
setMethodS3("convertTable", "default", function(src, dest=NULL, sep="\t", ..., verbose=FALSE) {
  # Argument 'src':
  src <- Arguments$getReadablePathname(src, mustExist=TRUE)

  # Argument 'dest':
  dest <- Arguments$getWritablePathname(dest)

  # Argument 'verbose':
  verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
  if (verbose) {

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Convert tabular file")
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Source: ", src)
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Destination: ", dest)

  inCon <- file(src, open="r")
  outCon <- file(dest, open="w")
  on.exit(close(outCon), add=TRUE)

  # Header
  header <- readLines(con=inCon, n=1)
  writeLines(con=outCon, header)

  # Number of columns
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Header: ", header)
  nbrOfColumns <- length(strsplit(header, split=sep)[[1]])
  verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of columns: ", nbrOfColumns)

  verbose && enter(verbose, "Padding the rows for equal number of columns")
  # Predefine possible paddings
  upad <- sapply(1:nbrOfColumns, FUN=function(n) {
    paste(rep(sep, n), collapse="")
  names(upad) <- 1:nbrOfColumns

  # Convert file in blocks of 100,000 rows.
  blockSize <- 1e5
  count <- 1
  while (TRUE) {
    verbose && printf(verbose, "Block #%d\n", as.integer(count))
    lines <- readLines(con=inCon, n=blockSize)
    if (length(lines) == 0)

    # Count the number of column in each row
    widths <- gregexpr(sep, lines, fixed=TRUE)
    widths <- unlist(lapply(widths, FUN=length), use.names=FALSE)
    widths <- widths + 1

    # Fill with TABs if too few
    missing <- nbrOfColumns - widths
    nok <- which(missing > 0)
    if (length(nok) > 0) {
      lines[nok] <- paste(lines[nok], upad[missing[nok]], sep="")
    # Not needed anymore
    missing <- nok <- NULL

    writeLines(con=outCon, lines)
    # Not needed anymore
    lines <- NULL

    count <- count + 1
  verbose && exit(verbose)

  verbose && exit(verbose)


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aroma.core documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:15 a.m.