
# "Working with dynamic models for agriculture"
# R script for practical work
# Daniel Wallach (INRA), David Makowski (INRA), James W. Jones (U.of Florida),
# Francois Brun (ACTA)
# version : 2010-08-09
# Model described in the book, Appendix. Models used as illustrative examples: description and R code
################################ FUNCTIONS #####################################
#' @title The basic Maize model.
#' @description \strong{Model description.}
#' This model is a dynamic model of crop growth for Maize cultivated in potential conditions.
#' The crop growth is represented by three state variables, leaf area per unit ground area (leaf area index, LAI), total biomass (B) and cumulative thermal time since plant emergence (TT). It is based on key concepts included in most crop models, at least for the "potential production" part. In fact, this model does not take into account any effects of soil water, nutrients, pests, or diseases,... 
#' @details The tree state variables are dynamic variables depending on days after emergence: TT(day), B(day), and LAI(day). The model has a time step dt of one day.\cr
#' The model is defined by a few equations, with a total of seven parameters for the described process.
#' \cr (1) \eqn{TT(day+1) = TT(day)+dTT(day)}{TT(day+1) = TT(day)+dTT(day)}
#' \cr (2) \eqn{B(day+1) = B(day)+dB(day)}{B(day+1) = B(day)+dB(day)}
#' \cr (3) \eqn{LAI(day+1) = LAI(day)+dLAI(day)}{LAI(day+1) = LAI(day)+dLAI(day)}
#' \cr (4) \eqn{dTT(day) = \max(\frac{TMIN(day)+TMAX(day)}{2}-Tbase;0)}{dTT(day) = max((TMIN(day)+TMAX(day))/2-Tbase ; 0)}
#' \cr (5) \eqn{dB(day) = RUE*(1-e^{-K*LAI(day)*I(day)}),\ if\ TT(day)\le TTM}{dB(day) = RUE*(1-e^{-K*LAI(day)*I(day)}), if TT(day)<= TTM} 
#' \cr \eqn{dB(day) = 0,\ if\  TT(day)>TTM}{dB(day) = 0, if TT(day)>TTM}
#' \cr (6) \eqn{dLAI(day) = alpha*dTT(day)*LAI(day)*\max(LAImax-LAI(day);0),\ if \ TT(day)\le TTL }{alpha*dTT(day)*LAI(day)*max(LAImax-LAI(day);0), if TT(day)<= TTL }
#' \cr \eqn{dLAI(day) = 0,\ if\  TT(day)>TTL }{dLAI(day) = 0 if TT(day)>TTL}
#' @param Tbase :	parameter the baseline temperature for growth (degreeCelsius)
#' @param TTM	:	parameter temperature sum for crop maturity (degreeC.day)
#' @param TTL	:	parameter temperature sum at the end of leaf area increase (degreeC.day)
#' @param K : parameter extinction coefficient (relation between leaf area index and intercepted radiation) (-)
#' @param RUE : parameter radiation use efficiency (?)
#' @param alpha : parameter the relative rate of leaf area index increase for small values of leaf area index (?)
#' @param LAImax : parameter maximum leaf area index (-)
#' @param weather : weather data.frame for one single year
#' @param sdate : sowing date
#' @param ldate : last date
#' @return data.frame with daily TT, LAI,B
#' @seealso \code{\link{maize.model2}}, \code{\link{maize.define.param}}, \code{\link{maize.simule}}, \code{\link{maize.multisy}},
#' \code{\link{maize.simule240}},\code{\link{maize.simule_multisy240}}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' weather = maize.weather(working.year=2010, working.site=30,weather_all=weather_EuropeEU)
#' maize.model(Tbase=7, RUE=1.85, K=0.7, alpha=0.00243, LAImax=7, TTM=1200, TTL=700,
#'   weather, sdate=100, ldate=250)
    # Initialize variables
    # 3 states variables, as 3 vectors initialized to NA
    # TT : temperature sum (degreeC.day)
    # B : Biomass (g/m2)
    # LAI : Leaf Area Index (m2 leaf/m2 soil)
    # Initialize state variables when sowing on day "sdate"   
    TT[sdate]<- 0
    B[sdate]<- 1
    LAI[sdate]<- 0.01
    # Simulation loop
    for (day in sdate:(ldate-1))
        # Calculate rates of change of state variables (dTT, dB, dLAI)
        dTT <- max((weather$Tmin[day]+weather$Tmax[day])/2-Tbase, 0) 
