
#traceplot.default <- function(x, ...) coda::traceplot

# ========================================================================
# function for trace plot
# ========================================================================

#setMethod("traceplot", signature(x = "mcmc.list"),
#  function (x, smooth = TRUE, col = 1:6, type = "l", ylab = "", ...)
#  args <- list(...)
#  for (j in 1:nvar(x)) {
#    xp <- as.vector(time(x))
#    yp <- if (nvar(x) > 1)
#        x[, j, drop = TRUE]
#    else x
#    yp <- do.call("cbind", yp)
#    matplot(xp, yp, xlab = "Iterations", ylab = ylab, type = type,
#        col = col, ...)
#    if (!is.null(varnames(x)) && is.null(list(...)$main))
#      title(paste("Trace of", varnames(x)[j]))
#    if (smooth) {
#      scol <- rep(col, length = nchain(x))
#      for (k in 1:nchain(x)) lines(lowess(xp, yp[, k]),
#        col = scol[k])
#    }
#  }

setMethod("traceplot", signature(x = "bugs"),
  function( x, mfrow = c( 1, 1 ), varname = NULL,
  match.head = TRUE, ask = TRUE,
  col = rainbow( x$n.chains ),
  lty = 1, lwd = 1, ... )
  par( mfrow = mfrow )
  par( ask = ask )
  n.chain    <- x$n.chains
  n.keep     <- x$n.keep
  bugs.array <- x$sims.array
  varnamelist <- gsub( "\\[.*\\]","", dimnames( bugs.array )[[3]], fixed = FALSE )
  if( is.null( varname ) ){ varname <- ".*" }
  if( match.head ) { varname <- paste( "^", varname, sep="" ) }
  index      <- unlist( sapply( varname, function( x ){ grep( x, varnamelist ) } ) )
  n.var      <- length( index )
  for( j in index ) {
    range.x  <- c( 1, n.keep )
    range.y  <- range( bugs.array[,,j] )
    v.name   <- dimnames( bugs.array )[[3]][j]
    plot( range.x, range.y, type = "n", main = v.name,
            xlab = "iteration", ylab = v.name,
              xaxt  = "n", xaxs = "i", ... )
    for( i in 1:n.chain ) {
      x.cord <- 1:n.keep
      y.cord <- bugs.array[,i,j]
      lines( x.cord , y.cord , col = col[i], lty = lty, lwd = lwd )
    axis( 1, at = seq(0, n.keep, n.keep*0.1), tick = TRUE )

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arm documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:14 a.m.