# 1. Mapping Functions -----
grouped_mapper <- function(data, target, .f, ...) {
data <- prep_tbl_time(data, message = F)
target_expr <- dplyr::enquo(target)
group_names <- dplyr::group_vars(data)
ret <- data %>%
dplyr::group_nest() %>%
dplyr::mutate(nested.col = purrr::map(
.x = data,
.f = .f,
target = !! target_expr,
) %>%
dplyr::select(-data) %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols = nested.col) %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(.vars = group_names)
# if (merge) {
# ret <- merge_two_tibbles(tib1 = data, tib2 = ret, .f = .f)
# }
# 2. Merging Time-Based Tibbles -----
merge_two_tibbles <- function(tib1, tib2, .f) {
# Merge results
if (identical(nrow(tib1), nrow(tib2))) {
# Arrange dates - Possibility of issue if dates not decending in tib1
tib1 <- arrange_by_date(tib1)
# Drop date column and groups
tib2 <- drop_date_and_group_cols(tib2)
# Replace bad names
tib2 <- replace_bad_names(tib2, .f)
# Replace duplicate names
tib2 <- replace_duplicate_colnames(tib1, tib2)
ret <- dplyr::bind_cols(tib1, tib2)
} else {
stop("Could not join. Incompatible structures.")
replace_duplicate_colnames <- function(tib1, tib2) {
# Collect column names
name_list_tib1 <- colnames(tib1)
name_list_tib2 <- colnames(tib2)
name_list <- c(name_list_tib1, name_list_tib2)
duplicates_exist <- detect_duplicates(name_list)
# Iteratively add .1, .2, .3 ... onto end of column names
if (duplicates_exist) {
i <- 1
while (duplicates_exist) {
dup_names_stripped <-
split = "\\.\\.") %>%
sapply(function(x) x[[1]])
name_list[duplicated(name_list)] <-
paste0(dup_names_stripped, "..", i)
i <- i + 1
duplicates_exist <- detect_duplicates(name_list)
name_list_tib2 <- name_list[(ncol(tib1) + 1):length(name_list)]
colnames(tib2) <- name_list_tib2
detect_duplicates <- function(name_list) {
name_list %>%
duplicated() %>%
# bad / restricted names are names that get selected unintetionally by OHLC functions
replace_bad_names <- function(tib, fun_name) {
bad_names_regex <- "open|high|low|close|volume|adjusted|price"
name_list_tib <- colnames(tib)
name_list_tib_lower <- tolower(name_list_tib)
detect_bad_names <- grepl(pattern = bad_names_regex,
x = name_list_tib_lower)
if (any(detect_bad_names)) {
len <- length(name_list_tib_lower[detect_bad_names])
name_list_tib[detect_bad_names] <- rep(fun_name, length.out = len)
colnames(tib) <- name_list_tib
arrange_by_date <- function(tib) {
if (dplyr::is.grouped_df(tib)) {
group_names <- dplyr::group_vars(tib)
arrange_date <- function(tib) {
date_col <- timetk::tk_get_timeseries_variables(tib)[[1]]
tib %>%
dplyr::arrange(!! rlang::sym(date_col))
tib <- tib %>%
tidyr::nest() %>%
dplyr::mutate(nested.col =
purrr::map(data, arrange_date)
) %>%
dplyr::select(-data) %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols = nested.col) %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(.vars = group_names)
} else {
date_col <- timetk::tk_get_timeseries_variables(tib)[[1]]
tib <- tib %>%
dplyr::arrange(!! rlang::sym(date_col))
drop_date_and_group_cols <- function(tib) {
date_col <- timetk::tk_get_timeseries_variables(tib)[[1]]
group_cols <- dplyr::groups(tib) %>%
cols_to_remove <- c(date_col, group_cols)
tib_names <- colnames(tib)
cols_to_remove_logical <- tib_names %in% cols_to_remove
tib_names_without_date_or_group <- tib_names[!cols_to_remove_logical]
tib <- tib %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::select(!!! rlang::syms(tib_names_without_date_or_group))
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