
transmute() defuses dots arguments (ARROW-13262)

  tbl %>% Table$create() %>% transmute(a = stringr::str_c(padded_strings,
    padded_strings), b = stringr::str_squish(a)) %>% collect()
  In stringr::str_squish(a): 
  i Expression not supported in Arrow
  > Pulling data into R
  # A tibble: 10 x 2
     a                                            b    
     <chr>                                        <chr>
   1 " a  a "                                     a a  
   2 "  b    b  "                                 b b  
   3 "   c      c   "                             c c  
   4 "    d        d    "                         d d  
   5 "     e          e     "                     e e  
   6 "      f            f      "                 f f  
   7 "       g              g       "             g g  
   8 "        h                h        "         h h  
   9 "         i                  i         "     i i  
  10 "          j                    j          " j j

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arrow documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:02 p.m.