
Defines functions is_non_empty_string_advanced is_string_advanced is_flag_advanced is_number_advanced is_whole_number is_reactive is_list is_flag is_string is_logical_vector is_scalar is_character_vector is_number is_numeric_vector is_vector

Documented in is_character_vector is_flag is_flag_advanced is_list is_logical_vector is_non_empty_string_advanced is_number is_number_advanced is_numeric_vector is_reactive is_string is_string_advanced is_vector

# Basic Typing -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Check if an object is a vector
#' This function checks if an object is a vector
#' @param x An object to check
#' @return A logical indicating whether `x` is a vector
#' @concept is_type
is_vector <- function(x){
  is.vector(x) && (!inherits(x, what = "list"))

#' Check if an object is a numeric vector
#' This function checks if an object is a numeric vector in R.
#' @param x An object to check.
#' @return A logical value indicating whether `x` is a numeric vector.
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' is_numeric_vector(c(1, 2, 3)) # TRUE
#' is_numeric_vector(list(1, 2, 3)) # FALSE
#' is_numeric_vector(1:5) # TRUE
#' is_numeric_vector("hello") # FALSE
#' is_numeric_vector(list(1, 2, "a")) # FALSE
#' }
#' @concept is_type
is_numeric_vector <- function(x){
  is.numeric(x) && is_vector(x)

#' Check if an object is a single number
#' @param x An object to check.
#' @return A logical value indicating whether `x` is a single number.
#' @concept is_type
is_number <- function(x){
  is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1

#' Check if an object is a character vector
#' @param x An object to check.
#' @return A logical value indicating whether `x` is a character vector.
#' @concept is_type
is_character_vector <- function(x){
  is.character(x) && is_vector(x)

is_scalar <- function(x){
 length(x) == 1

#' Check if an object is a logical vector
#' @param x An object to check.
#' @return A logical value indicating whether `x` is a logical vector.
#' @concept is_type
is_logical_vector <- function(x){
  is.logical(x) && is_vector(x)

#' Check if an object is a single string
#' @param x An object to check.
#' @return A logical value indicating whether `x` is a single string.
#' @concept is_type
is_string <- function(x){
  is.character(x) && length(x) == 1

#' Check if a value is a logical flag
#' This function checks if a value is a logical scalar (i.e., a single logical value).
#' @param x A value to check.
#' @return A logical scalar indicating whether `x` is a logical flag.
#' @concept is_type
is_flag <- function(x){
  is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1

#' Check if a value is a list
#' This function checks if a value is a list.
#' By default, definition of a 'list' excludes data.frames in spite of them technically being lists.
#' This behaviour can be changed by setting `include_dataframes = TRUE`
#' @param x A value to check.
#' @param include_dataframes A logical indicating whether data_frames should be considered vectors. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @return A logical scalar indicating whether `x` is a list.
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' is_list(list(1, 2)) # TRUE
#' is_list(c(1, 2, 3)) # FALSE
#' is_list(data.frame()) # FALSE
#' is_list(data.frame(), include_dataframes = TRUE) # TRUE
#' }
#' @concept is_type
is_list <- function(x, include_dataframes = FALSE){
  is.list(x) && (!is.data.frame(x) || include_dataframes)

#' Check if a value is reactive
#' This function checks if a value is reactive
#' @param x A value to check.
#' @return A logical scalar indicating whether `x` is a list.
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' is_reactive(shiny::reactive(1)) # TRUE
#' is_reactive(1) # FALSE
#' }
#' @concept is_type
is_reactive <- function(x){

is_whole_number <- function(x){
# Advanced ----------------------------------------------------------------
# assert_create_advanced functions -----------------------------------------
# These functions are for feeding into assert_create_advanced
# They take an object and instead of returning TRUE/FALSE, they return TRUE if assertion should pass,
# and the error message to throw if assertion should fail

#' Check if x is a number
#' This function is designed for use with `assert_create_advanced`. It must return
#' TRUE for the assertion to pass or a string representing the error message if the
#' assertion should fail.
#' @param x A value to be checked
#' @return Returns invisible(TRUE) if x is a numeric value with length 1. Returns a string
#' with an error message if x is not a numeric value or has a length other than 1.
#' @concept advanced
is_number_advanced <- function(x){
    return("'{.strong {arg_name}}' is not a {.strong number}! (class is {.strong {class(arg_value)}}, not {.strong numeric})")

  if(length(x) != 1)
    return("'{.strong {arg_name}}' is not a {.strong number}! (length is {.strong {length(arg_value)}}, not {.strong 1})")


#' Check if x is a flag
#' This function is designed for use with `assert_create_advanced`. It must return
#' TRUE for the assertion to pass or a string representing the error message if the
#' assertion should fail.
#' @param x A value to be checked
#' @return Returns invisible(TRUE) if x is a logical value with length 1. Returns a string
#' with an error message if x is not a logical value or has a length other than 1.
#' @concept advanced
is_flag_advanced <- function(x){
    return("'{.strong {arg_name}}' is not a {.strong flag}! (class is {.strong {class(arg_value)}}, not {.strong logical})")

  if(length(x) != 1)
    return("'{.strong {arg_name}}' is not a {.strong flag}! (length is {.strong {length(arg_value)}}, not {.strong 1})")


#' Check if x is a string
#' This function is designed for use with `assert_create`. It returns
#' TRUE for the assertion to pass or a string representing the error message if the
#' assertion should fail.
#' @param x A value to be checked
#' @return Returns invisible(TRUE) if x is a character value with length 1. Returns a string
#' with an error message if x is not a character value or has a length other than 1.
#' @concept advanced
is_string_advanced <- function(x){
    return("'{.strong {arg_name}}' is not a {.strong string}! (class is {.strong {class(arg_value)}}, not {.strong character})")

  if(length(x) != 1)
    return("'{.strong {arg_name}}' is not a {.strong string}! (length is {.strong {length(arg_value)}}, not {.strong 1})")


#' Check if x is a nonempty string
#' This function is designed for use with `assert_create`. It returns
#' TRUE for the assertion to pass or a string representing the error message if the
#' assertion should fail.
#' @param x A value to be checked
#' @return Returns invisible(TRUE) if x is a character value with length 1 and at least 1 character in string. Returns a string
#' with an error message if x is not a character value or has a length other than 1.
#' @concept advanced
is_non_empty_string_advanced <- function(x){
  is_string_res <-  is_string_advanced(x)

  else if(nchar(x) == 0)
    return("'{.strong {arg_name}}' is an {.strong empty} string!")


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assertions documentation built on June 7, 2023, 6:03 p.m.