        if (TT[day]<=TTM) {dB <- RUE*(1-exp(-K*LAI[day]))*weather$I[day]}
        else {dB <- 0}
        if (TT[day]<=TTL) {dLAI <- alpha*dTT*LAI[day]*max(LAImax-LAI[day],0)}
        else {dLAI <-0 }
        # Update state variables 
        TT[day+1]<- TT[day] + dTT 
        B[day+1]<- B[day] + dB
        LAI[day+1]<- LAI[day] + dLAI   
        # End simulation loop
#' @title The basic Maize model for use with maize.simule
#' @description Wrapper pour maize.model
#' @param param : a vector of parameters
#' @param weather : weather data.frame for one single year
#' @param sdate : sowing date
#' @param ldate : last date
#' @return data.frame with daily TT, LAI,B
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' weather = maize.weather(working.year=2010, working.site=30,weather_all=weather_EuropeEU)
#' maize.model2(maize.define.param()["nominal",], weather, sdate=100, ldate=250)
maize.model2<-function(param, weather,sdate,ldate)
  # 7 Parameter values of the model, read from the param vector
  Tbase <- param["Tbase"]
  RUE <- param["RUE"]
  K <- param["K"]
  alpha <- param["alpha"]
  LAImax <- param["LAImax"]
  TTM <- param["TTM"]
  TTL <- param["TTL"]
  # use maize.model function to run the model
  return(maize.model(Tbase, RUE, K, alpha, LAImax, TTM, TTL, weather, sdate, ldate))
#' @title Define values of the parameters for the Maize model
#' @description Define parameters values
#' @return matrix with parameter values (nominal, binf, bsup)
#' @export
maize.define.param <- function()
# nominal, binf, bsup
# Tbase  : the baseline temperature for growth (degreeC)
Tbase <- c(7, 6, 8)
# RUE : radiation use efficiency (g.MJ-1)
RUE <- c(1.85,1.5,2.5)
# K : extinction coefficient (-)
K <- c(0.7,0.6,0.8)
#alpha : the relative rate of leaf area index increase for small values of leaf area index ((degreeC.day)-1)
alpha <- c(0.00243,0.002,0.003)
#LAImax : maximum leaf area index (m2 leaf/m2 soil)
LAImax <- c(7.0,6.0,8.0)
#TTM :  temperature sum for crop maturity (degreeC.day)
TTM <- c(1200,1100,1400)
#TTL : temperature sum at the end of leaf area increase (degreeC.day)
TTL <- c(700,600,850)
param<-data.frame(Tbase,RUE,K, alpha, LAImax, TTM, TTL)
#' @title Wrapper function to run Maize model for multiple sets of parameter values
#' @description wrapper for maize.model2
#' @param X : matrix of n row vectors of 7 parameters
#' @param weather : weather data.frame for one single year
#' @param sdate : sowing date
#' @param ldate : last date
#' @param all : if you want a matrix combining X and output (default = FALSE)
#' @return matrix with maximum biomass for each parameter vector
#' @export
maize.simule <- function(X, weather, sdate, ldate, all=FALSE){
# output : maximum biomass only
Y <- apply(X,1,function(v) max(maize.model2(v[1:7],weather, sdate, ldate)$B, na.rm=TRUE))
if(all) Y = cbind(X,B = Y)
#' @title Wrapping function to run maize model on several site-years
#' @description Wrapping function to run maize model on several site-years
#' @param param : a vector of parameters
#' @param list_site_year : vector of site-year
#' @param sdate : sowing date
#' @param ldate : last date
#' @param weather_all : weather data.frame for corresponding site-years
#' @return a data.frame with simulation for all site-years, with the first column sy indicating the site-years
#' @export
maize.multisy<-function(param, list_site_year, sdate,ldate, weather_all=weather_EuropeEU){
  sim <- data.frame()
  for(sy in list_site_year){
    weather = maize.weather(working.year=strsplit(sy,"-")[[1]][2], working.site=strsplit(sy,"-")[[1]][1],weather_all=weather_all)
    result <- maize.model2(param, weather, sdate, ldate)
    result <- cbind(sy,result)
    sim <- rbind(sim, result)
#' @title Wrapper function to run Maize model multiple times for multiple sets of parameter values and give Biomass at day240
