Man pages for adamethods
Archetypoid Algorithms and Anomaly Detection

adalaraMultivariate parallel archetypoid algorithm for large...
adalara_no_paralMultivariate non-parallel archetypoid algorithm for large...
archetypoids_functArchetypoid algorithm with the functional Frobenius norm
archetypoids_funct_multivArchetypoid algorithm with the functional multivariate...
archetypoids_funct_multiv_robustArchetypoid algorithm with the functional multivariate robust...
archetypoids_funct_robustArchetypoid algorithm with the functional robust Frobenius...
archetypoids_norm_frobArchetypoid algorithm with the Frobenius norm
archetypoids_robustArchetypoid algorithm with the robust Frobenius norm
bisquare_functionBisquare function
do_adaRun the whole classical archetypoid analysis with the...
do_ada_robustRun the whole robust archetypoid analysis with the robust...
do_alphas_rssAlphas and RSS of every set of archetypoids
do_alphas_rss_multivAlphas and RSS of every set of multivariate archetypoids
do_cleanCleaning outliers
do_clean_multivCleaning multivariate functional outliers
do_fadaRun the whole functional archetypoid analysis with the...
do_fada_multivRun the whole archetypoid analysis with the functional...
do_fada_multiv_robustRun the whole archetypoid analysis with the functional...
do_fada_robustRun the whole archetypoid analysis with the functional robust...
do_knnokNN for outlier detection
do_outl_degreeDegree of outlierness
fadalaraFunctional parallel archetypoid algorithm for large...
fadalara_no_paralFunctional non-parallel archetypoid algorithm for large...
frame_in_rCompute archetypes frame
frobenius_normFrobenius norm
frobenius_norm_functFunctional Frobenius norm
frobenius_norm_funct_multivFunctional multivariate Frobenius norm
frobenius_norm_funct_multiv_robustFunctional multivariate robust Frobenius norm
frobenius_norm_funct_robustFunctional robust Frobenius norm
frobenius_norm_robustRobust Frobenius norm
int_prod_matInterior product between matrices
int_prod_mat_functInterior product between matrices for FDA
int_prod_mat_sqSquared interior product between matrices
int_prod_mat_sq_functSquared interior product between matrices for FDA
outl_tolerTolerance outliers
stepArchetypesRawData_functArchetype algorithm to raw data with the functional Frobenius...
stepArchetypesRawData_funct_multivArchetype algorithm to raw data with the functional...
stepArchetypesRawData_funct_multiv_robustArchetype algorithm to raw data with the functional...
stepArchetypesRawData_funct_robustArchetype algorithm to raw data with the functional robust...
stepArchetypesRawData_norm_frobArchetype algorithm to raw data with the Frobenius norm
stepArchetypesRawData_robustArchetype algorithm to raw data with the robust Frobenius...
adamethods documentation built on Aug. 4, 2020, 5:08 p.m.