# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' lists the content of a given AIDA file.
#' This function lists the context of a given AIDA file. The AIDA file should have
#' been written out in "uncompressed" format which subsequently can be gzip compressed.
#' @param fileName name of the AIDA file
#' @keywords aida file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' histoFile = system.file("extdata", "histos.xml.gz", package="aidar")
#' info = getFileInfo(histoFile)
getFileInfo <- function(fileName) {
doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName, useInternalNodes=TRUE))
content = vector(mode="list", length=length( names(doc) )-1)
for (type in names(doc) ) {
if ( type != "implementation") {
aidaObj = doc[type] # getNodeSet(doc, paste("/aida/",type,"[@name]") )
if ( !is.null( aidaObj ) ) {
name = as.character( sapply( aidaObj, xmlGetAttr, "name") )
title = as.character( sapply( aidaObj, xmlGetAttr, "title") )
ann = getAnnotation(fileName, name)
if ( c("Entries") %in% ann$keys) {
entries = ann$values[ann$keys=="Entries"]
} else {
if ( type == "tuple") {
rows = getNodeSet(doc, paste("/aida/tuple[@name=\"",name,"\"]/rows/row", sep="") )
entries = length( rows )
} else {
entries = -1
content[[type]] = data.frame(name, title, entries, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} # ignore "implementation"
result = content
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' retrieves the annotation of a given AIDA object by it's name from the given file
#' @param fileName name of the AIDA file
#' @param objectName name of the AIDA object for which the annotation is to be found
#' @keywords aida annotation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' histoFile = system.file("extdata", "histos.xml.gz", package="aidar")
#' ann = getAnnotation(histoFile, '21')
getAnnotation <- function(fileName, objectName) {
doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName, useInternalNodes=TRUE))
# find the correct annotation (we need the type, so we loop over what we got)
for (hType in names(doc) ) { # allTypes ) {
if ( hType != "implementation") { # ... and ignore that one :)
ann = getNodeSet(doc, paste("/aida/",hType,"[@name=\"",objectName,"\"]/annotation/item", sep="") )
if ( !is.null(ann) ) { break } # found it ...
keys = as.character( sapply( ann, xmlGetAttr, "key" ) )
values = as.character( sapply( ann, xmlGetAttr, "value" ) )
result = data.frame(keys, values, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' retrieves a given 1D histogram by it's name from the given file and returns
#' it as a data.frame
#' @param fileName name of the AIDA file
#' @param histoName name of the AIDA 1D histogram to be returned as a data.frame
#' @keywords aida histogram
#' @export
#' @examples
#' histoFile = system.file("extdata", "histos.xml.gz", package="aidar")
#' h1 = getHisto1D(histoFile, '1')
getHisto1D <- function(fileName, histoName) {
doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName))
bins = getNodeSet(doc, paste("//histogram1d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/data1d/bin1d", sep=""))
binNumber = as.character( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "binNum") )
entries = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "entries") )
error = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "error") )
height = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "height") )
# if bin is filled only with "0", (error == height == 0), the weightedMean(==0) is not written out to the XML:
weightedMean = as.double( lapply( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "weightedMean"), toZero ) )
xAxisNode = getNodeSet( doc, paste("//histogram1d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/axis[@direction='x']", sep="") )
min = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(xAxisNode[[1]], "min") )
max = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(xAxisNode[[1]], "max") )
nBins = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(xAxisNode[[1]], "numberOfBins") )
xAxisNode = getNodeSet( doc, paste("//histogram1d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/axis[@direction='x']", sep="") )
binX = getBins(xAxisNode, binNumber)
result = data.frame(binNumber, binX, entries, error, height, weightedMean)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' retrieves a given 2D histogram by it's name from the given file and returns
#' it as a data.frame
#' @param fileName name of the AIDA file
#' @param histoName name of the AIDA 2D histogram to be returned as a data.frame
#' @keywords aida histogram
#' @export
#' @examples
#' histoFile = system.file("extdata", "histos.xml.gz", package="aidar")
#' h2 = getHisto2D(histoFile, '10')
getHisto2D <- function(fileName, histoName) {
doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName))
bins = getNodeSet(doc, paste("//histogram2d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/data2d/bin2d", sep=""))
binNumberX = as.character( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "binNumX") )
binNumberY = as.character( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "binNumY") )
entries = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "entries") )
error = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "error") )
height = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "height") )
# if bin is filled only with "0", (error == height == 0), the weightedMean(==0) is not written out to the XML:
weightedMeanX = as.double( lapply( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "weightedMeanX"), toZero ) )
weightedMeanY = as.double( lapply( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "weightedMeanY"), toZero ) )
