Man pages for astrolibR
Astronomy Users Library

adstringReturn RA and Dec as character string(s) in sexigesimal...
airtovacConvert air wavelengths to vacuum wavelengths
aitoffConvert longitude, latitude to X,Y using an AITOFF projection
altaz2hadecConvert horizon (Alt-Az) coordinates to hour angle and...
astrolibR-packageastrolibR: Astronomy Users Library
baryvelCalculates heliocentric and barycentric velocity components...
bprecessPrecess celestial positions from J2000.0 (FK5) to B1950.0...
calz_unredDeredden a galaxy spectrum using the Calzetti et al. (2000)...
ccm_unredDeredden a flux vector using the Cardelli et al. (1989)...
cirrangeForce an angle into the range 0 <= ang < 360
co_aberrationCalculate changes to right ascension and declination due to...
co_nutateCalculate changes in right ascension and declination due to...
co_refractCalculate correction to altitude due to atmospheric...
co_refract_forwardCalculate the true altitude of a celestial object from an...
cosmo_paramDerive full set of cosmological density parameters from a...
ct2lstConvert from Local Civil Time to Local Mean Sidereal Time
daycnvConvert Julian dates to Gregorian calendar dates
dereddDeredden stellar Stromgren parameters given for a value of...
dtdzIntegrand for cosmic age vs. redshift in standard cosmology
eci2geoConvert Earth-centered inertial coordinates to geographic...
eq2horConvert celestial (ra-dec) coords to local horizon coords...
eqpoleConvert Right Ascension and declination to X,Y using an...
eulerTransform between Galactic, celestial, and ecliptic...
flux2magConvert from flux (ergs/s/cm^2/A) to astronomical magnitudes
fm_unredDeredden a flux vector using the Fitzpatrick (1999)...
galageDetermine the age of a galaxy given its redshift and a...
gal_uvwCalculate the Galactic space velocity (U,V,W) of a star
gcircComputes rigorous great circle arc distances between points...
geo2eciConvert geographic spherical coordinates to Earth-centered...
geo2geodeticConvert from geographic/planetographic to geodetic...
geodetic2geoConvert from geodetic (or planetodetic) to geographic...
glactcConvert between celestial and Galactic (or Supergalactic)...
glactc_pmConvert between celestial and Galactic (or Supergalactic)...
hadec2altazConvert Hour Angle and Declination to Horizon (alt-az)...
helioCompute (low-precision) heliocentric coordinates for the...
helio_jdConvert geocentric (reduced) Julian date to heliocentric...
helio_rvCalculate the heliocentric radial velocity of a spectroscopic...
hor2eqConverts local horizon coordinates (alt-az) to equatorial...
imfCompute an N-component power-law logarithmic stellar initial...
intdivInteger divide
ismeuvCompute the continuum interstellar extreme ultraviolet (EUV)...
jdcnvConvert Gregorian dates to Julian days
jprecessPrecess celestial positions from B1950.0 (FK4) to J2000.0...
juldateConvert from calendar to Reduced Julian Date
ldistIntegrand for luminosity distance calculation
lsf_rotateCreate a 1-d convolution kernel to broaden a spectrum from a...
lumdistCalculate luminosity distance (in Mpc) of an object given its...
mag2fluxConvert from astronomical magnitudes to flux (ergs/s/cm^2/A)
month_cnvConvert between a month name and the equivalent number
moonposCompute the Right Ascension and Declination of the Moon at...
mphaseCalculate the illuminated fraction of the Moon at given...
nutateCalculate the nutation in longitude and obliquity for a given...
planckCalculate the Planck function in units of ergs/cm2/s/A
planet_coordsCalculate low precision Right Ascension and declination for...
polyidlCalculate polynomial
posangCompute position angle of source 2 relative to source 1
precessPrecess coordinates from EQUINOX1 to EQUINOX2
precess_xyzPrecess equatorial geocentric rectangular coordinates
prematReturn the precession matrix needed to go from EQUINOX1 to...
radecConvert Right Ascension and declination from decimal to...
rhothetaCalculate the separation and position angle of a binary star
sixtyConvert a decimal number to sexigesimal
sphdistDistance on a sphere
sunposCompute the Right Ascension and Declination of the Sun at...
tenConvert a sexigesimal number or string to decimal
uvbybetaDerive dereddened colors, metallicity, and Teff from...
vactoairConvert vacuum wavelengths to air wavelengths
xyzCalculate geocentric X,Y, and Z and velocity coordinates of...
ydn2mdConvert from year and day number of year to month and day of...
ymd2dnConvert from year, month, day to day number of year
zangDetermine the angular size of an object as a function of...
astrolibR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:26 a.m.