
Defines functions WFO.preprepare WFO.prepare

Documented in WFO.prepare WFO.preprepare

WFO.prepare <- function(
    spec.data=NULL, spec.full="spec.full",
    squish=TRUE, spec.name.nonumber=TRUE,
    sub.pattern=c(" sp[.] A", " sp[.] B", " sp[.] C", " sp[.]", " spp[.]", " pl[.]", " indet[.]", " ind[.]", " gen[.]", " g[.]", " fam[.]",
        " nov[.]", " prox[.]", " cf[.]", " aff[.]", " s[.]s[.]", " s[.]l[.]", " p[.]p[.]", " p[.] p[.]", "[?]", " inc[.]", " stet[.]",
        "Ca[.]", "nom[.] cons[.]", "nom[.] dub[.]", " nom[.] err[.]", " nom[.] illeg[.]", " nom[.] inval[.]", " nom[.] nov[.]",
        " nom[.] nud[.]", " nom[.] obl[.]", " nom[.] prot[.]", " nom[.] rej[.]", " nom[.] supp[.]", " sensu auct[.]"),
    genus.2.flag=TRUE, species.2.flag=TRUE, punctuation.flag=TRUE, pointless.flag=TRUE,
    trinomial=c("cultivar.", "f.", "sect.", "subf.", "subg.", "subsp.", "subvar.", "var.",
                "CULTIVAR.",       "SECT.", "SUBF.", "SUBG.", "SUBSP.", "SUBVAR.", "VAR."),
    authors.ending.f=c("Aiton f.", "Baker f.", "Bak. f.", "Burm. f.", 
                       "Cheng f.", "Chrtek f.", 
                       "De Marco f.", "Fang f.", "Ferry f.", "Forsyth f.", 
                       "Forster f.", "Fraser f.", "G.Don f.", "Haller f.",
                       "Hallier f.", "Hook. f.", "Hooker f.", "Hsueh f.", 
                       "J.Kickx f.", "J. Kickx f.", "Keng f.", 
                       "Kickx f.", "Klokov f.", "Koster f.",
                       "Liou f.", "L. f.", "Ma f.", "Mikan f.",
                       "Occhioni f.", "Rchb. f.", "Schultes f.", 
                       "Schult. f.", "Stapf f."),
    verbose=TRUE, counter=1000
    if (class(spec.data) %in% c("data.frame") == FALSE) {spec.data <- data.frame(spec.full = spec.data)}
    if (is.factor(spec.data) == TRUE) {spec.data <- data.frame(spec.full = spec.data)}

    WFO.names <- c("spec.name", "Authorship")
    for (i in 1:length(WFO.names)) {
        if (WFO.names[i] %in% names(spec.data)) {
            message(paste("Original data set variable '", WFO.names[i], "' replaced by variable '", WFO.names[i], ".ORIG'", sep=""))
            names(spec.data)[names(spec.data) == WFO.names[i]] <- paste(WFO.names[i], ".ORIG", sep="")

# Deal with author names that end in "f." such as "L. f."
# March 2024
    authors.ending.nof <- gsub(pattern=" f.",
                               replacement=" f_author",
    authors.ending <- data.frame(pattern=authors.ending.f,
    for (i in 1:nrow(authors.ending)) {
      spec.data[, spec.full] <- gsub(pattern=authors.ending[i, "pattern"],
                                  replacement=authors.ending[i, "replacement"],
                                  x=spec.data[, spec.full])
    spec.data$spec.name <- rep("", nrow(spec.data))
    spec.data$Authorship <- rep("", nrow(spec.data))
    if (genus.2.flag == TRUE) {spec.data$genus.2 <- spec.data$genus.nchar <- rep("", nrow(spec.data))}
    if (species.2.flag == TRUE) {spec.data$species.2 <- spec.data$species.nchar <- rep("", nrow(spec.data))}
    if (punctuation.flag == TRUE) {spec.data$punctuation <- rep("", nrow(spec.data))}
    if (pointless.flag == TRUE) {spec.data$pointless <- rep("", nrow(spec.data))}

    for (i in 1:nrow(spec.data)) {

        if (round(i/counter, 0) == i/counter) {message(paste("Reached record # ", i, sep=""))}

        spfull <- spec.data[i, spec.full]

        if (squish == TRUE) {
            spfull1 <- stringr::str_squish(spfull)
            if (verbose == TRUE) {if (spfull != spfull1) {message(paste(spfull, " was squished", sep=""))}}
            spfull <- spfull1

        if (spec.name.sub == TRUE) {
            spfull1 <- spfull
            for (j in 1:length(sub.pattern)) {
                spfull1 <- gsub(pattern=sub.pattern[j], replacement="", x=spfull1)
            if (verbose == TRUE) {if (spfull != spfull1) {message(paste("Removed sub.patterns from " , spfull, " resulting in: ", spfull1, sep=""))}}
            spfull <- spfull1

