
Defines functions optimize_theta

Documented in optimize_theta

### Optimization ###
# This script contains a function for optimizing
# the un-normalized posterior. The mode and curvature
# are required for AGHQ.

#' Obtain function information necessary for performing quadrature
#' This function computes the two pieces of information needed about
#' the log posterior to do adaptive quadrature: the mode, and the hessian at the mode.
#' It is designed for use within \code{aghq::aghq}, but is exported in case users
#' need to debug the optimization process and documented in case users want to
#' write their own optimizations.
#' @param ff A list with three elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{fn}}{: function taking argument \code{theta} and returning a numeric
#' value representing the log-posterior at \code{theta}}
#' \item{\code{gr}}{: function taking argument \code{theta} and returning a numeric
#' vector representing the gradient of the log-posterior at \code{theta}}
#' \item{\code{he}}{: function taking argument \code{theta} and returning a numeric
#' matrix representing the hessian of the log-posterior at \code{theta}}
#' }
#' The user may wish to use \code{numDeriv::grad} and/or \code{numDeriv::hessian} to
#' obtain these. Alternatively, the user may consider the \code{TMB} package. This
#' list is deliberately formatted to match the output of \code{TMB::MakeADFun}.
#' @param startingvalue Value to start the optimization. \code{ff$fn(startingvalue)},
#' \code{ff$gr(startingvalue)}, and \code{ff$he(startingvalue)} must all return
#' appropriate values without error.
#' @param control A list with elements
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{method}: }{optimization method to use:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{'sparse_trust' (default): }{\code{trustOptim::trust.optim} with \code{method = 'sparse'}}
#' \item{'SR1' (default): }{\code{trustOptim::trust.optim} with \code{method = 'SR1'}}
#' \item{'trust': }{\code{trust::trust}}
#' \item{'BFGS': }{\code{optim(...,method = "BFGS")}}
#' }
#' Default is 'sparse_trust'.
#' }
#' \item{\code{optcontrol}: }{optional: a list of control parameters to pass to the
#' internal optimizer you chose. The \code{aghq} package uses sensible defaults.}
#' }
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to \code{ff$fn}, \code{ff$gr}, and \code{ff$he}.
#' @return A list with elements
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{ff}: }{the function list that was provided}
#' \item{\code{mode}: }{the mode of the log posterior}
#' \item{\code{hessian}: }{the hessian of the log posterior at the mode}
#' \item{\code{convergence}: }{specific to the optimizer used, a message indicating whether it converged}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Poisson/Exponential example
#' logfteta <- function(eta,y) {
#'   sum(y) * eta - (length(y) + 1) * exp(eta) - sum(lgamma(y+1)) + eta
#' }
#' y <- rpois(10,5) # Mode should be (sum(y) + 1) / (length(y) + 1)
#' objfunc <- function(x) logfteta(x,y)
#' funlist <- list(
#'   fn = objfunc,
#'   gr = function(x) numDeriv::grad(objfunc,x),
#'   he = function(x) numDeriv::hessian(objfunc,x)
#' )
#' optimize_theta(funlist,1.5)
#' optimize_theta(funlist,1.5,control = default_control(method = "trust"))
#' optimize_theta(funlist,1.5,control = default_control(method = "BFGS"))
#' @family quadrature
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @export
optimize_theta <- function(ff,startingvalue,control = default_control(),...) {
  ffa <- ff
  # Negate it if asked
  if (control$negate) {
    ffa$fn = function(theta) -1 * ff$fn(theta)
    ffa$gr = function(theta) -1 * ff$gr(theta)
    ffa$he = function(theta) -1 * ff$he(theta)
  # Confusing, this negation is separate from the above
  # This one is so that the optimization receives the negative logpost
  optfunc <- function(x,...) -1 * ffa$fn(x,...)
  optgrad <- function(x,...) as.numeric(-1 * ffa$gr(x,...))
  opthess <- function(x,...) as.matrix(-1 * ffa$he(x,...))

  # Add the numerically differentiated hessian for the user, if requested
  if (exists('numhessian',control)) {
    if (control$numhessian) {
      ffa$he <- function(theta) numDeriv::jacobian(ffa$gr,theta,method = 'Richardson')

  method <- control$method[1]
  # Check method and switch if package not installed
  if (method %in% c('sparse_trust','SR1')) {
    if (!requireNamespace("trustOptim", quietly = TRUE)) {
      method <- 'BFGS'
      warning("Methods c(sparse_trust,SR1) require the trustOptim package, but you do not have this package installed. Switching to method = BFGS")
  if (method == 'trust') {
    if (!requireNamespace("trust", quietly = TRUE)) {
      method <- 'BFGS'
      warning("Method = trust requires the trust package, but you do not have this package installed. Switching to method = BFGS")

  if (method == "sparse_trust") {
    if (!requireNamespace("trustOptim", quietly = TRUE)) stop("Method = sparse_trust requires the trustOptim package, but you do not have this package installed.")
    if (is.null(control$optcontrol)) control$optcontrol <- list(maxit = 1e03)
    opt <- trustOptim::trust.optim(
      x = startingvalue,
      fn = optfunc,
      gr = optgrad,
      hs = function(x) as(opthess(x,...),"dgCMatrix"),
      method = "Sparse",
      control = control$optcontrol,
    out <- list(
      ff = ffa,
      mode = opt$solution,
      hessian = opt$hessian,
      convergence = opt$status
  else if (method == "SR1") {
    if (!requireNamespace("trustOptim", quietly = TRUE)) stop("Method = SR1 requires the trustOptim package, but you do not have this package installed.")
    if (is.null(control$optcontrol)) control$optcontrol <- list(maxit = 1e03)
    opt <- trustOptim::trust.optim(
      x = startingvalue,
      fn = optfunc,
      gr = optgrad,
      method = "SR1",
      control = control$optcontrol,
    out <- list(
      ff = ffa,
      mode = opt$solution,
      hessian = as(opthess(opt$solution,...),"dgCMatrix"),
      convergence = opt$status
  else if (method == "trust") {
    if (!requireNamespace("trust", quietly = TRUE)) stop("Method = trust requires the trust package, but you do not have this package installed.")
    funlist <- function(x,...) {
        value = optfunc(x,...),
        gradient = optgrad(x,...),
        hessian = opthess(x,...)

    opt <- trust::trust(
      objfun = funlist,
      parinit = startingvalue,
      rinit = 1,
      rmax = 100,
    out <- list(
      ff = ffa,
      mode = opt$argument,
      hessian = opt$hessian,
      convergence = opt$converged
  else if (method == "BFGS") {
    if (is.null(control$optcontrol)) control$optcontrol <- list()
    opt <- optim(startingvalue,optfunc,optgrad,method = "BFGS",control = list(),...)
    out <- list(
      ff = ffa,
      mode = opt$par,
      hessian = opthess(opt$par,...),
      convergence = opt$convergence
  else {
    stop(paste0("Unknown optimization method: ",method))
  # Remove duplicate names in out$mode
  if (!is.null(names(out$mode))) names(out$mode) <- make.unique(names(out$mode),sep='')


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aghq documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:10 p.m.