
Defines functions xmlHandler

Documented in xmlHandler

xmlHandler <- 
function() {
  data <- list()
  startElement <- function(name, atts,...) {
      atts <- list()
    data[[name]] <<- atts
  text <- function(x,...) {
  comment <- function(x,...) {
    cat("comment", x,"\n")
  externalEntity <- function(ctxt, baseURI, sysId, publicId,...) {
    cat("externalEntity", ctxt, baseURI, sysId, publicId,"\n")
  entityDeclaration <- function(name, baseURI, sysId, publicId,notation,...) {
    cat("externalEntity", name, baseURI, sysId, publicId, notation,"\n")

  foo <- function(x,attrs,...) { cat("In foo\n")}
  return(list(startElement=startElement, getData=function() {data},
               comment=comment, externalEntity=externalEntity,
                text=text, foo=foo))

Try the XML package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

XML documentation built on June 25, 2024, 5:06 p.m.