Man pages for agricolaeplotr
Visualization of Design of Experiments from the 'agricolae' Package

DOE_objMeasures of a Field Design
plot_alphaPlot Alpha design Experiments
plot_bibPlot Randomized Balanced Incomplete Block Designs
plot_cyclicPlot Cyclic Design
plot_dauPlot Design of Augmented Blocks (dau)
plot_design_crdPlot Complete Randomized Design
plot_design.factorial_crdPlot Factorial Complete Randomized Designs (crd)
plot_design.factorial_lsdPlot Factorial Latin Square Designs (lsd)
plot_design.factorial_rcbdPlot Factorial Designs with rcbd Design
plot_fieldhubPlot FielDHub Design
plot_graecoPlot Graeco Latin Square Design
plot_latin_squarePlot Latin Square Design
plot_lattice_simplePlot Simple Lattice Design
plot_lattice_triplePlot Triple Lattice Design
plot_longest_diagonalPlot the longest diagonal of a field
plot_rcdbPlot randomized complete block designs
plot_split_crdPlot Split Plot Designs (crd)
plot_split_lsdPlot Split Plot Design lsd
plot_split_rcbdPlot Split Plot Designs with rcbd
plot_stripPlot Strip Design
plot_youdenPlot Youden Design
protective_layersCreate Protective Layers for Design of Experiments (DOEs)
sample_locationsSample Locations
summarysummary of a field Layout
test_input_extendTest if input for width and height is numeric
test_input_ncolschecks matrix column input
test_input_nrowschecks matrix rows input
test_input_reverseTest if input is a logical
test_input_shiftTest if input for shift parameter is numeric
test_name_in_columnTest if input column names
test_names_designTest of experimental design
test_stringTest if input is a string
theme_posterggplot2 theme for poster presentation
theme_presggplot2 theme for outdoor presentation
agricolaeplotr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5 a.m.