
Defines functions arma.spec

Documented in arma.spec

arma.spec <-
function(ar=0, ma=0, var.noise=1, n.freq=500,  main='from specified model', 
          frequency=1, ylim=NULL, plot=TRUE, ...)
     check <- 0
    # check causality
     ar.poly <- c(1, -ar)
     z.ar <- base::polyroot(ar.poly)
     if(any(abs(z.ar) <= 1)) {cat("WARNING: Model Not Causal", "\n"); check <- check + 1}  
    # check invertibility
     ma.poly <- c(1, ma)
     z.ma <- base::polyroot(ma.poly)
     if(any(abs(z.ma) <= 1)) {cat("WARNING: Model Not Invertible", "\n"); check <- check + 1}
     if (check > 0) stop("Try Again")
     xfreq    <- frequency
     ar.order <- length(ar)
     ma.order <- length(ma)
    # check (near) parameter redundancy [i.e. are any roots (approximately) equal]  
       for (i in 1:ar.order) {
       if ( (ar[1] == 0 && ar.order == 1) || (ma[1] == 0 && ma.order == 1) )  break
       if(any(abs(z.ar[i]-z.ma[1:ma.order]) < 1e-01)) {cat("WARNING: Parameter Redundancy", "\n"); break}
    freq <- seq.int(0, 0.5, length.out = n.freq)
      cs.ar <- outer(freq, 1:ar.order, function(x, y) cos(2 * pi * x * y)) %*% ar
      sn.ar <- outer(freq, 1:ar.order, function(x, y) sin(2 * pi * x * y)) %*% ar
      cs.ma <- outer(freq, 1:ma.order, function(x, y) cos(2 * pi * x * y)) %*% -ma
      sn.ma <- outer(freq, 1:ma.order, function(x, y) sin(2 * pi * x * y)) %*% -ma                      
    spec <- var.noise*((1 - cs.ma)^2 + sn.ma^2)/((1 - cs.ar)^2 + sn.ar^2)
    spg.out <- list(freq=freq*xfreq, spec=spec)
    Ylab = 'spectrum'
    Xlab = ifelse(xfreq>1, paste('frequency \u00D7', xfreq), 'frequency')
     m1  = min(spec) 
     m2  = max(spec) 
     yspread =  (m2 - m1)/var.noise 
     if (is.null(ylim) & yspread < 1) ylim = c(max(m1-2*var.noise, 0.1*var.noise), m2+2*var.noise)
   tsplot(freq*xfreq, spec, xlab=Xlab, ylab=Ylab, main=main, ylim=ylim, ...)

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astsa documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:29 a.m.