt} for assessing balance.
#' @param x required; a `numeric` vector of weights, one for each
#' unit, or a `weightit.fit` object from [weightit.fit()].
#' @param treat a vector of treatment statuses, one for each unit. Required when `x` is a vector of weights.
#' @param covs an optional `data.frame` of covariates. For using
#' \pkg{WeightIt} functions, this is not necessary, but for use with
#' \pkg{cobalt} it is. Note that when using with a `weightit.fit` object, this should not be the matrix supplied to the `covs` argument of `weightit.fit()` unless there are no factor/character variables in it. Ideally this is the original, unprocessed covariate data frame with factor variables included.
#' @param estimand an optional `character` of length 1 giving the
#' estimand. The text is not checked.
#' @param s.weights an optional `numeric` vector of sampling weights, one
#' for each unit.
#' @param ps an optional `numeric` vector of propensity scores, one for
#' each unit.
#' @param treat.list a list of treatment statuses at each time point.
#' @param covs.list an optional list of `data.frame`s of covariates of
#' covariates at each time point. For using \pkg{WeightIt} functions, this is
#' not necessary, but for use with \pkg{cobalt} it is.
#' @param ps.list an optional list of `numeric` vectors of propensity
#' scores at each time point.
#' @param ...  additional arguments. These must be named. They will be included
#' in the output object.
#' @returns
#' An object of class `weightit` (for `as.weightit()`) or `weightitMSM` (for `as.weightitMSM()`).
#' @examples
#' treat <- rbinom(500, 1, .3)
#' weights <- rchisq(500, df = 2)
#' W <- as.weightit(weights, treat = treat, estimand = "ATE")
#' summary(W)
#' # See ?weightit.fit for using as.weightit() with a
#' # weightit.fit object.

#' @export
as.weightit <- function(x, ...) {

#' @exportS3Method as.weightit weightit.fit
#' @rdname as.weightit
as.weightit.weightit.fit <- function(x, covs = NULL, ...) {
  if (is_not_null(covs)) {
    if (is.matrix(covs)) {
      covs <- as.data.frame.matrix(covs)
    else if (!is.data.frame(covs)) {
      .err("`covs` must be a data.frame of covariates")

    if (nrow(covs) != length(x$weights)) {
      .err("`covs` must have as many rows as there are units in the original call to `weightit.fit()`")

    x$covs <- covs

  x <- clear_null(x)

  names(x)[names(x) == "weights"] <- "x"
  names(x)[names(x) == "fit.obj"] <- "obj"

  do.call("as.weightit.default", c(x, list(...)))

#' @exportS3Method as.weightit default
#' @rdname as.weightit
as.weightit.default <- function(x, treat, covs = NULL, estimand = NULL,
                                s.weights = NULL, ps = NULL, ...) {

  if (!is.numeric(x) || !is.vector(x)) {
    .err("`x` must be a numeric vector of weights")

  chk::chk_not_missing(treat, "`treat`")

  if (length(x) != length(treat)) {
    .err("`treat` and `x` must be the same length")

  if (!has_treat_type(treat)) treat <- assign_treat_type(treat)

  if (is_not_null(covs)) {
    if (is.matrix(covs)) {
      covs <- as.data.frame.matrix(covs)
    else if (!is.data.frame(covs)) {
      .err("`covs` must be a data.frame of covariates")

    if (nrow(covs) != length(treat)) {
      .err("`covs` and `treat` must be the same length")

  .chk_null_or(estimand, chk::chk_string)
  .chk_null_or(s.weights, chk::chk_numeric)

  if (is_not_null(s.weights) && length(s.weights) != length(treat)) {
    .err("`s.weights` and `treat` must be the same length")

  .chk_null_or(ps, chk::chk_numeric)

  if (is_not_null(ps) && length(ps) != length(treat)) {
    .err("`ps` and `treat` must be the same length")

  w.list <- list(weights = x,
                 treat = assign_treat_type(treat),
                 covs = covs,
                 estimand = estimand,
                 s.weights = s.weights,
                 ps = ps)

  if (...length() > 0L) {
    A <- list(...)
    if (is_null(names(A)) || any(names(A) == "")) {
      .err("all arguments in `...` must be named")
    for (i in names(A)) {
      w.list[[i]] <- A[[i]]

  class(w.list) <- "weightit"


#' @export
#' @rdname as.weightit
as.weightitMSM <- function(x, ...) {

#' @exportS3Method as.weightitMSM default
#' @rdname as.weightit
as.weightitMSM.default <- function(x, treat.list, covs.list = NULL, estimand = NULL,
                                   s.weights = NULL, ps.list = NULL, ...) {

  if (!is.numeric(x) || !is.vector(x)) {
    .err("`x` must be a numeric vector of weights")

  chk::chk_not_missing(treat.list, "`treat.list`")

  if (!all(vapply(treat.list, is.atomic, logical(1L))) ||
      !all(vapply(treat.list, is.vector, logical(1L)))) {
    .err("`treat.list` must be a list of atomic vectors (i.e., numeric, logical, or character) or factors")

  if (!all_the_same(lengths(treat.list))) {
    .err("each component of `treat.list` must have the same length")

  if (length(x) != length(treat.list[[1]])) {
    .err("`x` and each component of `treat.list` must be the same length")

  for (i in seq_along(treat.list)) {
    if (!has_treat_type(treat.list[[i]])) {
      treat.list[[i]] <- assign_treat_type(treat.list[[i]])

  .chk_null_or(covs.list, chk::chk_list)
  if (is_not_null(covs.list)) {
    if (!all(vapply(covs.list, is.data.frame, logical(1L)))) {
      .err("`covs.list` must be a list of data.frames for each time point")
    if (length(covs.list) != length(treat.list)) {
      .err("`covs.list` must have the same number of time points as `treat.list`")
    if (!all_the_same(vapply(covs.list, nrow, numeric(1L)))) {
      .err("each component of `covs.list` must have the same number of rows")
    if (length(weights) != nrow(covs.list[[1]])) {
      .err("`x` and each component of `covs.list` must be the same length")

  .chk_null_or(estimand, chk::chk_string)
  .chk_null_or(s.weights, chk::chk_numeric)

  if (is_not_null(s.weights) && length(s.weights) != length(weights)) {
    .err("`s.weights` and `x` must be the same length")

  .chk_null_or(ps.list, chk::chk_list)
  if (is_not_null(ps.list)) {
    if (length(ps.list) != length(treat.list)) {
      .err("`ps.list` must have the same number of time points as `treat.list`")
    if (!all(vapply(ps.list, is.vector, logical(1L), "numeric"))) {
      .err("`ps.list` must be a list of numeric vectors")
    if (!all_the_same(lengths(ps.list))) {
      .err("each component of `ps.list` must have the same length")
    if (length(weights) != length(ps.list[[1]])) {
      .err("`x` and each component of `ps.list` must be the same length")

  w.list <- list(weights = weights,
                 treat.list = treat.list,
                 covs.list = covs.list,
                 estimand = estimand,
                 s.weights = s.weights,
                 ps.list = ps.list)

  if (...length() > 0L) {
    A <- list(...)
    if (is_null(names(A)) || any(names(A) == "")) {
      .err("all arguments in `...` must be named")
    w.list <- c(w.list, A)

  class(w.list) <- c("weightitMSM", "weightit")


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WeightIt documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:48 a.m.