#' @description Wrapper function for multiple simulation with Maize model
#' @param X : matrix of n row vectors of 7 parameters
#' @param weather : weather data.frame for one single year
#' @param sdate : sowing date
#' @param ldate : last date
#' @param all : if you want a matrix combining X and output (default = FALSE)
#' @return a matrix of biomass at day=240 for all combinations of parameters of X
#' @export
#' @examples sy="18-2006"
#' weather = maize.weather(working.year=strsplit(sy,"-")[[1]][2],
#'   working.site=strsplit(sy,"-")[[1]][1],weather_all=weather_EuropeEU)
#' maize.simule240(maize.define.param(),weather, sdate=100, ldate=250, all=FALSE)
maize.simule240<-function(X, weather, sdate, ldate, all=FALSE){
Y <- apply(X,1,function(v) maize.model2(v[1:7],weather, sdate, ldate)[240-sdate+1,"B"])
if(all) Y = cbind(X,B = Y)
#' @title Wrapper function to run Maize model for multiple sets of input variables (site-year) and give Biomass at day240.
#' @description Wrapper function to run Maize model for multiple sets of input variables (site-year) and give Biomass at day240.
#' @param param : a vector of parameters
#' @param liste_sy : vector of site-year
#' @param sdate : sowing date
#' @param ldate : last date
#' @param weather_all : weather data table used
#' @return mean biomass at day=240
#' @export
#' @examples maize.multisy240(maize.define.param()["nominal",],c("18-2006","64-2004") , sdate=100, ldate=250)
maize.multisy240<-function(param,liste_sy, sdate, ldate, weather_all=weather_EuropeEU){
Y <- sapply(liste_sy,function(sy) maize.model2(param,maize.weather(working.year=strsplit(sy,"-")[[1]][2], working.site=strsplit(sy,"-")[[1]][1],weather_all=weather_all),sdate,ldate)[240-sdate+1,"B"])
#' @title Wrapper function to run Maize model for multiple sets of parameter values (virtual design) and multiple sets of input variables (site-year) and give Biomass at day240
#' @description Wrapper function to run Maize model for multiple sets of input variables (site-year) and give Biomass at day240.
#' @param X : matrix of n row vectors of 7 parameters
#' @param liste_sy : vector of site-year
#' @param sdate : sowing date
#' @param ldate : last date
#' @param all : if you want a matrix combining X and output (default = FALSE)
#' @return a matrix of mean biomass at day=240 for all combinations of parameters of X
#' @export
#' @examples maize.simule_multisy240(maize.define.param(),c("18-2006","64-2004"),
#'   sdate=100, ldate=250, all=FALSE)
maize.simule_multisy240<-function(X,liste_sy, sdate, ldate, all=FALSE){
Y <- apply(X,1,function(v) maize.multisy240(v[1:7],liste_sy, sdate, ldate))
if(all) Y = cbind(X,B = Y)
#' @title The Maize model with additional state variable CumInt
#' @description Variant of the maize model
#' @param Tbase :	parameter the baseline temperature for growth (degreeCelsius)
#' @param TTM	:	parameter temperature sum for crop maturity (degreeC.day)
#' @param TTL	:	parameter temperature sum at the end of leaf area increase (degreeC.day)
#' @param K : parameter extinction coefficient (relation between leaf area index and intercepted radiation) (-)
#' @param RUE : parameter radiation use efficiency (?)
#' @param alpha : parameter the relative rate of leaf area index increase for small values of leaf area index (?)
#' @param LAImax : parameter maximum leaf area index (-)
#' @param  weather : weather data.frame for one single year
#' @param sdate : sowing date
#' @param ldate : last date
#' @return data.frame with daily TT, LAI,B
#' @export
    # Initialize variables
    # 3 states variables, as 3 vectors initialized to NA
    # TT : temperature sum (degreeC.d)
    # B : Biomass (g/m2)
    # LAI : Leaf Area Index (m2 leaf/m2 soil)
    # CumInt LAI : Cumulative intercepted radiation