xAxisNode = getNodeSet( doc, paste("//histogram2d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/axis[@direction='x']", sep="") )
binX = getBins(xAxisNode, binNumberX)
yAxisNode = getNodeSet( doc, paste("//histogram2d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/axis[@direction='y']", sep="") )
binY = getBins(yAxisNode, binNumberY)
result = data.frame(binNumberX, binNumberY, binX, binY, entries, error, height, weightedMeanX, weightedMeanY)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' retrieves a given 3D histogram by it's name from the given file and returns
#' it as a data.frame
#' @param fileName name of the AIDA file
#' @param histoName name of the AIDA 3D histogram to be returned as a data.frame
#' @keywords aida histogram
#' @export
#' @examples
#' histoFile = system.file("extdata", "histos.xml.gz", package="aidar")
#' h3 = getHisto3D(histoFile, '13')
getHisto3D <- function(fileName, histoName) {
doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName))
bins = getNodeSet(doc, paste("//histogram3d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/data3d/bin3d", sep=""))
binNumberX = as.character( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "binNumX") )
binNumberY = as.character( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "binNumY") )
binNumberZ = as.character( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "binNumZ") )
entries = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "entries") )
error = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "error") )
height = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "height") )
# if bin is filled only with "0", (error == height == 0), the weightedMean(==0) is not written out to the XML:
weightedMeanX = as.double( lapply( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "weightedMeanX"), toZero ) )
weightedMeanY = as.double( lapply( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "weightedMeanY"), toZero ) )
weightedMeanZ = as.double( lapply( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "weightedMeanZ"), toZero ) )
xAxisNode = getNodeSet( doc, paste("//histogram3d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/axis[@direction='x']", sep="") )
binX = getBins(xAxisNode, binNumberX)
yAxisNode = getNodeSet( doc, paste("//histogram3d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/axis[@direction='y']", sep="") )
binY = getBins(yAxisNode, binNumberY)
zAxisNode = getNodeSet( doc, paste("//histogram3d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/axis[@direction='z']", sep="") )
binZ = getBins(zAxisNode, binNumberY)
result = data.frame(binNumberX, binNumberY, binNumberZ, binX, binY, binZ, entries, error, height, weightedMeanX, weightedMeanY, weightedMeanZ)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' retrieves a given 1D profile histogram by it's name from the given file and returns
#' it as a data.frame
#' @param fileName name of the AIDA file
#' @param histoName name of the AIDA 1D profile histogram to be returned
#' @keywords aida profile histogram
#' @export
#' @examples
#' histoFile = system.file("extdata", "histos.xml.gz", package="aidar")
#' p1d = getProfile1D(histoFile, 'Example profile (gauss)')
getProfile1D <- function(fileName, histoName) {
doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName))
bins = getNodeSet(doc, paste("//profile1d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/data1d/bin1d", sep=""))
binNumber = as.character( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "binNum") )
entries = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "entries") )
error = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "error") )
height = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "height") )
rms = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "rms") )
weightedMean = as.double( lapply( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "weightedMean"), toZero ) )
xAxisNode = getNodeSet( doc, paste("//profile1d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/axis[@direction='x']", sep="") )
binX = getBins(xAxisNode, binNumber)
result = data.frame(binNumber, binX, entries, error, height, rms, weightedMean)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' retrieves a given 2D profile histogram by it's name from the given file and returns
#' it as a data.frame
#' @param fileName name of the AIDA file
#' @param histoName name of the AIDA 2D profile histogram to be returned
#' @keywords aida profile histogram
#' @export
#' @examples
#' histoFile = system.file("extdata", "histos.xml.gz", package="aidar")
#' p2d = getProfile2D(histoFile, 'Example 2D profile (gauss)')
getProfile2D <- function(fileName, histoName) {
doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName))
bins = getNodeSet(doc, paste("//profile2d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/data2d/bin2d", sep=""))
binNumberX = as.character( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "binNumX") )
binNumberY = as.character( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "binNumY") )
entries = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "entries") )
error = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "error") )
height = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "height") )
rms = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "rms") )
weightedMeanX = as.double( lapply( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "weightedMeanX"), toZero ) )
weightedMeanY = as.double( lapply( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "weightedMeanY"), toZero ) )
xAxisNode = getNodeSet( doc, paste("//profile2d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/axis[@direction='x']", sep="") )