        if (spec.name.nonumber == TRUE) {
            spfull1 <- spfull
            if (grepl("[[:digit:]]", spfull1) == TRUE) {
                species.terms <- unlist(strsplit(spfull1, split= " "))
                species.new.string <- species.terms[1]
                while (grepl("^[[:digit:]]", substr(species.new.string, start=nchar(species.new.string), stop=nchar(species.new.string))) == TRUE){
                    species.new.string <- substr(species.new.string, start=1, stop=nchar(species.new.string)-1)
                spfull1 <- species.new.string
            if (verbose == TRUE) {if (spfull != spfull1) {message(paste("Numbers detected in ", spfull, " and replaced by: ",  spfull1, sep=""))}}
            spfull <- spfull1

        sp.string <- unlist(strsplit(spfull, split= " "))
        auth.add <- 3

        if (length(sp.string) < 3) {
            sp.final <- spfull
            sp.final <- paste(sp.string[1], " ", sp.string[2], sep="")

            if (any(sp.string %in% trinomial)) {
                sub.start <- which(sp.string %in% trinomial)

                if (length(sub.start) > 1) {
                    warning(paste("Two trinomial epithets provided for ", spfull, sep=""))
                    auth.add <- max(sub.start) + 2
                    sp.final2 <- paste(sp.string[min(sub.start)], " ", sp.string[min(sub.start)+1], sep="")
                    sp.final <- paste(sp.final, " ", sp.final2, sep="")
                    auth.add <- sub.start + 2

                    if (length(sp.string) < sub.start + 1) {
                        warning(paste("No trinomial epithet provided for ", spfull, sep=""))
                        auth.add <- sub.start + 1
                        sp.final2 <- paste(sp.string[sub.start], " ", sp.string[sub.start+1], sep="")
                        sp.final <- paste(sp.final, " ", sp.final2, sep="")

        auth.final <- ""
        while (auth.add <= length(sp.string)) {
            auth.final <- paste(auth.final, " ", sp.string[auth.add], sep="")
            auth.add <- auth.add + 1
        if (nchar(auth.final) > 1) { auth.final <- substr(auth.final, start=2, stop=nchar(auth.final))}

# remove second set of brackets
        if (nchar(auth.final) > 1) {
            auth.final1 <- substr(auth.final, start=2, stop=nchar(auth.final))
            if (grepl(pattern="[(]", x=auth.final1) == TRUE) {
                if (verbose == TRUE) {message(paste("Second bracket detected for ", auth.final, sep=""))}
                brack.place <- as.numeric(unlist(gregexpr(pattern="[(]", text=auth.final1)))[1] + 1
                auth.final2 <- substr(auth.final, start=1, stop=brack.place-1)
                auth.final <- stringr::str_squish(auth.final2)

        spec.data[i, "spec.name"] <- sp.final
        spec.data[i, "Authorship"] <- auth.final

        if (genus.2.flag==TRUE || species.2.flag==TRUE) {
            sp.string <- unlist(strsplit(sp.final, split= " "))
            if (genus.2.flag == TRUE) {
                spec.data[i, "genus.nchar"] <- nchar(sp.string[1])
                if (nchar(sp.string[1]) < 3) {
                    spec.data[i, "genus.2"] <- sp.string[1]
                    if (verbose == TRUE) {message(paste("Short first part of name detected for: ", sp.final, sep=""))}
            if (species.2.flag == TRUE && length(sp.string) > 1) {
                spec.data[i, "species.nchar"] <- nchar(sp.string[2])
                if (nchar(sp.string[2]) < 3) {
                    spec.data[i, "species.2"] <- sp.string[2]
                    if (verbose == TRUE) {message(paste("Short second part of name detected for: ", sp.final, sep=""))}

        if (punctuation.flag==TRUE) {

# first remove the trinomials since these contain punctuation marks!
            sp.final1 <- tolower(sp.final)
            for (j in 1:length(trinomial)) {
                sp.final1 <- gsub(pattern=trinomial[j], replacement="", x=sp.final1)

            if (grepl(pattern="[[:punct:]]", x=sp.final1) == TRUE) {
                spec.data[i, "punctuation"] <- as.logical(1)
                if (verbose == TRUE) {message(paste("Punctuation mark detected for: ", sp.final, sep=""))}

        if (pointless.flag==TRUE) {
            sp.final1 <- tolower(sp.final)

