
addbin <- function(y, x, start = NULL, control = list(), allref,
                   model = TRUE, method, accelerate, control.method)
  control <- do.call("addreg.control", control)
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  xnames <- dimnames(x)[[2L]]
  nvars <- ncol(x)
  nobs <- NROW(y)
  n <- weights <- rep(1, nobs)
  bin.id.link <- make.link("identity")
  fam <- binomial(link = bin.id.link)
  y1 <- round(n*y)
  y2 <- round(n*(1-y))
  Y <- c(y1, y2)
  N <- c(n, n)
  j <- factor(c(rep(1, nobs), rep(2, nobs)))
  if (!is.null(start)) {
    start.int <- start[1]
    start.other <- start[-1]
  } else start.int <- start.other <- NULL
  if(nvars == 1) {
    X <- data.frame(j)
    names(X) <- "j"
    mono <- FALSE
  } else {
    x.noint <- x[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    x.min <- apply(x.noint, 2, min)
    x.max <- apply(x.noint, 2, max)
    x.res <- sweep(sweep(2*x.noint, MARGIN=2,(x.min + x.max),FUN="-"),
                   MARGIN=2,(x.max - x.min), FUN="/")
    if (!is.null(start)) {
      start.int <- start.int + sum(start.other * (x.min + x.max) / 2)
      start.other <- start.other * (x.max - x.min) / 2
    X <- data.frame(j, rbind(x.res, -x.res), row.names = NULL)
    xnames.temp <- paste("x", seq_len(nvars-1L), sep = "")
    names(X) <- c("j", xnames.temp)
    mono <- FALSE
    termlist <- attr(allref$terms, "term.labels")
    for(term in termlist) {
      if (attr(allref$allref[[term]],"type") == 1) mono <- c(mono, allref$monotonic[term])
      else if (attr(allref$allref[[term]], "type") %in% 2:3) {
        nlev <- nlevels(factor(allref$data[[term]])) - 1
        mono <- c(mono, rep(TRUE, nlev))
      } else {
        nlev <- 2^nlevels(factor(allref$data[[term]])) - 2
        mono <- c(mono, rep(TRUE, nlev))

  data.new <- data.frame(Y, N, X)
  if (!is.null(start))
    start.new <- c(start.int, 1 - 2*start.int, start.other)
  else start.new <- NULL

  formula.addpois <- as.formula(paste("Y ~",paste(names(X),collapse=" + ")))
  model.addpois <- addreg(formula.addpois, mono = unname(mono), family = poisson, 
                          data = data.new, standard = N, start = start.new, 
                          control = control, method = method, accelerate = accelerate,
                          control.method = control.method, warn = FALSE, model = model)
  if(nvars == 1) {
    coefs <- model.addpois$coefficients[1]
  } else {
    coefs.int <- model.addpois$coefficients[1]
    coefs.other <- model.addpois$coefficients[-(1:2)]
    coefs <- c(coefs.int - sum(coefs.other * (x.min + x.max) / (x.max - x.min)),
               2 * coefs.other / (x.max - x.min))
  names(coefs) <- xnames
  loglik.adj <- sum(lgamma(n+1)) + sum(n*(1-log(n)))
  loglik.bin <- model.addpois$loglik + loglik.adj
  aic.bin <- model.addpois$aic - 2*(1+loglik.adj)
  aic.c.bin <- aic.bin + 2 * nvars * (nvars + 1)/(nobs - nvars - 1)
  wtdmu <- sum(y1) / sum(n)
  nulldev <- sum(fam$dev.resids(y1/n, wtdmu, n))
  nulldf <- nobs - 1
  resdf <- nobs - nvars
  list(coefficients = coefs, residuals = model.addpois$residuals[1:nobs],
       fitted.values = model.addpois$fitted.values[1:nobs] / n, 
       rank = model.addpois$rank - 1, family = fam, 
       linear.predictors = model.addpois$linear.predictors[1:nobs],
       deviance = model.addpois$deviance, aic = aic.bin, aic.c = aic.c.bin, 
       null.deviance = nulldev, iter = model.addpois$iter[1], weights = weights,
       prior.weights = n, df.residual = resdf, df.null = nulldf,
       y = y, converged = model.addpois$converged, boundary = model.addpois$boundary,
       loglik = loglik.bin, model.addpois = model.addpois)

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addreg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:38 a.m.