binX = getBins(xAxisNode, binNumberX)
yAxisNode = getNodeSet( doc, paste("//profile2d[@name=\"",histoName,"\"]/axis[@direction='y']", sep="") )
binY = getBins(yAxisNode, binNumberY)
result = data.frame(binNumberX, binNumberY, binX, binY, entries, error, height, rms, weightedMeanX, weightedMeanY)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' retrieves a given tuple by it's name from the given file and returns
#' it as a data.frame
#' @param fileName name of the AIDA file
#' @param tupName name of the AIDA tuple to be returned
#' @keywords aida tuple
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tupleFile = system.file("extdata", "tuple.xml.gz", package="aidar")
#' t100 = getTuple(tupleFile, '100')
getTuple <- function(fileName, tupName) {
doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName))
columns = getNodeSet(doc, paste("/aida/tuple[@name=\"",tupName,"\"]/columns/column", sep=""))
colNames = as.character( sapply( columns, xmlGetAttr, "name") )
rows = getNodeSet(doc, paste("/aida/tuple[@name=\"",tupName,"\"]/rows/row", sep=""))
rowValues = as.numeric( sapply ( rows, getRow ) )
result = data.frame( matrix( rowValues, ncol=length(colNames), dimnames = list(c(), colNames), byrow=TRUE ) )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' retrieves a given 1D cloud by it's name from the given file and returns
#' it as a data.frame
#' @param fileName name of the AIDA file
#' @param cloudName name of the AIDA 1D cloud to be returned
#' @keywords aida cloud
#' @export
#' @examples
#' histoFile = system.file("extdata", "clouds.xml.gz", package="aidar")
#' c1d = getCloud1D(histoFile, '21')
getCloud1D <- function(fileName, cloudName) {
doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName))
bins = getNodeSet(doc, paste("//cloud1d[@name=\"",cloudName,"\"]/entries1d/entry1d", sep=""))
valuesX = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "valueX") )
result = data.frame(valuesX)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' retrieves a given 2D cloud by it's name from the given file and returns
#' it as a data.frame
#' @param fileName name of the AIDA file
#' @param cloudName name of the AIDA 2D cloud to be returned
#' @keywords aida cloud
#' @export
#' @examples
#' histoFile = system.file("extdata", "clouds.xml.gz", package="aidar")
#' c2d = getCloud2D(histoFile, '30')
getCloud2D <- function(fileName, cloudName) {
doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName))
bins = getNodeSet(doc, paste("//cloud2d[@name=\"",cloudName,"\"]/entries2d/entry2d", sep=""))
valuesX = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "valueX") )
valuesY = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "valueY") )
result = data.frame(valuesX, valuesY)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' retrieves a given 3D cloud by it's name from the given file and returns
#' it as a data.frame
#' @param fileName name of the AIDA file
#' @param cloudName name of the AIDA 3D cloud to be returned
#' @keywords aida cloud
#' @export
#' @examples
#' histoFile = system.file("extdata", "clouds.xml.gz", package="aidar")
#' c3d = getCloud3D(histoFile, '33')
getCloud3D <- function(fileName, cloudName) {
doc = xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(fileName))
bins = getNodeSet(doc, paste("//cloud3d[@name=\"",cloudName,"\"]/entries3d/entry3d", sep=""))
valuesX = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "valueX") )
valuesY = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "valueY") )
valuesZ = as.double( sapply(bins, xmlGetAttr, "valueZ") )
result = data.frame(valuesX, valuesY, valuesZ)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# various helper functions follow here
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
getRow <- function(rowNode) {
values = sapply( getNodeSet(rowNode, "//entry") , xmlGetAttr, "value" )
getBins <- function(axisNode, binNumber) {
min = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(axisNode[[1]], "min") )
max = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(axisNode[[1]], "max") )
nBins = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(axisNode[[1]], "numberOfBins") )
dx = (max-min)/nBins
binX = sapply ( binNumber, getBinCentre1D, dx, min, max )
getBinCentre1D <- function (binNr, dx, min, max) {
if (binNr == "UNDERFLOW") return( min-dx )
if (binNr == "OVERFLOW" ) return( max+dx )
# print ( paste("binNr: ", binNr, " dx = ", dx, 'val = ', val) )
result = min + as.double(binNr)*dx + dx/2
toZero <- function( val ) {
if ( is.null(val) ) {
val = 0
} else {
val = val
getEntries <- function(node) {
result = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(node, "entries") )
getXAxisInfo <- function(node) {
min = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(node, "min") )
max = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(node, "max") )
nBins = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(node, "numberOfBins") )
result <- c(min=min, max=max, nBins=nBins)
getXStats <- function(node) {
mean = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(node, "mean") )
rms = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(node, "rms") )
result <- c(mean, rms)
getYAxisInfo <- function(node) {
min = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(node, "min") )
max = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(node, "max") )
nBins = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(node, "numberOfBins") )
result <- c(min=min, max=max, nBins=nBins)
getYStats <- function(node) {
mean = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(node, "mean") )
rms = as.numeric( xmlGetAttr(node, "rms") )
result <- c(mean, rms)
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