#' Generate Random Steps
#' Function to generate a given number of random steps for each observed step.
#' @param x Steps.
#' @param n_control `[integer(1)=10]{>1}` \cr The number of control steps paired
#' with each observed step.
#' @param sl_distr `[amt_distr]` \cr The step-length distribution.
#' @param ta_distr `[amt_distr]` \cr The turn-angle distribution.
#' @param angle `[numeric(1) = 0]{-pi < rel_angle < pi}` \cr Angle for the first step.
#' @param rand_sl `[numeric]` \cr Numeric vector with random step lengths an animal can make. This will usually be random numbers drawn from a suitable distribution (e.g., gamma or exponential).
#' @param rand_ta `[numeric]` \cr Numeric vector with relative turning angles an animal can make. This will usually be random numbers drawn from a suitable distribution (e.g., von Mises or uniform).
#' @param include_observed `[logical(1) = TRUE]` \cr Indicates if observed steps are to be included in the result.
#' @template dots_none
#' @return A `tibble` of class random_steps.
#' @export
#' @name random_steps
random_steps <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("random_steps", x)
#' @export
#' @rdname random_steps
random_steps.numeric <- function(
x, n_control = 10,
angle = 0,
rand_sl = random_numbers(make_exp_distr(), n = 1e5),
rand_ta = random_numbers(make_unif_distr(), n = 1e5), ...) {
# Check arguments
checkmate::assert_numeric(x, len = 2)
checkmate::assert_int(n_control, lower = 1)
checkmate::assert_numeric(rand_sl, lower = 0)
checkmate::assert_numeric(rand_ta, lower = -pi, upper = pi)
slr <- rand_sl[, n_control, replace = TRUE)]
tar <- rand_ta[, n_control, replace = TRUE)]
new.x <- x[1] + slr * cos(tar + angle)
new.y <- x[2] + slr * sin(tar + angle)
out <- cbind(x[1], x[2], new.x, new.y, slr, tar + angle)
colnames(out) <- c("x1_", "y1_", "x2_", "y2_", "sl_", "ta_")
#' @export
#' @param start_id [integer] Index where the numbering for step ids start.
#' @rdname random_steps
random_steps.steps_xy <- function(
x, n_control = 10,
sl_distr = fit_distr(x$sl_, "gamma"), # this argument could be remove
ta_distr = fit_distr(x$ta_, "vonmises"), # this argument could be remove
rand_sl = random_numbers(sl_distr, n = 1e5),
rand_ta = random_numbers(ta_distr, n = 1e5),
include_observed = TRUE, start_id = 1, ...) {
# Generate random points
ns <- nrow(x) # number of steps
case_for_control <- rep(2:ns, each = n_control)
x$case_ <- TRUE
xx <- lapply(2:nrow(x), function(i) {
random_steps(c(x$x1_[i], x$y1_[i]), n_control = n_control,
angle = x$direction_p[i-1],
rand_sl = rand_sl, rand_ta = rand_ta)})
xx <-, xx)
x$step_id_ <- 1:nrow(x)
for_rand <- x[rep(2:nrow(x), each = n_control), ]
for_rand$case_ <- FALSE
for_rand$x2_ <- xx[, "x2_"]
for_rand$y2_ <- xx[, "y2_"]
for_rand$sl_ <- xx[, "sl_"]
for_rand <- dplyr::left_join(
for_rand |> dplyr::mutate(step_id_1 = step_id_ - 1),
dplyr::select(x, x0_ = x1_, y0_ = y1_, step_id_),
by = c("step_id_1" = "step_id_"))
for_rand <- for_rand |> dplyr::mutate(
abs.dir1 = atan2(y1_ - y0_, x1_ - x0_),
abs.dir2 = atan2(y2_ - y1_, x2_ - x1_),
rel.dir = abs.dir2 - abs.dir1,
rel.dir = ifelse(rel.dir <= -pi, rel.dir + 2 * pi, rel.dir),
rel.dir = ifelse(rel.dir >= pi, rel.dir - 2 * pi, rel.dir)) |>
dplyr::select(-abs.dir1, -abs.dir2, -x0_, -y0_, -ta_, -step_id_1) |>
dplyr::rename(ta_ = rel.dir)
out <- dplyr::bind_rows(x, for_rand) |>
dplyr::filter(step_id_ > 1) |>
dplyr::mutate(step_id_ = step_id_ + start_id)
out <- dplyr::arrange(out, step_id_)
out[["direction_p"]] <- NULL
class(out) <- c("random_steps", class(out))
attributes(out)$sl_ <- sl_distr
attributes(out)$ta_ <- ta_distr
attributes(out)$n_control_ <- n_control
attr(out, "crs_") <- attr(x, "crs_")
#' @export
#' @rdname random_steps
random_steps.bursted_steps_xyt <- function(
x, n_control = 10,
sl_distr = fit_distr(x$sl_, "gamma"), # this argument could be remove
ta_distr = fit_distr(x$ta_, "vonmises"), # this argument could be remove
rand_sl = random_numbers(sl_distr, n = 1e5),
rand_ta = random_numbers(ta_distr, n = 1e5),
include_observed = TRUE, ...) {
bursts <- split(x, x$burst_)
if (any(len.ok <- sapply(bursts, nrow) < 3)) {
warning("Some bursts contain < 3 steps and will be removed")
bursts <- bursts[!len.ok]
start_ids <- c(1, head(cumsum(rle(unlist(sapply(bursts, "[[", "burst_")))$lengths), -1) + 1)
out <- lapply(seq_along(bursts), function(i) {
q <- bursts[[i]]
class(q) <- class(q)[-1]
if (nrow(q) > 1) {
random_steps(q, n_control = n_control, sl_distr = NULL,
ta_distr = NULL, rand_sl = rand_sl,
rand_ta = rand_ta, include_observed = include_observed,
start_id = start_ids[i], ...)
