

J <- 100
I <- 4
Y <- matrix(rnorm(I*J, sd=1/2), ncol=I)
# Introduce a gain in column 2 and 3
Y[30:50,2:3] <- Y[30:50,2:3] + 3
x <- 1:J

xOut <- x
Ys1 <- colKernelSmoothing(Y, x=x, xOut=xOut, kernel="gaussian", h=1)
Ys5 <- colKernelSmoothing(Y, x=x, xOut=xOut, kernel="gaussian", h=5)

xlim <- range(c(x,xOut))
ylim <- c(-3,5)
layout(matrix(1:I, ncol=1))
par(mar=c(3,3,1,1)+0.1, pch=19)
for (ii in 1:I) {
  plot(NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
  points(x, Y[,ii], col="#999999")
  lines(xOut, Ys1[,ii], col=2)
  points(xOut, Ys1[,ii], col=2)
  lines(xOut, Ys5[,ii], col=3)
  points(xOut, Ys5[,ii], col=3)

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aroma.core documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:15 a.m.