
Defines functions LagReg

Documented in LagReg

LagReg <-
function(input, output, L=c(3,3), M=40, threshold=0, inverse=FALSE){

## This is based on code contributed by:
##  Professor Douglas P. Wiens 
##  Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
##  University of Alberta         
##  http://www.stat.ualberta.ca/%7Ewiens/wiens.html    

L = 2*floor((L-1)/2)+1     # make sure L is odd (can be vector)
M = 2*floor(M/2)           # make sure M is even

name.in = deparse(substitute(input))
name.out= deparse(substitute(output))

ts = stats::ts

## Remove the means; they get added back in later
mean.in = mean(input)
mean.out = mean(output)

input = input- mean.in
output = output - mean.out

cat("INPUT:",name.in,"OUTPUT:",name.out, "  L =",L, "   M =",M, "\n\n")


# Compute the spectra
# Note the order: cbind(output, input) - this is necessary in order that the phase have the right sign.

## --> spectra = stats::spectrum(ts(cbind(output, input)), spans=L , plot = FALSE) 
spectra = mvspec(ts(cbind(output, input)), spans=L , plot = FALSE)

N = 2*length(spectra$freq)  # This will be T'.

## First look only at frequencies 1/M, 2/M, ... .5*M/M 
## Currently the frequencies used are 1/N, 2/N, ... .5*N/N 

sampled.indices = (N/M)*(1:(M/2))  # These are the indices of the frequencies we want

fr.N = spectra$freq
fr.M = fr.N[sampled.indices]  # These will be the frequencies we want

## Restrict spectra to the frequencies we want:

coh.N = spectra$coh
coh.M = coh.N[sampled.indices]

phase.N = spectra$phase
phase.M = phase.N[sampled.indices]

output.spec.N = spectra$spec[,1]
output.spec.M = output.spec.N[sampled.indices]

input.spec.N = spectra$spec[,2]
input.spec.M = input.spec.N[sampled.indices]

B = sqrt(coh.M*output.spec.M/input.spec.M)*exp(1i*phase.M)

## Invert B, by discretizing the defining integral, to get the coefficients b:
delta = 1/M
Omega = seq(from = 1/M, to = .5, length = M/2)
bb = function(s) 2*delta*sum(exp(2i*pi*Omega*s)*B)

S = ((-M/2+1):(M/2-1))
b = vector(length = length(S))
for(k in 1:length(S)) b[k] = bb(S[k])
b = Re(b)

b.pos = b[(M/2):length(b)]    # beta(0), beta(1), beta(2) ...
b.neg = b[(M/2):1]	          # beta(0), beta(-1), beta(-2) ... 

cat("The coefficients beta(0), beta(1), beta(2) ... beta(M/2-1) are", fill=TRUE, "\n")
cat(b.pos, fill=TRUE,  "\n\n")

cat("The coefficients beta(0), beta(-1), beta(-2) ... beta(-M/2+1) are", fill=TRUE, "\n")
cat(b.neg, fill=TRUE,"\n\n")

old.par <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)

tsplot(S, b, type = "h", xlab = "s", ylab = "beta(s)", main = "coefficients beta(s)")
ccf2(output, input, max.lag = M/2-1) 

##                  start cases                     ##

if(inverse == FALSE){

## First isolate the significantly large betas with positive indices

b.pos = b[(M/2):length(b)]   # beta(0), beta(1), beta(2) ...
b.neg = b[(M/2):1]	         # beta(0), beta(-1), beta(-2) ... 
sig.s = which(abs(b.pos) >= threshold) 
if (length(sig.s) < 1) stop("threshold too large")

b.pos.sig = b.pos[sig.s]  # The vector of significant beta's
mat = cbind(sig.s-1, b.pos.sig)
colnames(mat) = c("lag s", "beta(s)")

cat("The positive lags, at which the coefficients are large
in absolute value, and the coefficients themselves, are:", "\n")

## Form a matrix consisting of all series to be used in the lagged regression
datax = stats::ts.intersect(output, stats::lag(input, -sig.s[1]))
if(length(sig.s)>1) {for(i in 2:length(sig.s)) datax = stats::ts.intersect(datax, stats::lag(input, -sig.s[i]))}

## put means back
yhat =  mean.out + datax%*%c(0, b.pos.sig) # These are the predicted (by the input) values of the output
y = datax[,1]  + mean.out  # This is the original output series, for comparison
alpha = mean.out - mean.in*sum(b.pos.sig)  # the constant (just for the output)

MSE = sum((y-yhat)^2)/length(y)
tsplot(cbind(y, yhat), spaghetti=TRUE, lty=2:1, col=c(1,4), main = "Output (- - -) and predicted by input (---) based on impulse-response analysis")

cat("\n", "The prediction equation is", "\n",
name.out,"(t) = alpha + sum_s[ beta(s)*",name.in,"(t-s) ], where alpha = ", alpha, "\n",
"MSE = ", MSE, "\n", sep="") 

if(inverse == TRUE) {

## First isolate the significantly large betas with negative indices

b.pos = b[(M/2):length(b)]   # beta(0), beta(-) ...
b.neg = b[(M/2-1):1]	     # beta(-1), beta(-2) ... 

sig.s = which(abs(b.neg) >= threshold)
if (length(sig.s) < 1) stop("threshold too large")
b.neg.sig = b.neg[sig.s]  # The vector of significant beta's
mat = cbind(sig.s, b.neg.sig)
colnames(mat) = c("lag s", "beta(s)")

cat("The negative lags, at which the coefficients are large
in absolute value, and the coefficients themselves, are:", "\n")

## Form a matrix consisting of all series to be used in the lagged regression
datax = stats::ts.intersect(output, stats::lag(input, sig.s[1]))
if(length(sig.s)>1) {for(i in 2:length(sig.s)) datax = stats::ts.intersect(datax, stats::lag(input, sig.s[i]))}

## put means back
yhat = mean.out + datax%*%c(0, b.neg.sig)  # These are the predicted (by the input) values of the output
y = datax[,1] + mean.out  # This is the original output series, for comparison
alpha = mean.out - mean.in*sum(b.neg.sig)  # the constant (just for the output)

MSE = sum((y-yhat)^2)/length(y)
tsplot(cbind(y, yhat), spaghetti=TRUE, lty=2:1, col=c(1,4), main="Output (- - -) and predicted by input (---)  based on impulse-response analysis")

cat("\n", "The prediction equation is", "\n",
name.out,"(t) = alpha + sum_s[ beta(s)*",name.in,"(t+s) ], where alpha = ",alpha, "\n",
"MSE = ",MSE, "\n", sep="") 

list(betas = cbind(S,b), fit=cbind(output=y, fit=yhat, resids=y-yhat) )            

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