
Defines functions edit_apsim

Documented in edit_apsim

#' Edit an APSIM (Classic) Simulation
#' This function allows editing of an APSIM (Classic) simulation file.
#' The variables specified by \code{parm} within the .apsim file specified by \code{file} 
#' in the source directory \code{src.dir} are edited. The old values are replaced with \code{value}, which
#' is a list that has the same number of elements as the length of the vector \code{parm}.  The current
#' .apsim file will be overwritten if \code{overwrite} is set to \code{TRUE}; otherwise the file
#' \sQuote{file} \emph{-edited.apsim} will be created.  If (verbose = TRUE) then the name
#'  of the written file is returned. 
#'  When node equals Outputfile, the editing allows to add variables, but not to remove them at the moment.
#' @name edit_apsim
#' @param file file ending in .apsim to be edited
#' @param src.dir directory containing the .apsim file to be edited; defaults to the current working directory
#' @param wrt.dir should be used if the destination directory is different from the src.dir
#' @param node either \sQuote{Clock}, \sQuote{Weather}, \sQuote{Soil}, 
#' \sQuote{SurfaceOrganicMatter}, \sQuote{MicroClimate}, \sQuote{Crop}, \sQuote{Manager}, \sQuote{Outputfile} or \sQuote{Other} 
#' @param soil.child specific soil component to be edited
#' @param manager.child specific manager component to be edited (not implemented yet)
#' @param parm parameter to be edited
#' @param value new values for the parameter to be edited 
#' @param overwrite logical; if \code{TRUE} the old file is overwritten, a new file is written otherwise
#' @param edit.tag if the file is edited a different tag from the default \sQuote{-edited} can be used.
#' @param parm.path path to the attribute to edit when node is \sQuote{Other}
#' @param root supply the node postion in the case of multiple simulations such as factorials.
#' @param verbose whether to print information about successful edit
#' @param check.length check whether vectors are of the correct length
#' @return (when verbose=TRUE) complete file path to edited .apsimx file is returned as a character string.
#' As a side effect this function creates a new (XML) .apsimx file.
#' @note The components that can be edited are restricted becuase this is better in preventing
#' errors of editing unintended parts of the file. The disadvantage is that there is less flexibility
#' compared to the similar function in the 'apsimr' package. 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' ## This example will read one of the examples distributed with APSIM
#' ## but write to a temporary directory
#' tmp.dir <- tempdir()
#' extd.dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "apsimx")
#' edit_apsim("Millet", src.dir = extd.dir, wrt.dir = tmp.dir, 
#'            node = "Clock",
#'            parm = "start_date", value = "01/02/1940")
#' ## Editing all of the KL values for Millet
#' pp.KL <- inspect_apsim_xml("Millet.apsim", src.dir = extd.dir, 
#'                   parm = "SoilCrop[8]/KL")
#' kls <- seq(0.08, 0.2, length.out = 11)
#' edit_apsim("Millet.apsim", 
#'            src.dir = extd.dir,
#'            wrt.dir = tmp.dir,
#'            node = "Other", 
#'            parm.path = pp.KL,
#'            value = kls)
#' ## Check that it was properly edited
#' inspect_apsim("Millet-edited.apsim", 
#'               src.dir = tmp.dir,
#'               node = "Soil",
#'               soil.child = "Water",
#'               parm = "KL")
#' }

edit_apsim <- function(file, src.dir = ".", wrt.dir = NULL,
                       node = c("Clock", "Weather", "Soil", "SurfaceOrganicMatter",
                                "MicroClimate", "Crop", "Manager", "Outputfile", "Other"),
                       soil.child = c("Metadata", "Water", "Physical", "OrganicMatter", "Chemical",
                                      "Analysis", "InitialWater", "Sample", "SWIM"),
                       manager.child = NULL,
                       parm = NULL, value = NULL, 
                       overwrite = FALSE,
                       edit.tag = "-edited",
                       parm.path = NULL,
                       verbose = TRUE,
                       check.length = TRUE){
  if(is.null(wrt.dir)) wrt.dir <- src.dir
  file.names <- dir(path = src.dir, pattern=".apsim$", ignore.case=TRUE)
    stop("There are no .apsim files in the specified directory to edit.")
