
setConstructorS3("CartesianSnpData", function(data=NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.null(data))
    colnames(data) <- c("A", "B")
  extend(SnpData(data, ...), "CartesianSnpData")

setMethodS3("plot", "CartesianSnpData", function(x, xlim=range(x, na.rm=TRUE), ylim=xlim, ...) {
  NextMethod("plot", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

setMethodS3("asCartesianSnpData", "CartesianSnpData", function(this, ...) {

setMethodS3("asPolarSnpData", "CartesianSnpData", function(this, ...) {
  theta <- this

  data <- this
  # Radius
  data[,1] <- sqrt(theta[,1]^2 + theta[,2]^2)
  # Azimuth
  data[,2] <- asin(theta[,2]/data[,1])

  PolarSnpData(data, ...)

setMethodS3("asTotalFracBSnpData", "CartesianSnpData", function(this, ...) {
  theta <- this

  data <- theta
  # Total
  data[,1] <- theta[,"A"]+theta[,"B"]
  # FracB
  data[,2] <- theta[,"B"]/data[,1]

  TotalFracBSnpData(data, ...)

setMethodS3("pairedBoost", "CartesianSnpData", function(this, dataN, scaleByCN=TRUE, flavor=c("diagonal", "manhattan"), ...) {
##setMethodS3("pairedBoost", "CartesianSnpData", function(this, dataN, scaleByCN=TRUE, flavor=c("manhattan", "diagonal"), ...) {
  # Argument 'flavor':
  flavor <- match.arg(flavor)

  # Coerce normal SNP signals
  thetaN <- asCartesianSnpData(dataN)

  # Assert compatibility
  if (!identical(dim(this), dim(thetaN))) {
    throw("Argument 'dataN' is of a non-compatible dimension.")

  # Call normal genotypes
  thetaNC <- callGenotypes(thetaN, ...)

  isAA <- (thetaNC[,1] != 0 & thetaNC[,2] == 0)
  isAB <- (thetaNC[,1] != 0 & thetaNC[,2] != 0)
  isBB <- (thetaNC[,1] == 0 & thetaNC[,2] != 0)

  # Estimate Cartesian correction factors
  delta <- array(0, dim=dim(thetaN))

  # AA:s
  idxs <- which(isAA)
  delta[idxs,2] <- thetaN[idxs,2]-thetaNC[idxs,2]
  if (flavor == "diagonal") {
    delta[idxs,1] <- -delta[idxs,2]

  # BB:s
  idxs <- which(isBB)
  delta[idxs,1] <- thetaN[idxs,1]-thetaNC[idxs,1]
  if (flavor == "diagonal") {
    delta[idxs,2] <- -delta[idxs,1]

  # AB:s
  idxs <- which(isAB)
  delta[idxs,] <- thetaN[idxs,]-thetaNC[idxs,]

  # Scale by CN?
  if (scaleByCN) {
    # Estimate relative CNs
    thetaT <- this
    totalT <- thetaT[,1]+thetaT[,2]
    totalN <- thetaN[,1]+thetaN[,2]
    C <- totalT/totalN
    delta <- C*delta

  # Calibrate accordingly
  res <- this
  res <- res - delta


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