
Defines functions get_corr_time_cont strat_cont_to_multiadm

Documented in strat_cont_to_multiadm

strat_cont_to_multiadm = function(h_tp, t_tp, strat_cont_gen, time_cont_gen, h, no_of_rep = 100L, 
                                  subdivisions = 100L, stop.on.error = TRUE,
                                  T_unit = NULL, L_unit = NULL){
  #' @title estimate age-depth model from tracer
  #' @description
    #' Estimates age-depth models by comparing observed tracer values in a section with assumptions on tracer flux in time. See `vignette("adm_from_trace_cont")` for a full example.
  #' @param h_tp function, returning tie point heights
  #' @param t_tp function, returning tie points times
  #' @param strat_cont_gen function, describing tracer data observed in the section
  #' @param time_cont_gen function, describing tracer changes in time
  #' @param h numeric vector, heights where the age depth model is described
  #' @param no_of_rep integer, number of age depth models generated 
  #' @param subdivisions integer, max no. of subintervals used by integration procedure. passed to _integrate_, see ?stats::integrate for details
  #' @param stop.on.error logical passed to _integrate_, see ?stats::integrate for details
  #' @param T_unit NULL or character, time unit 
  #' @param L_unit NULL or character, length unit
  #' @returns Object of class multiadm
  #' @examples
    #' \dontrun{
    #' # see this vignette for an example
    #' vignette("adm_from_trace_cont")
    #' }
  #' @export
  ## check inputs
  t_rel = t_tp()
  h_rel = h_tp()
  if(is.unsorted(h_rel, strictly = TRUE)){
    stop("Expected strictly increasing stratigraphic positions of tie points")
  if(is.unsorted(t_rel, strictly = TRUE)){
    stop("Expected strictly increasing times of tie points")
  if(length(t_rel) != length(h_rel)){
    stop("Uneven number of tie points in time and height")
  if (length(t_rel) < 1){
    stop("Need at least one tie point")
  ## initialize storage
  h_list = vector(mode = "list", length = no_of_rep)
  t_list = vector(mode = "list", length = no_of_rep)
  destr_list = vector(mode = "list", length = no_of_rep)
  if (length(t_tp()) == 1){
    timescale = 10^3
  } else {
    timescale = 10* diff(range(t_tp()))
  for (i in seq_len(no_of_rep)){
    # sample stratigraphic & time contents, and tie points
    strat_cont_sample = strat_cont_gen()
    time_cont_sample = time_cont_gen()
    h_tp_sample  = c(-Inf, h_tp(), Inf) # draw sample and pad
    t_tp_sample = c( - Inf, t_tp(), Inf ) # draw sample and pad
    no_of_intervals = length(diff(h_tp_sample))
    h_temp = c()
    t_temp = c()
    for (int_no in seq_len(no_of_intervals)){
      h_lower = h_tp_sample[int_no]
      h_upper = h_tp_sample[int_no + 1]
      t_lower = t_tp_sample[int_no]
      t_upper = t_tp_sample[int_no + 1]
      h_relevant = h[h> h_lower & h <= h_upper]
      if (length(h_relevant) == 0){
      rescale = TRUE
      is_unbounded_interval = is.infinite(h_upper - h_lower)
      if (is_unbounded_interval){
        m1 = stats::integrate(strat_cont_sample,
                              lower = h_lower,
                              upper = h_upper,
                              subdivisions = subdivisions,
                              stop.on.error = FALSE)$message
        m2 = stats::integrate(time_cont_sample,
                               lower = t_lower,
                               upper = t_upper,
                               subdivisions = subdivisions,
                               stop.on.error = FALSE)$message
        if (m1 =="the integral is probably divergent" & m2 == "the integral is probably divergent"){
          rescale = FALSE
      time_cont_sample_corr = get_corr_time_cont(strat_cont = strat_cont_sample,
                                                 time_cont = time_cont_sample, 
                                                 h_lower = h_lower,
                                                 h_upper = h_upper,
                                                 t_lower = t_lower, 
                                                 t_upper = t_upper,
                                                 subdivisions = subdivisions,
                                                 stop.on.error = stop.on.error,
                                                 rescale = rescale)