  node <- match.arg(node)
  soil.child <- match.arg(soil.child)
  ## For now we just edit one file at a time
  file <- match.arg(file, file.names)
  ## Parse apsim file (XML)
  apsim_xml <- xml2::read_xml(file.path(src.dir, file))
  ## This is my attempt at picking the right node in a factorial
    apsim_xml00 <- apsim_xml ## Make a copy to do the right insert later
    apsim_xml0 <- xml2::xml_find_all(apsim_xml, ".//simulation")
    sim.names <- unlist(xml2::xml_attrs(apsim_xml0))
    wsim <- grep(root, sim.names)
    apsim_xml <- apsim_xml0[[wsim]] ## This replaces the node
    parm.path.root <- xml2::xml_path(apsim_xml)
    apsim_xml_root_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml00, parm.path.root)
  ## Edit the 'Clock'
  if(node == "Clock"){
    parm.choices <- c("start_date", "end_date")
    parm <- match.arg(parm, choices = parm.choices, several.ok = TRUE)
    j <- 1
    for(i in parm){
      parm.path <- paste0(".//clock","/", i)
      startend.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
      ## apsim requires %Y-%m-%d
      xml2::xml_set_text(startend.node, as.character(value[j]))
      j <- j + 1
  ## Editing the weather file name only
  if(node == "Weather"){
    if(missing(parm) || parm == "filename"){
      parm.path <- ".//metfile/filename"
      weather.filename.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
      if(length(grep(".met$", value)) == 0) 
        stop("value should be a .met file")
      xml2::xml_set_text(weather.filename.node, value)
      stop("parm not appropriate for node = Weather")
  ## Editing the 'Soil' component
  if(node == "Soil"){
    if(soil.child == "Metadata"){
      ## Not sure if there is minimum set of required parameters
      parm.path <- paste0(".//Soil/", parm)
      soil.metadata.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
      xml2::xml_set_text(soil.metadata.node, as.character(value))
    if(soil.child == "Water" || soil.child == "Physical"){
      ## First set of parameters are crop specific
      if(parm %in% c("LL", "KL", "XF")){
        parm.path <- paste0(".//Soil/Water/SoilCrop", "/", parm)
      ## Second set of parameters are soil specific
      if(parm %in% c("Thickness", "BD", "AirDry", "LL15", "DUL", "SAT", "KS", "SWCON", "MWCON", "KLAT")){
        parm.path <- paste0(".//Soil/Water", "/", parm)
      if(parm %in% c("SWCON", "MWCON", "KLAT")){
        parm.path <- paste0(".//Soil/SoilWater", "/", parm)
      ## Soil Water
      soil.water.parms <- c("SummerCona", "SummerU", "SummerDate",
                            "WinterCona", "WinterU", "WinterDate",
                            "DiffusConst","DiffusSlope", "Salb",
                            "CN2Bare", "CNRed", "CNCov")
      if(parm %in% soil.water.parms){
        ## These are of length 1
        parm.path <- paste0(".//Soil/Water", "/", parm)
        soil.water.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
        ## Error checking
          if(length(value) != length(soil.water.node))
            stop("value vector of incorrect length")
        xml2::xml_set_text(soil.water.node, as.character(value))
        soil.water.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
          if(length(value) != length(xml2::xml_children(soil.water.node))){
            cat("Length of value:", length(value), "\n")
            cat("Length of node: ", length(xml2::xml_children(soil.water.node)), "\n")
            stop("value vector of incorrect length")            
