
Defines functions sarima

Documented in sarima

sarima <-  
          fixed=NULL,tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),no.constant=FALSE, ...)

   trans = ifelse (is.null(fixed), TRUE, FALSE)
   trc   = ifelse(details, 1, 0)
   n     = length(xdata) 
  if (is.null(xreg)) {
   constant = 1:n 
   xmean    = rep(1,n)  
   if (no.constant)  xmean=NULL 
   if (d==0 & D==0) {  
           fitit = arima(xdata, order=c(p,d,q), seasonal=list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=S),
                  xreg=xmean, include.mean=FALSE, fixed=fixed, transform.pars=trans, 
                  optim.control=list(trace=trc, REPORT=1, reltol=tol))
    } else if (xor(d==1, D==1) & no.constant==FALSE) {
           fitit = arima(xdata, order=c(p,d,q), seasonal=list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=S),
                   xreg=constant, fixed=fixed, transform.pars=trans,
                   optim.control=list(trace=trc, REPORT=1, reltol=tol))
    } else fitit = arima(xdata, order=c(p,d,q), seasonal=list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=S), 
                   include.mean=!no.constant, fixed=fixed, transform.pars=trans, 
                   optim.control=list(trace=trc, REPORT=1, reltol=tol))

  if (!is.null(xreg)) {
    fitit = arima(xdata, order=c(p,d,q), seasonal=list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=S), 
                         xreg=xreg, fixed=fixed, transform.pars=trans, 
                         optim.control=list(trace=trc, REPORT=1, reltol=tol))

  if (is.null(fixed)) {coefs=fitit$coef
    } else { coefs = fitit$coef[is.na(fixed)]
   k       = length(coefs) 
   n       = fitit$nobs  # effective sample size
   dfree   = n-k 
   t.value = coefs/sqrt(diag(fitit$var.coef)) 
   p.two   = stats::pf(t.value^2, df1=1, df2=dfree, lower.tail = FALSE)   
   ttable  = cbind(Estimate=coefs, SE=sqrt(diag(fitit$var.coef)), t.value, p.value=p.two)
   ttable  = round(ttable,4)
   BIC     = stats::BIC(fitit)/n
   AIC     = stats::AIC(fitit)/n
   AICc    = (n*AIC + ( (2*k^2+2*k)/(n-k-1) ))/n

# print  results
  cat('Coefficients:', '\n')
  cat('sigma^2 estimated as', fitit$sigma2, 'on', dfree, 'degrees of freedom', '\n','\n')
  cat('AIC =', AIC, ' AICc =', AICc, ' BIC =', BIC, '\n', '\n')
  out = list(fit=fitit, degrees_of_freedom=dfree, ttable=ttable, 
             ICs=c(AIC=AIC, AICc=AICc, BIC=BIC))

#  replace tsdiag with a better version
  old.par  <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  layout(matrix(c(1,2,4, 1,3,4), ncol=2))
    rs <-  fitit$residuals 
   stdres <- rs/sqrt(fitit$sigma2)
   num    <- sum(!is.na(rs))
  tsplot(stdres, main = "Standardized Residuals", ylab = "", ...)
     if (S<0) {title(bquote('Model: ('~.(p)*','*.(d)*','*.(q)~')'), adj=0) }
     else {title(bquote('Model: ('~.(p)*','*.(d)*','*.(q)~')'~'\u00D7'~'('~.(P)*','*.(D)*','*.(Q)~')'[~.(S)]), 
                  adj=0) }     

    alag  <- max(10+sqrt(num), 3*S) 
  acf1(rs, alag, main = "ACF of Residuals", ...)

    u = qqnorm(stdres, plot.it=FALSE)
    lwr = min(-4, min(stdres, na.rm=TRUE)); upr = max(4, max(stdres), na.rm=TRUE)
  tsplot(u$x, u$y, type='p', ylim=c(lwr,upr), ylab="Sample Quantiles", xlab="Theoretical Quantiles",  
           main="Normal Q-Q Plot of Std Residuals",  ...)	

     ################ qq error bnds ###########
       sR  <- !is.na(stdres)
       ord <- order(stdres[sR])
       ord.stdres <- stdres[sR][ord]
       PP  <- stats::ppoints(num)
       z   <- stats::qnorm(PP)
       y   <- stats::quantile(ord.stdres, c(.25,.75), names = FALSE, type = 7, na.rm = TRUE)
       x   <- stats::qnorm(c(.25,.75))
       b   <- diff(y)/diff(x)
       a   <- y[1L] - b * x[1L]
       abline(a,b,col=4)  #qqline
       SE  <- (b/dnorm(z))*sqrt(PP*(1-PP)/num)     
       qqfit <- a + b*z
       U <- qqfit+3.9*SE   # puts .00005 in tails
       L <- qqfit-3.9*SE
         z[1]=z[1]-.1      # extend plot -- misses the end otherwise
         z[length(z)]= z[length(z)]+.1
         xx <- c(z, rev(z))
         yy <- c(L, rev(U))
        polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.5, alpha=.2) )   
    ############ end qq error bnds ##########################
    nlag <- ifelse(S<7, 20, 3*S)
    ppq  <- p+q+P+Q - sum(!is.na(fixed))   # decrease by number of fixed parameters
    if (nlag < ppq + 8) {nlag = ppq + 8}
    pval <- numeric(nlag)
    for (i in (ppq+1):nlag) {u <- stats::Box.test(rs, i, type = "Ljung-Box")$statistic
                             pval[i] <- stats::pchisq(u, i-ppq, lower.tail=FALSE)}            
  tsplot( (ppq+1):nlag, pval[(ppq+1):nlag], type='p', xlab = "LAG (H)", ylab = "p value", 
              ylim = c(-.14, 1), main = "p values for Ljung-Box statistic", ...)
   abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2, col = 4)  
}  #  end new tsdiag

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astsa documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:29 a.m.