
Defines functions data_imputation

Documented in data_imputation

#' @title Data imputation for longitudinal data
#' @description This function fills any missing entries (\code{NA},
#' \code{Inf}, \code{null}) in a matrix or dataframe, according to
#' a specified method. By default, \code{'0'} is considered a value.
#' @param traj [\code{matrix (numeric)}]: longitudinal data. Each
#' row represents an individual trajectory (of observations). The
#' columns show the observations at consecutive time points.
#' @param id_field [numeric or character] Whether the first column
#' of the \code{traj} is a unique (\code{id}) field. Default:
#' \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE} the function recognises the second
#' column as the first time step.
#' @param method [an integer] indicating a method for calculating
#' the missing values. Options are: \code{'1'}: \code{arithmetic}
#'  method, and \code{'2'}: \code{regression} method. The default
#'  is \code{'1'}: \code{arithmetic} method
#' @param replace_with [an integer from 1 to 6] indicating the technique,
#' based on a specified \code{method}, for calculating the missing entries.
#' \code{'1'}: \code{arithmetic} method, \code{replace_with} options are:
#' \code{'1'}: Mean value of the corresponding column;
#' \code{'2'}: Minimum value of corresponding column; \code{'3'}:
#' Maximum value of corresponding column;
#' \code{'4'}: Mean value of corresponding row; \code{'5'}:
#' Minimum value of corresponding row,
#' or \code{'6'}: Maximum value of corresponding row. For \code{'2'}:
#' regression method:
#' the available option for the \code{replace_with} is: \code{'1'}:
#' \code{linear}.
#' The regression method fits a linear regression line to a trajectory
#' with missing entry(s)
#' and estimates the missing data values from the regression line.
#' Note: only the missing data points derive their new values from the
#' regression line
#' while the rest of the data points retain their original values. The
#' function terminates if there are
#' trajectories with only one observation. The default is \code{'1'}: Mean
#' value of the corresponding column
#' @param fill_zeros [TRUE or FALSE] whether to consider zeros \code{0}
#' as missing values when \code{2: regression} method is used. The default
#' is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param verbose to suppress printing output messages (to the console).
#' Default: \code{TRUE}.
#' @usage data_imputation(traj, id_field = FALSE, method = 2,
#' replace_with = 1, fill_zeros = FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
#' @details Given a matrix or data.frame with some missing values
#' indicated by (\code{NA}, \code{Inf}, \code{null}), this function
#' impute the missing value by using either an estimation from the
#' corresponding rows or columns, or to use a regression method to
#' estimate the missing values.
#' @examples
#' # Using the example 'traj' datasets
#' imp_data <- data_imputation(traj, id_field = TRUE, method = 2,
#' replace_with = 1,
#' fill_zeros = FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
#' @return A data.frame with missing values (\code{NA}, \code{Inf},
#' \code{null}) imputed according to the a specified technique.
#' @importFrom stats predict lm quantile
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export

data_imputation <- function(traj, id_field = FALSE, method = 2,
                           replace_with = 1, fill_zeros = FALSE,

  lm <- predit <- NULL

  dat <- as.data.frame(traj) #test.data6

  coln_ <- colnames(dat)

  #check if there is unique(id) field
    backup_dat <- dat
    dat <- dat[,2:ncol(dat)]

  #checking missing rows.

  #row indexes with 'NA' entries
  na_m <- NULL
  for(a_ in seq_len(ncol(dat))){ #a_=1
    sub_ <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(dat[,a_])))
    j_ <- which(is.na(sub_))
    na_m <- c(na_m, unique(c(j_))[order(unique(c(j_)))])
  na_m <- unique(na_m)

  #row indexes with 'Inf' entries
  inf_m <- NULL
  for(a_ in seq_len(ncol(dat))){ #a_=1
    sub_ <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(dat[,a_])))
    j_ <- which(is.infinite(sub_))
    inf_m <- c(inf_m, unique(c(j_))[order(unique(c(j_)))])
  inf_m <- unique(inf_m)