        ## With this code it is still possible to provide an incorrect parameter
        ## Not sure...
        len.child.soil.water.node <- length(xml2::xml_children(soil.water.node))
        ## If value is larger I grow the children to match lengths
        if(length(value) > len.child.soil.water.node){
            for(i in seq_len(length(value) - len.child.soil.water.node)){
              xml2::xml_add_child(soil.water.node, xml2::xml_children(soil.water.node)[[len.child.soil.water.node]])
        if(length(value) < len.child.soil.water.node){
          cat("length of value is shorter than length of soil water node.\n")
          stop("Don't really know how to do this yet")
        xml2::xml_set_text(xml2::xml_children(soil.water.node), as.character(value))

    if(soil.child == "SWIM"){
      parm.path.0 <- ".//Soil/Swim"
      ## This first set are single values
      swim.parms1 <- c("Salb", "CN2Bare", "CNRed", "CNCov", "KDul",
                       "PSIDul", "VC", "DTmin", "DTmax", "MaxWaterIncrement",
                       "SpaceWeightingFactor", "SoluteSpaceWeightingFactor",

      swim.parms2 <- c("DrainDepth", "DrainSpacing", "DrainRadius", "Klat", "ImpermDepth")
      if(parm %in% swim.parms1){
        parm.path <- paste0(".//Soil/Swim", "/", parm)
      if(parm == "WaterTableDepth"){
        parm.path <- ".//Soil/Swim/SwimWaterTable/WaterTableDepth"
      if(parm %in% swim.parms2){
        parm.path <- paste0(".//Soil/Swim/SwimSubsurfaceDrain", "/", parm)
      soil.swim.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
      xml2::xml_set_text(soil.swim.node, as.character(value))
    if(soil.child == "Nitrogen"){
      stop("not implemented yet")
      parm.choices <- c("fom_type", "fract_carb", "fract_cell", "fract_lign")
      parm <- match.arg(parm, choices = parm.choices)
      ## for all of these the length should be 6
      if(length(value) != 6) stop("value should be of length=6")
      parm.path <- paste0(".//Soil/SoilNitrogen", "/", parm)
      soil.nitrogen.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
      xml2::xml_set_text(xml2::xml_children(soil.nitrogen.node), as.character(value))
    if(soil.child == "OrganicMatter"){
      ## State what are organic matter possible parameters
      parm.ch1 <- c("RootCN", "RootWt", "SoilCN", "EnrACoeff", "EnrBCoeff")
      parm.ch2 <- c("Thickness", "OC", "FBiom", "FInert")
      parm.path <- paste0(".//Soil/SoilOrganicMatter", "/", parm)
      if(parm %in% parm.ch1){
        if(length(value) != 1) stop("value should be of length = 1")
        soil.OM.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
        xml2::xml_set_text(soil.OM.node, as.character(value))
      if(parm %in% parm.ch2){
        soil.OM.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
          if(length(value) != length(xml2::xml_children(soil.OM.node)))
            stop("value vector of incorrect length")
        len.child.soil.OM.node <- length(xml2::xml_children(soil.OM.node))
        ## If value is larger I grow the children to match lengths
        if(length(value) > len.child.soil.OM.node){
          for(i in seq_len(length(value) - len.child.soil.OM.node)){
            xml2::xml_add_child(soil.OM.node, xml2::xml_children(soil.OM.node)[[len.child.soil.OM.node]])
        if(length(value) < len.child.soil.OM.node){
          cat("length of value is shorter than length of soil water node. \n At the moment I think I can grow XML nodes but not shrink them.\n")
          stop("Don't really know how to do this yet.")
        xml2::xml_set_text(xml2::xml_children(soil.OM.node), as.character(value))
    if(soil.child == "Analysis"){
      ## State what are possible analysis parameters
      parm.ch <- c("Thickness", "PH", "EC")
      parm <- match.arg(parm, choices = parm.ch)
      parm.path <- paste0(".//Soil/Analysis", "/", parm)
      soil.Analysis.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
        if(length(value) != length(xml2::xml_children(soil.Analysis.node)))
          stop("value vector of incorrect length")
      len.child.soil.Analysis.node <- length(xml2::xml_children(soil.Analysis.node))
      ## If value is larger I grow the children to match lengths
      if(length(value) > len.child.soil.Analysis.node){
        for(i in seq_len(length(value) - len.child.soil.Analysis.node)){
          xml2::xml_add_child(soil.Analysis.node, xml2::xml_children(soil.Analysis.node)[[len.child.soil.Analysis.node]])
      if(length(value) < len.child.soil.Analysis.node){
        cat("length of value is shorter than length of soil water node. \n At the moment I think I can grow XML nodes but not shrink them.\n")
        stop("Don't really know how to do this yet.")
