# Function makefreq
#' Compute allelic frequencies
#' The function \code{makefreq} is a generic to compute allele frequencies.
#' These can be derived for \linkS4class{genind} or \linkS4class{genpop} objects.
#' In the case of \linkS4class{genind} objects, data are kept at the individual level, but standardised so that allele frequencies sum up to 1.
#' There are 3 treatments for missing values: \cr - NA: kept as NA.\cr - 0:
#' missing values are considered as zero. Recommended for a PCA on
#' compositionnal data.\cr - "mean": missing values are given the mean
#' frequency of the corresponding allele. Recommended for a centred PCA.
#' Note that this function is now a simple wrapper for the accessor \code{\link{tab}}.
#' @param x a \linkS4class{genind} or \linkS4class{genpop} object.
#' @param quiet logical stating whether a conversion message must be printed
#' (TRUE,default) or not (FALSE).
#' @param missing treatment for missing values. Can be NA, 0 or "mean" (see
#' details)
#' @param truenames deprecated; there for backward compatibility
#' @param ... further arguments (curently unused)
#' @return Returns a list with the following components: \item{tab}{matrix of
#' allelic frequencies (rows: populations; columns: alleles).}
#' \item{nobs}{number of observations (i.e. alleles) for each population x
#' locus combinaison.} \item{call}{the matched call}
#' @author Thibaut Jombart \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{genpop}}
#' @keywords manip multivariate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(microbov)
#' obj1 <- microbov
#' obj2 <- genind2genpop(obj1)
#' # perform a correspondance analysis on counts data
#' Xcount <- tab(obj2, NA.method="zero")
#' ca1 <- dudi.coa(Xcount,scannf=FALSE)
#' s.label(ca1$li,sub="Correspondance Analysis",csub=1.2)
#' add.scatter.eig(ca1$eig,nf=2,xax=1,yax=2,posi="topleft")
#' # perform a principal component analysis on frequency data
#' Xfreq <- makefreq(obj2, missing="mean")
#' Xfreq <- tab(obj2, NA.method="mean") # equivalent to line above
#' pca1 <- dudi.pca(Xfreq,scale=FALSE,scannf=FALSE)
#' s.label(pca1$li,sub="Principal Component Analysis",csub=1.2)
#' add.scatter.eig(pca1$eig,nf=2,xax=1,yax=2,posi="top")
#' }
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname makefreq
setGeneric("makefreq", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("makefreq"))
#' @export
#' @rdname makefreq
#' @aliases makefreq,genind-methods
#' @aliases makefreq.genind
setMethod ("makefreq", signature(x="genind"), function(x, quiet=FALSE, missing=NA, truenames=TRUE, ...){
if(!quiet) cat("\n Finding allelic frequencies from a genpop object... \n")
## treat 'missing' argument for compatibility with 'tab
## NA -> "asis"
## 0 -> "zero"
## "mean" -> "mean"
if( {
NA.method <- "asis"
} else if(is.numeric(missing) && missing==0){
NA.method <- "zero"
} else {
NA.method <- "mean"
out <- tab(x, freq=TRUE, NA.method=NA.method)
if(!quiet) cat("\n...done.\n\n")
}) #end makefreq for genind
## genpop method
#' @export
#' @rdname makefreq
#' @aliases makefreq,genpop-methods
#' @aliases makefreq.genpop
setMethod ("makefreq", signature(x="genpop"), function(x, quiet=FALSE, missing=NA, truenames=TRUE, ...){
if(!quiet) cat("\n Finding allelic frequencies from a genpop object... \n")
## treat 'missing' argument for compatibility with 'tab
## NA -> "asis"
## 0 -> "zero"
## "mean" -> "mean"
if( {
NA.method <- "asis"
} else if(is.numeric(missing) && missing==0){
NA.method <- "zero"
} else {
NA.method <- "mean"
out <- tab(x, freq=TRUE, NA.method=NA.method)
if(!quiet) cat("\n...done.\n\n")
}) #end makefreq for genpop
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