      t_out = rep(NA, length(h_relevant))
      reverse_direction = is.infinite(t_lower)
      if (reverse_direction){
        integrated_time_cont = function(t) stats::integrate(f = time_cont_sample_corr,
                                                            lower = t,
                                                            upper = t_upper,
                                                            subdivisions = subdivisions,
                                                            stop.on.error = stop.on.error)$val
        for (j in seq_along(h_relevant)){
            strat_cont_at_hi = stats::integrate(f = strat_cont_sample,
                                                lower = h_relevant[j],
                                                upper = h_upper,
                                                subdivisions = subdivisions,
                                                stop.on.error = stop.on.error)$val

          f = function(t) integrated_time_cont(t) - strat_cont_at_hi
          if (is.infinite(t_lower)){
            t_lower_search = t_upper - timescale
          } else {
            t_lower_search = t_lower
          if (is.infinite(t_upper)){
            t_upper_search = t_lower + timescale
          } else{
            t_upper_search = t_upper
            t_out[j] =  stats::uniroot(f = f, 
                                       interval = c(t_lower_search, t_upper_search), 
                                       extendInt = "yes")$root
      if (!reverse_direction){
        integrated_time_cont = function(t) sapply(t, function(x) stats::integrate(f = time_cont_sample_corr,
                                                                                  lower = t_lower,
                                                                                  upper = x,
                                                                                  subdivisions = subdivisions,
                                                                                  stop.on.error = stop.on.error)$val)
        for (j in seq_along(h_relevant)){
            strat_cont_at_hi = stats::integrate(f = strat_cont_sample,
                                                lower = h_lower,
                                                upper = h_relevant[j],
                                                subdivisions = subdivisions,
                                                stop.on.error = stop.on.error)$val

          f = function(t) integrated_time_cont(t) - strat_cont_at_hi
          if (is.infinite(t_lower)){
            t_lower_search = t_upper - timescale
          } else {
            t_lower_search = t_lower
          if (is.infinite(t_upper)){
            t_upper_search = t_lower + timescale
          } else{
            t_upper_search = t_upper
            t_out[j] =  stats::uniroot(f = f, 
                                       interval = c(t_lower_search, t_upper_search), 
                                       extendInt = "yes")$root

      h_temp = c(h_temp, h_relevant)
      t_temp = c(t_temp, t_out)
    h_list[[i]] = h_temp
    t_list[[i]] = t_temp
    destr_list[[i]] = rep(FALSE, length(h))
  multiadm = list(t = t_list,
                  h = h_list,
                  destr = destr_list,
                  T_unit = T_unit,
                  L_unit = L_unit,
                  no_of_entries = length(t_list))
  class(multiadm) = "multiadm"

get_corr_time_cont = function(strat_cont, time_cont, h_lower, h_upper, t_lower, t_upper, subdivisions, stop.on.error, rescale){
  #' @keywords internal
  #' @noRd
  #' @title get corrected time content
  #' @description
    #' normalizes proxy contents to match empirical observations
  #' @param strat_cont function, proxy cont in strat domain
  #' @param time_cont function, proxy cont in time domain
  #' @param h_lower lower strat limit
  #' @param h_upper upper strat limit
  #' @param t_lower lower time limit
  #' @param t_upper upper time limit
  #' @param subdivisions maximum no of subintervals used in numeric integration. passed to _integrate_, see ?stats::integrate for details
  #' @param stop.on.error logical passed to _integrate_, see ?stats::integrate for details
  #' @param rescale logical, should the function be rescaled
  #' @returns function, normalized proxy content in time domain
  corr_factor = 1
  if (rescale){
    strat_cont_total = stats::integrate(f = strat_cont,
                                        lower = h_lower,
                                        upper = h_upper,
                                        subdivisions = subdivisions,
                                        stop.on.error = stop.on.error)$value
    time_cont_total = stats::integrate(f = time_cont,
                                       lower = t_lower,
                                       upper = t_upper,
                                       subdivisions = subdivisions,
                                       stop.on.error = stop.on.error)$value
    corr_factor = strat_cont_total / time_cont_total
  time_cont_sample_corr = function(x) time_cont(x) * corr_factor

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admtools documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 1:09 a.m.