out <- out[!sapply(out, is.null)]
cls <- class(out[[1]])
out <- data.table::rbindlist(
) |> tibble::as_tibble()
class(out) <- cls
attributes(out)$sl_ <- sl_distr
attributes(out)$ta_ <- ta_distr
attributes(out)$n_control_ <- n_control
attr(out, "crs_") <- attr(x, "crs_")
#' @export
plot.random_steps <- function(x, ...) {
plot(0, 0, type = "n",
xlim = grDevices::extendrange(c(x$x1_, x$x2_), f = 0.1),
ylim = grDevices::extendrange(c(x$y1_, x$y2_), f = 0.1),
xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
graphics::lines(c(x$x1_[i], x$x2_[i]), c(x$y1_[i], x$y2_[i]), lty = 2,
col = "grey79")
x1 <- x[x$case_, ]
for (i in 1:nrow(x1)) {
lines(c(x1$x1_[i], x1$x2_[i]), c(x1$y1_[i], x1$y2_[i]))
graphics::points(x1$x1_[i], x1$y1_[i], pch = 20, cex = 2, col = "red")
graphics::points(x1$x2_[i], x1$y2_[i], pch = 20, cex = 2, col = "red")
# Flag incomplete steps ----
#' Remove strata with missing values for observed steps
#' @param x An object of class `random_steps`.
#' @param col A character with the column name that will be scanned for missing values.
#' @template dots_none
#' @name remove_incomplete_strata
#' @return An object of class `random_steps`, where observed steps (`case_ == TRUE`) with missing values (`NA`) in the column `col` are removed (including all random steps).
#' @examples
#' mini_deer <- deer[1:4, ]
#' # The first step is removed, because we have `NA` turn angles.
#' mini_deer |> steps() |> random_steps() |> remove_incomplete_strata() |>
#' select(case_, ta_, step_id_)
#' @export
remove_incomplete_strata <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("remove_incomplete_strata", x)
#' @export
#' @rdname remove_incomplete_strata
remove_incomplete_strata.random_steps <- function(x, col = "ta_", ...) {
checkmate::assert_character(col, len = 1)
if (!col %in% names(x)) {
stop("`col` not found in `x` (make sure the column name is spelled correct).")
} <- dplyr::filter(x, case_)
incomplete.steps <- which([[col]]))
x, !step_id_ %in%$step_id_[incomplete.steps])
rsteps_transfer_attr <- function(from, to) {
from <- attributes(from)
attributes(to)$class <- from$class
attributes(to)$sl_ <- from$sl_
attributes(to)$ta_ <- from$ta_
attributes(to)$crs_ <- from$crs_
# see here:
#' @export
arrange.random_steps <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
xx <- NextMethod()
rsteps_transfer_attr(.data, xx)
#' @export
filter.random_steps <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
xx <- NextMethod()
rsteps_transfer_attr(.data, xx)
#' @export
group_by.random_steps <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
xx <- NextMethod()
rsteps_transfer_attr(.data, xx)
#' @export
nest.random_steps <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
#' @export
select.random_steps <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
xx <- NextMethod()
rsteps_transfer_attr(.data, xx)
#' @export
summarise.random_steps <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
#' @export
summarize.random_steps <- function(.data, ..., .dots) {
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