  #if no missing entries
  miss_entries <- c(na_m, inf_m)
  if(length(miss_entries) == 0){
    stop("No missing entries in data")

  #matrix to backup the 'null' information store via the outlier
  #information [TRUE or FALSE]
  null_mat <- matrix(FALSE, nrow(dat), ncol(dat))

  for(a in seq_len(ncol(dat))){ #a=1
    sub_ <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(dat[,a])))
    i_ <- which(is.na(sub_))
    j_ <- which(is.infinite(sub_))
    k_ <- which(is.null(sub_))
    i_m <- unique(c(i_, j_, k_))[order(unique(c(i_, j_, k_)))]
    null_mat[i_m,a] <- TRUE

  #arithmetic method
    #Use column values in order to determine the new value.
    if(replace_with==1 | replace_with==2 | replace_with==3){
      fill_count <- 0

      for(g in seq_len(ncol(null_mat))){ #g<-2
        i_m <- which(null_mat[,g]==TRUE)
        subset_ <- dat[-i_m,g]
        if(length(i_m)!=0){fill_count <-
          fill_count + length(i_m)}
               ave_ <- mean(subset_)
               model <- "average_value(col_1, col_2,...col_n)"
              ave_ <- min(subset_)
              model <- "minimum_value(col_1, col_2,...col_n)"
              ave_ <- max(subset_)
              model <- "maximum_value(col_1, col_2,...col_n)"
            dat[i_m,g] <- ave_

  #Employ the row values in order to determine the new value.
  if(replace_with==4 | replace_with==5 | replace_with==6){
    fill_count <- 0
    for(g in seq_len(nrow(null_mat))){ #g<-2
      i_m <- which(null_mat[g,]==TRUE)
      subset_ <- dat[g, -i_m]
      if(length(i_m)!=0){fill_count <-
        fill_count + length(i_m)}
            ave_ <- round(mean(as.numeric(as.character(subset_))),digits=2)
            model <- "average_value(row_1, row_2,...row_n)"
            ave_ <- min(as.numeric(as.character(subset_)))
            model <- "minimum_value(row_1, row_2,...row_n)"
            ave_ <- max(as.numeric(as.character(subset_)))
            model <- "maximum_value(row_1, row_2,...row_n)"
          dat[g, i_m] <- ave_

  #regression method
    #keep count of missing data
    fill_count <- 0
    for(k in seq_len(nrow(dat))){ #k<-10
      y <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(dat[k,])))
      x <- seq_len(length(y))
      known <- data.frame(x, y)

      #check which data points are missing,
      #then remove them from the data point
      #include zeros
        known_1 <- data.frame(known[is.na(known[,2])|is.infinite(known[,2]),])
        known_2 <- data.frame(known[!is.na(known[,2])&!is.infinite(known[,2]),])

        known_1 <- data.frame(known[is.na(known[,2])|
        known_2 <- data.frame(known[!is.na(known[,2])&

      fill_count <- fill_count + nrow(known_1)
      #terminate the programe is there is only one data point
        stop(paste("Trajectory has only one data point.",
                   "Unable to inter/extrapolate between points.",
                   "Program terminated!!", sep=" "))

      #train the available data using linear regression
      model.lm <- lm(y ~ x, data = known_2)
      #Use predict the y value for the removed data
      newY <- predict(model.lm, newdata = data.frame(x = known_1[,1]))
      #add to the original data.
      dat[k, known_1[,1]] <- round(newY, digits = 2)
    model <- "lm(y ~ x, data = data)"
    datF <- dat

  if(verbose == TRUE){
    print(paste(fill_count, "entries were found/filled!", sep=" "))

  #update the main matrix
    backup_dat[,2:ncol(backup_dat)] <- dat
    datF <- backup_dat

  colnames(datF) <- coln_

  solution <- list(RowIndexes_withNA = na_m, RowIndexes_withInf= inf_m,
                   Imputation_Model=model, CompleteData = datF)



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akmedoids documentation built on April 13, 2021, 9:07 a.m.