    # Initialize state variables when sowing on day "sdate"   
    TT[sdate]<- 0
    B[sdate]<- 1
    LAI[sdate]<- 0.01
    CumInt[sdate] = 0.0

    # Simulation loop
    for (day in sdate:(ldate-1))
        # Calculate rates of change of state variables (dTT, dB, dLAI)
        dTT <- max((weather$Tmin[day]+weather$Tmax[day])/2-Tbase, 0) 
        if (TT[day]<=TTM) {dB <- RUE*(1-exp(-K*LAI[day]))*weather$I[day]}
        else {dB <- 0}
        if (TT[day]<=TTL) {dLAI <- alpha*dTT*LAI[day]*max(LAImax-LAI[day],0)}
        else {dLAI <-0 }
        # Update state variables 
        TT[day+1]<- TT[day] + dTT 
        B[day+1]<- B[day] + dB
        LAI[day+1]<- LAI[day] + dLAI   
		CumInt[day+1] = CumInt[day] + weather$I[day]*(1 - exp(- K * LAI[day]))
        # End simulation loop

#' @title Calculate effect of temperature on RUE for Maize
#' @description Function to compute effect of temperature on RUE 
#' @param T : temperature
#' @param RUE_max : maximum value for RUE
#' @param T0 : temperature parameter
#' @param T1 : temperature parameter
#' @param T2 : temperature parameter
#' @param T3 : temperature parameter
#' @return RUE value
#' @export
maize.RUEtemp <- function(T, RUE_max,T0,T1,T2,T3)
	RUE = ((T>=T0)*(T<T1))* RUE_max*(T-T0)/(T1-T0) + ((T>=T1)*(T<T2))*RUE_max + ((T>=T2)*(T<T3))*RUE_max*(T3-T)/(T3-T2)
#' @title The Maize model with temperature dependent RUE and CumInt
#' @description Variant of the maize.model
#' @param Tbase :	parameter the baseline temperature for growth (degreeCelsius)
#' @param TTM	:	parameter temperature sum for crop maturity (degreeC.day)
#' @param TTL	:	parameter temperature sum at the end of leaf area increase (degreeC.day)
#' @param K : parameter extinction coefficient (relation between leaf area index and intercepted radiation) (-)
#' @param RUE_max : parameter maximum radiation use efficiency (?)
#' @param alpha : parameter the relative rate of leaf area index increase for small values of leaf area index (?)
#' @param LAImax : parameter maximum leaf area index (-)
#' @param weather : weather data.frame for one single year
#' @param sdate : sowing date
#' @param ldate : last date
#' @return data.frame with daily TT, LAI,B
#' @export
    # Initialize variables
    # 3 states variables, as 3 vectors initialized to NA
    # TT : temperature sum (degreeC.d)
    # B : Biomass (g/m2)
    # LAI : Leaf Area Index (m2 leaf/m2 soil)
    # CumInt LAI : Cumulative intercepted radiation
    # Initialize state variables when sowing on day "sdate"   
    TT[sdate]<- 0
    B[sdate]<- 1
    LAI[sdate]<- 0.01
    CumInt[sdate] = 0.0
    # Simulation loop
    for (day in sdate:(ldate-1))
        # Calculate rates of change of state variables (dTT, dB, dLAI)
        dTT <- max((weather$Tmin[day]+weather$Tmax[day])/2-Tbase, 0) 
		tday = (weather$Tmin[day]+weather$Tmax[day])/2
        if (TT[day]<=TTM) {dB <- maize.RUEtemp(tday,RUE_max,6.2,16.5,33,44)*(1-exp(-K*LAI[day]))*weather$I[day]}
        else {dB <- 0}
        if (TT[day]<=TTL) {dLAI <- alpha*dTT*LAI[day]*max(LAImax-LAI[day],0)}
        else {dLAI <-0 }
        # Update state variables 
        TT[day+1]<- TT[day] + dTT 
        B[day+1]<- B[day] + dB
        LAI[day+1]<- LAI[day] + dLAI   
		CumInt[day+1] = CumInt[day] + weather$I[day]*(1 - exp(- K * LAI[day]))
        # End simulation loop

