
Defines functions response_parse url_gen query

Documented in query

#General functions and error handlers for
#generic queries and query construction.

#'@title base query function
#'@description not designed to be used by anyone except
#'a third-party reuser package, such as WikidataR
#'@param url a URL body
#'@param out_class the class to set on the output object; used within
#'WikidataR to indicate what response-cleaning method should be applied.
#'@param clean_response whether to clean the response, using the method assigned
#'by out_class, or not.
#'@param query_param query parameters
#'@param ... further arguments to httr's GET.
query <- function(url, out_class, clean_response = FALSE, query_param = list(), ...){
  # Common query parameters
  if(is.null(query_param$format)) {
    query_param$format <- "json"
  args <- list(...)
  if(length(args) > 0 && "config" %in% class(args[[1]]) && "useragent" %in% names(args[[1]])){
    response <- httr::GET(url, query = query_param, ...)
  } else {
    response <- httr::GET(url, query = query_param, httr::user_agent("WikipediR - https://github.com/Ironholds/WikipediR"), ...)
  #Check the validity of the response
  #Parse the response, check for API errors, return
  parsed_response <- response_parse(response = response, out_class = out_class)
    stop("The API returned an error: ", parsed_response$error$code,
         " - ", parsed_response$error$info)
    parsed_response <- parse_response(parsed_response)

#Constructor for the URL
url_gen <- function(language, project, domain = NULL, ...){
    #Commons and Wikispecies have different URL formats, so those have to be handled in a hinky way.
    if(project %in% c("commons","species")){
      url <- sprintf("https://%s.wikimedia.org/w/api.php", project)
    } else {
      url <- sprintf("https://%s.%s.org/w/api.php", language, project)
  } else {
    url <- sprintf("http://%s/w/api.php", domain)

#'@importFrom httr content
#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
response_parse <- function(response, out_class){
  #Convert it into a character vector
  response_text <- httr::content(x = response, as = "text")
  #From there, turn it into an R object from JSON
  parsed_text <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt = response_text, simplifyVector = FALSE)
  class(parsed_text) <- out_class

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WikipediR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:01 p.m.