      xml2::xml_set_text(xml2::xml_children(soil.Analysis.node), as.character(value))
    if(soil.child == "InitialWater"){
      ## State what are possible InitialWater parameters
      parm.ch <- c("PercentMethod", "FractionFull", "DepthWetSoil")
      parm <- match.arg(parm, choices = parm.ch)
      parm.path <- paste0(".//Soil/InitialWater", "/", parm)
      soil.InitialWater.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
        if(length(value) != length(soil.InitialWater.node))
          stop("value vector of incorrect length")
      len.child.soil.InitialWater.node <- length(xml2::xml_children(soil.InitialWater.node))
      ## If value is larger I grow the children to match lengths
      if(length(value) > len.child.soil.InitialWater.node){
        for(i in seq_len(length(value) - len.child.soil.InitialWater.node)){
          xml2::xml_add_child(soil.InitialWater.node, xml2::xml_children(soil.InitialWater.node)[[len.child.soil.InitialWater.node]])
      if(length(value) < len.child.soil.InitialWater.node){
        cat("length of value is shorter than length of soil water node. \n At the moment I think I can grow XML nodes but not shrink them.\n")
        stop("Don't really know how to do this yet.")
      xml2::xml_set_text(soil.InitialWater.node, as.character(value))
    if(soil.child == "Sample"){
      ## State what are possible InitialWater parameters
      parm.ch <- c("Thickness", "NO3", "NH4", "SW", "OC", "EC", "CL", "ESP", "PH")
      parm <- match.arg(parm, choices = parm.ch)
      parm.path <- paste0(".//Soil/Sample", "/", parm)
      soil.Sample.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
        if(length(value) != length(soil.Sample.node))
          stop("value vector of incorrect length")
      len.child.soil.Sample.node <- length(xml2::xml_children(soil.Sample.node))
      ## If value is larger I grow the children to match lengths
      if(length(value) > len.child.soil.Sample.node){
        for(i in seq_len(length(value) - len.child.soil.Sample.node)){
          xml2::xml_add_child(soil.Sample.node, xml2::xml_children(soil.Sample.node)[[len.child.soil.Sample.node]])
      if(length(value) < len.child.soil.Sample.node){
        cat("length of value is shorter than length of soil water node. \n At the moment I think I can grow XML nodes but not shrink them.\n")
        stop("Don't really know how to do this yet.")
      xml2::xml_set_text(xml2::xml_children(soil.Sample.node), as.character(value))
    ## For now changing other components of the 'Soil' might make little sense
  if(node == "SurfaceOrganicMatter"){
      ## State what are possible Pools parameters
      parm.ch <- c("PoolName", "ResidueType", "Mass", "CNRatio",
                   "CPRatio", "StandingFraction", "type", "mass",
                   "cnr", "standing_fraction")
      parm <- match.arg(parm, choices = parm.ch)
      parm.path <- paste0(".//surfaceom/", parm)
      soil.Pools.Pool.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
        if(length(value) != length(xml2::xml_text(soil.Pools.Pool.node)))
          stop("value vector of incorrect length")
      len.child.soil.Pools.Pool.node <- length(xml2::xml_children(soil.Pools.Pool.node))
      ## If value is larger I grow the children to match lengths
      if(length(value) > len.child.soil.Pools.Pool.node){
        for(i in seq_len(length(value) - len.child.soil.Pools.Pool.node)){
          xml2::xml_add_child(soil.Pools.Pool.node, xml2::xml_children(soil.Pools.Pool.node)[[len.child.soil.Pools.Pool.node]])
      if(length(value) < len.child.soil.Pools.Pool.node){
        cat("length of value is shorter than length of soil water node. \n At the moment I think I can grow XML nodes but not shrink them.\n")
        stop("Don't really know how to do this yet.")