# first remove the trinomials since these contain punctuation marks!
            for (j in 1:length(trinomial)) {
                if (trinomial[j] != "f.") {sp.final1 <- gsub(pattern=trinomial[j], replacement="", x=sp.final1)}

            for (j in 1:length(sub.pattern)) {
                sub1 <- gsub(pattern="[[:punct:]]", replacement="", x=sub.pattern[j])
                sub2 <- tolower(sub1)
                if (nchar(sub1) > 2 && grepl(pattern=sub2, x=sp.final1) == TRUE) {
                    spec.data[i, "pointless"] <- as.logical(1)
                    if (verbose == TRUE) {message(paste("Subpattern without punctuation mark ('", sub1, "') detected for: ", sp.final, sep=""))}


    for (i in 1:nrow(authors.ending)) {
      spec.data[, spec.full] <- gsub(pattern=authors.ending[i, "replacement"],
                                  replacement=authors.ending[i, "pattern"],
                                  x=spec.data[, spec.full])
      spec.data$spec.name <- gsub(pattern=authors.ending[i, "replacement"],
                                  replacement=authors.ending[i, "pattern"],
      spec.data$Authorship <- gsub(pattern=authors.ending[i, "replacement"],
                                  replacement=authors.ending[i, "pattern"],
    if (all.equal(spec.data$Authorship, rep("", nrow(spec.data))) == TRUE) {
        spec.data <- spec.data[, -which(names(spec.data) == "Authorship")]


WFO.preprepare <- function(
    spec.data=NULL, spec.full="spec.full",
  if (class(spec.data) %in% c("data.frame") == FALSE) {spec.data <- data.frame(spec.full = spec.data)}
  if (is.factor(spec.data) == TRUE) {spec.data <- data.frame(spec.full = spec.data)}

  infra1 <- trinomial.first
  infra2 <- trinomial.second
  WFO.names <- c("spec.name", "Authorship")
  for (i in 1:length(WFO.names)) {
    if (WFO.names[i] %in% names(spec.data)) {
      message(paste("Original data set variable '", WFO.names[i], "' replaced by variable '", WFO.names[i], ".ORIG'", sep=""))
      names(spec.data)[names(spec.data) == WFO.names[i]] <- paste(WFO.names[i], ".ORIG", sep="")

# inspired also by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiY8EqZDwoI    
  spec.data$first <- stringr::str_detect(spec.data[, spec.full],
                                         pattern=paste0(" ", infra1, " "))

  spec.data$split.before <- spec.data[, spec.full]
  spec.data[spec.data$first == TRUE, "split.before"] <- stringr::str_match(spec.data[spec.data$first == TRUE, "spec.full"],
                                                                                     pattern=paste0("(.*)\\s", infra1, "\\s"))[, 2]
  # no need to have the infravar detected, can be empty
  spec.data$split.after <- stringr::str_match(spec.data[, spec.full],
                                              pattern=paste0("\\s", infra1, "\\s(.*)"))[, 2]
  # but then need to precede with the infravar pattern if detected
  spec.data[spec.data$first == TRUE, "split.after"] <- paste0(infra1, " ", spec.data[spec.data$first == TRUE, "split.after"])

  # Cases where second infravar in the before part 
  spec.data$only.second <- stringr::str_detect(spec.data$split.before,
                                               pattern=paste0(" ", infra2, " "))  
  spec.data[spec.data$only.second == TRUE, "split.before"] <- stringr::str_match(spec.data[spec.data$only.second == TRUE, "spec.full"],
                                                                                 pattern=paste0("(.*)\\s", infra2, "\\s"))[, 2]
  spec.data[spec.data$only.second == TRUE, "split.after"] <- stringr::str_match(spec.data[spec.data$only.second == TRUE, "spec.full"],
                                                                                pattern=paste0("\\s", infra2, "\\s(.*)"))[, 2]
  spec.data[spec.data$only.second == TRUE, "split.after"] <- paste0(infra2, " ", spec.data[spec.data$only.second == TRUE, "split.after"])
  # Cases where second infravar in the after part 
  spec.data$also.second <- stringr::str_detect(spec.data$split.after,
                                               pattern=paste0(" ", infra2, " "))
  if (sum(spec.data$also.second ) > 0 ) {
  spec.data$second.split.before <- rep("", nrow(spec.data))
  spec.data$second.split.after <- rep("", nrow(spec.data))
  spec.data[spec.data$also.second == TRUE, "second.split.before"] <- stringr::str_match(spec.data[spec.data$also.second == TRUE, "split.after"],
                                                                                        pattern=paste0("(.*)\\s", infra2, "\\s"))[, 2]
  spec.data[spec.data$also.second == TRUE, "second.split.after"] <- stringr::str_match(spec.data[spec.data$also.second == TRUE, "split.after"],
                                                                                pattern=paste0("\\s", infra2, "\\s(.*)"))[, 2]
  spec.data[spec.data$also.second == TRUE, "second.split.after"] <- paste0(infra2, " ", spec.data[spec.data$also.second == TRUE, "second.split.after"])    

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WorldFlora documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:24 p.m.