
test_that("edit st-storage clusters (only for study >= v8.6.0" , {
  # global params for structure v8.6 ----
  opts_test <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(study_temp_path, "input")
  # areas tests 
  area_test = getAreas()[1]
  # INIT : create tests clusters
  opts_test <- createClusterST(area_test, 
                  opts = opts_test) 
  opts_test <- createClusterST(area_test, 
                  opts = opts_test) 
  st_clusters <- readClusterSTDesc(opts = opts_test)
  ## basics errors cases ----
  testthat::expect_error(editClusterST(area = area_test, 
                                       cluster_name = "cluster-st-1", 
                                       opts = "toto"), 
                         regexp = "inherit from class simOptions")
  opts_fake <- opts_test
  opts_fake$antaresVersion <- 820
  testthat::expect_error(editClusterST(area = area_test, 
                                       cluster_name = "cluster-st-1", 
                                       opts = opts_fake), 
                         regexp = "only available if using Antares >= 8.6.0")
  testthat::expect_error(editClusterST(area = "area_test", 
                                       cluster_name = "cluster-st-1", 
                                       opts = opts_test), 
                         regexp = "is not a valid area name")
  testthat::expect_error(editClusterST(area = area_test, 
                                       cluster_name = levels(st_clusters$cluster)[1], 
                                       group = "new group", 
                                       add_prefix = FALSE, 
                                       opts = opts_test), 
                         regexp = "is not a valid group recognized by Antares")
  testthat::expect_error(editClusterST(area = area_test, 
                                       cluster_name = "casper", 
                                       group = "Other1",
                                       add_prefix = FALSE, 
                                       opts = opts_test), 
                         regexp = "'casper' doesn't exist,")
  ## default edition cluster ----
    # if all parameters are NULL => no edition of ini and data .txt
  testthat::expect_warning(editClusterST(area = area_test, 
                                         cluster_name = levels(st_clusters$cluster)[1],
                                         opts = opts_test), 
                           regexp = "No edition for 'list.ini' file")
  ## edit list ini ----
    # edit only group value
  name_cluster_test <- levels(st_clusters$cluster)[1]
  opts_test <- editClusterST(area = area_test, 
                             cluster_name = name_cluster_test,
                             group = "Other2", 
                             add_prefix = FALSE,
                             opts = opts_test)
    # check update "group"
  st_clusters <- readClusterSTDesc(opts = opts_test)
  group_test <- st_clusters[cluster %in% name_cluster_test, 
                            .SDcols= "group"]
  testthat::expect_equal("Other2", group_test$group)
    # edit values (only 2 parameters)
  name_cluster_test <- levels(st_clusters$cluster)[2]
  list_params <- storage_values_default()[1:2]
  list_params$efficiency <- 0.5
  list_params$reservoircapacity <- 50
  initial_values <- st_clusters[cluster %in% name_cluster_test, 
                                .SDcols= c("efficiency", "reservoircapacity")]
  opts_test <- editClusterST(area = area_test, 
                             cluster_name = name_cluster_test, 
                             storage_parameters = list_params,
                             opts = opts_test, 
                             add_prefix = FALSE)
  st_clusters <- readClusterSTDesc(opts = opts_test)
  value_to_test <- st_clusters[cluster %in% name_cluster_test, 
                               .SDcols= c("group", 
  # test value group is default
  testthat::expect_equal("Other1", value_to_test$group)
  # test parameters are updated
  value_to_test <- as.list(value_to_test[, .SD, 
                                         .SDcols= c("efficiency", 
  testthat::expect_equal(list_params, value_to_test)
  ## edit DATA ----
  val <- 0.007
  opts_test <- editClusterST(area = area_test, 
                             cluster_name = levels(st_clusters$cluster)[1],  
                             PMAX_injection = matrix(val, 8760), 
                             PMAX_withdrawal = matrix(val, 8760),
                             inflows =  matrix(0.007, 8760), 
                             lower_rule_curve = matrix(val, 8760), 
                             upper_rule_curve = matrix(val, 8760),
                             opts = opts_test, 
                             add_prefix = FALSE)
  # test data value (with fread_antares)
  path_dir_test <- file.path(opts_test$inputPath, "st-storage", "series", area_test, 
                             paste(area_test, "cluster-st-1", sep = "_"))
  files_test <- list.files(path_dir_test, full.names = TRUE)
  l_file_series <- lapply(files_test, antaresRead:::fread_antares, opts = opts_test)
  value_test <- mean(sapply(l_file_series, 
  testthat::expect_equal(value_test, val)
  # test data value with readInputTS
  st_ts <- readInputTS(st_storage = "all", opts = opts_test)
  # check clusters
  testthat::expect_true(all(levels(st_clusters$cluster) %in% unique(st_ts$cluster)))
  # delete study
  unlink(opts_test$studyPath, recursive = TRUE)

# API ----

test_that("API Command test for editClusterST", {
  # Simulation parameters for api code
  opts_mock <- mockSimulationAPI(force = TRUE,
                                 antares_version = "860")
  # create complete cluster st-storage
  area_name <- "area01"
  cluster_name <- "ClusTER01"

  # create complete cluster st-storage
  editClusterST(area = area_name,
                cluster_name = cluster_name,
                group = "Other1", 
                storage_parameters = storage_values_default(),
                PMAX_injection = matrix(1,8760),
                PMAX_withdrawal = matrix(0.5,8760),
                inflows = matrix(0.25,8760),
                lower_rule_curve = matrix(0.2,8760),
                upper_rule_curve = matrix(0.9,8760))

  # use getVariantCommands to catch information
  # here (specific st-storage : list with 8 group (parameters) + 5 data parameters)
  res_list <- getVariantCommands(last = 13)

  ## test first group of list for ini parameters
  action_api_1 <- res_list[[1]]

  # name of api instruction/action
  testthat::expect_equal(action_api_1$action, "update_config")
  # check "args" name parameters (just for one parameter/one action)
  param_target <- res_list[[3]]$args$target
  param_target <- regmatches(param_target, regexpr("([^\\/]+$)",param_target))
  testthat::expect_equal(param_target, "efficiency")
  # check "data" (value of parameter)
  testthat::expect_equal("1.000000", res_list[[3]]$args$data)

  ## test other group for data
  # search "replace_matrix" action
  index_data <- lapply(res_list, `[[`, 1) %in% 
  data_list <- res_list[index_data]
  # test for every floor in "args" : 
  # "target" (path of txt file)
  # "matrix" (data)
  data_path_files <- lapply(data_list, function(x){
  # test for every path, the path destination + name of txt file 
    # name txt files corresponding data parameters of function `editClusterST()`
    # check casse of name cluster name in every path
  name_ori <- paste0(area_name, "_", cluster_name)
  full_root_path_name <- file.path("input", "st-storage", "series", area_name,
  # from code 
  # these names are approved with antares desktop but not with API
  names_file_list <- c("PMAX-injection", "PMAX-withdrawal", "inflows", 
                       "lower-rule-curve", "upper-rule-curve")
  # reformat API 
  names_file_list <- transform_name_to_id(names_file_list, id_dash = TRUE)
  # check root path for every file
  is_good_path <- lapply(data_path_files, function(x){
    grepl(pattern = full_root_path_name, x = x)
  # check names of files
  names_file_api <- lapply(data_path_files, function(x){
  testthat::expect_true(all(unlist(names_file_api) %in% 

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