Man pages for alr4
Data to Accompany Applied Linear Regression 4th Edition

aisAustralian institute of sport data
allshootsApple shoots data
alrWebAccess to the Applied Linear Regression website
baeskelSurface tension
BGSallBerkeley guidance study
BigMac2003World cities data
blowBSBlowdown data, Black Spruce only
blowdownBlowdown data
brainsMammal brain weights
cakesCakes data
cautionCaution data
challengChallenger data
cloudFlorida area cumulus experiment, FACE I.
domedataMetrodome fan experiment
donnerDonner party
downerDowner data
drugcostDrug cost.
dwasteCrock data.
floridaFlorida presidential election
ForbesForbes' data
ftcollinssnowFt. Collins snowfall
ftcollinstempFt. Collins Temperature
fuel2001Fuel consumption
galapagosGalapagos species data
galtonpeasGalton's peas
HeightsPearson-Lee data
Highway1Highway accidents
hookerHooker's data
htwtArtificial height and weight data
jevonsJevon's gold coin data
lakemaryLake Mary bluegills
lakesLake zooplankton diversity
landrentLand rent
lathe1Lathe data
mantelMantel's artifical data for stepwise regression
mileWorld records for the mile run
MitchellMitchell soil temperature
MWwordsWord frequencies from Mosteller and Wallace
npdataNorthern pike catch per unit effort
oldfaithOld Faithful Geyser data
physicsPhysics data
pipelineAlaska pipeline
prodscoreSoil productivity
ratRat data
rateprofProfessor ratings from
RimConservation restrictions and farm prices in Minnesota
RpdataAlways plot residuals.
salarySalary data
salarygovGovernment salary study
segregEnergy consumption
shocksSmall electric shocks in dairy cows
sleep1Sleep in mammals
snakeSnake river data
snifferSniffer data
StevensSubjective scaling data collected by S. S. Stevens
stoppingStopping distances
swan96Black crappie study on Swan Lake, Minnesota
turk0Turkey data, one source
turkeyTurkey data, all sources
twinsBurt's twin data
UBSpricesUBS price data
ufcHeight-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho
UN1National statistics from the United Nations
UN11National statistics from the United Nations mostly from...
walleyeWalleye length at age
waterCalifornia water
WaterUseTotal Water Usage in Minnesota
wblakeWest Bearskin Lake small mouth bass data.
WhitestarTitanic Survivors
wm1Simple windmill data
wm2Windmill data with direction information
alr4 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:13 p.m.