      xml2::xml_set_text(soil.Pools.Pool.node, as.character(value))
  if(node == "Crop" || node == "Manager"){
      manager.node <- xml2::xml_find_all(apsim_xml, ".//manager")
      manager.node.names <- xml2::xml_attr(manager.node, "name")
      wmnn <- grep(manager.child, manager.node.names, ignore.case = TRUE)
      if(length(wmnn) == 0L) stop("manager child not found")
      select.manager.node <- manager.node[[wmnn]]
      ## If parameter is missing I should print available options, maybe...
      parm.select.manager.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(select.manager.node, paste0(".//",parm))
      xml2::xml_set_text(parm.select.manager.node, as.character(value))
      crop.node <- xml2::xml_find_all(apsim_xml, parm)
      if(length(crop.node) == 0) stop("parm not found")
        if(length(value) != length(crop.node))
            stop("value vector of incorrect length")
      xml2::xml_set_text(crop.node, as.character(value))
  if(node == "Outputfile"){
    outputfile.node <- xml2::xml_find_all(apsim_xml, ".//outputfile")
    outputfile.parms <- c("filename", "title", "variables", "events")
      cat("Parameter choices:", outputfile.parms, "\n")
      stop("Parameter is missing. Choose one from the options above.", call. = FALSE)
    parm <- match.arg(parm, outputfile.parms)
    if(parm == "filename" && !grepl("out$", value))
      stop("value should have '.out' extension when parm = 'filename'", call. = FALSE)
    if(parm == "filename" || parm == "title" || parm == "events"){
      output.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(outputfile.node, parm)
      xml2::xml_set_text(output.node, as.character(value))
    if(parm == "variables"){
      variables.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(outputfile.node, parm)
      len.variables.node <- length(xml2::xml_children(variables.node))
      if(substr(value[1], 1, 1) == "-"){
        stop("Have not implemented this yet.")
        ## Here I remove a variable        
        for(i in seq_along(value)){
          xml2::xml_add_child(variables.node, xml2::xml_children(variables.node)[[len.variables.node]])
          last.child <- xml2::xml_children(variables.node)[[len.variables.node+i]]
          xml2::xml_set_text(last.child, value[i])          
  if(node == "Other"){
    other.node <- xml2::xml_find_first(apsim_xml, parm.path)
    if(length(other.node) == 0) stop("other node parameter not found")
    length.other.node0 <- xml2::xml_length(other.node)
    length.other.node1 <- length(xml2::xml_text(other.node))
    length.other.node <- max(c(length.other.node0, length.other.node1))
    if(length(value) != length.other.node)
      stop("Length of value should be equal to the vector you are trying to edit")
    if(length.other.node == 1){
      xml2::xml_set_text(other.node, as.character(value))  
      for(i in seq_len(length.other.node)){
        xml2::xml_set_text(xml2::xml_children(other.node)[i], as.character(value[i]))  
  if(overwrite == FALSE){
    wr.path <- paste0(wrt.dir, "/",
                      edit.tag, ".apsim")
    wr.path <- paste0(wrt.dir, "/", file)
  ## If I use the root method need to use this workaround
    # apsim_xml00[[wsim]] <- apsim_xml
    # apsim_xml <- apsim_xml00
    ## Alternative
    ## Find root node
    xml2::xml_replace(apsim_xml_root_node, apsim_xml)
    xml2::write_xml(apsim_xml00, file = wr.path) 
    xml2::write_xml(apsim_xml, file = wr.path)    
  # cat("Class apsim_xml", class(apsim_xml), "\n")
  # cat("wr.path: ", wr.path, "\n")
  # cat("Class wr.path:", class(wr.path), "\n")
    cat("Edited", parm.path, "\n")
    cat("Edited parameter", parm, "\n")
    cat("New values ", value, "\n")
    cat("Created ", wr.path, "\n")

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apsimx documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:42 p.m.