#' @title The Maize model with temperature dependent RUE, CumInt and ear growth
#' @description Variant of the maize.model
#' @param Tbase :	parameter the baseline temperature for growth (degreeCelsius)
#' @param TTM	:	parameter temperature sum for crop maturity (degreeC.day)
#' @param TTL	:	parameter temperature sum at the end of leaf area increase (degreeC.day)
#' @param K : parameter extinction coefficient (relation between leaf area index and intercepted radiation) (-)
#' @param RUE_max : parameter maximum radiation use efficiency (?)
#' @param alpha : parameter the relative rate of leaf area index increase for small values of leaf area index (?)
#' @param LAImax : parameter maximum leaf area index (-)
#' @param  weather : weather data.frame for one single year
#' @param sdate : sowing date
#' @param ldate : last date
#' @return data.frame with daily TT, LAI,B
#' @export
    # Initialize variables
    # 3 states variables, as 3 vectors initialized to NA
    # TT : temperature sum (degreeC.d)
    # B : Biomass (g/m2)
    # LAI : Leaf Area Index (m2 leaf/m2 soil)
    # CumInt  Cumulative intercepted radiation
	 # BE:  Biomass of ear

    # Initialize state variables when sowing on day "sdate"
    TT[sdate]<- 0
    B[sdate]<- 1
    LAI[sdate]<- 0.01
    CumInt[sdate] = 0.0
	BE[sdate] = 0.0

    # Simulation loop
    for (day in sdate:(ldate-1))
        # Calculate rates of change of state variables (dTT, dB, dLAI)
        dTT <- max((weather$Tmin[day]+weather$Tmax[day])/2-Tbase, 0) 
		tday = (weather$Tmin[day]+weather$Tmax[day])/2
        if (TT[day]<=TTM) {dB <- maize.RUEtemp(tday,RUE_max,6.2,16.5,33,44)*(1-exp(-K*LAI[day]))*weather$I[day]}
        else {dB <- 0}

        if (TT[day]<=TTL) {dLAI <- alpha*dTT*LAI[day]*max(LAImax-LAI[day],0)}
        else {dLAI <-0 }

	    if (TT[day]> TTL) {dBE <- dB}
		else dBE <-0			
        # Update state variables 
        TT[day+1]<- TT[day] + dTT 
        B[day+1]<- B[day] + dB
        LAI[day+1]<- LAI[day] + dLAI   
		CumInt[day+1] = CumInt[day] + weather$I[day]*(1 - exp(- K * LAI[day]))
		BE[day+1] <- BE[day] + dBE
        # End simulation loop

#' @title Read weather data for the Maize model
#' @description Function to read weather data and format them for maize.model
#' @param working.year : year for the subset of weather data (default=NA : all the year)
#' @param working.site : site for the subset of weather data (default=NA : all the site)
#' @param weather_all : weather data base (default=weather_FranceWest)
#' @return data.frame with daily weather data for one or several site(s) and for one or several year(s)
#' @export
# Reading Weather data function
maize.weather <- function(working.year=NA, working.site=NA,weather_all=weather_FranceWest)
    # WEYR => year
    # WEDAY => day
    # SRAD => I, solar radiation (MJ)
    # TMAX => Tmax, maximum temperature (degreeC)
    # TMIN => Tmin, minimum temperature (degreeC)
    # select only useful header
    names(weather)[names(weather)=="WEDAY"]= "day"
    names(weather)[names(weather)=="WEYR"]= "year"
    names(weather)[names(weather)=="SRAD"]= "I"
    names(weather)[names(weather)=="TMAX"]= "Tmax"
    names(weather)[names(weather)=="TMIN"]= "Tmin"
    # if argument working.year/working.site is specified, work on one particular year/site
    if (!is.na(working.year)&!is.na(working.site)) {weather=weather[(weather$year==working.year)&(weather$idsite==working.site),] }
      if (!is.na(working.year)) {weather=weather[(weather$year==working.year),]}
      if (!is.na(working.site)) {weather=weather[(weather$idsite==working.site),]}}
    return (weather)
# End of file

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