
## for objects of class "donner", generated by the function donner()
setClass(Class = "drs",
         representation(CALL = "call", tab = "data.frame", rho = "numeric", X2 = "numeric"))

## setClass(Class = "icc",
##          representation(CALL = "call", rho = "numeric", varrho = "numeric", f = "vector",
##          rho.MC = "numeric", method = "character", features = "numeric"))

setClass(Class = "iccbin",
         representation(CALL = "call", features = "character", rho = "numeric"))

## for objects generated by varbin
setClass(Class = "varbin",
         representation(CALL = "call", tab = "data.frame", pboot = "matrix", alpha = "numeric", features = "numeric"))

## for objects generated by betabin and negbin
setClass(Class = "glimML",
         representation(CALL = "call", link = "character", method = "character", formula = "formula",
                        random = "formula", data = "data.frame", param = "vector", varparam = "matrix",
                        fixed.param = "vector", random.param = "vector",
                        logL = "numeric", logL.max = "numeric", dev = "numeric", df.residual = "numeric",
                        nbpar = "numeric", iterations = "numeric", code = "numeric", msg = "character",
                        singular.hessian = "numeric", param.ini = "vector", na.action = "function"))

## for objects generated by quasibin and quasipois
setClass(Class = "glimQL", representation(CALL = "call", fm = "glm", phi = "numeric"))

         representation(object = "glimML", Coef = "data.frame", FixedCoef = "data.frame", Phi = "data.frame",
                        FixedPhi = "data.frame"))

         representation(models = "character", anova.table = "data.frame", type = "character"))

## for objects of class "aic"

setClass(Class = "aic", representation(istats = "data.frame"))

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aod documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:21 p.m.