accuracy.kfold: Estimate assignment accuracies of K-fold cross-validation...

View source: R/accuracy.kfold.R

accuracy.kfoldR Documentation

Estimate assignment accuracies of K-fold cross-validation results


This function allows you to estimate assignment accuracies of K-fold cross-validation results. The output results can be used to make assignment accuracy plots (use function accuracy.plot) and membership probability plot (use function membership.plot)


accuracy.kfold(dir = NULL)



A character string to specify the folder that has your K-fold cross-validation results. A slash should be included at the end (e.g., dir="YourFolderName/").


This function outputs the results in a text file (a table). It can return a data frame when a returning object is specified.

assignPOP documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:27 a.m.