
Defines functions stoch.reg

Documented in stoch.reg

stoch.reg <-
function(xdata, cols.full, cols.red=NULL, alpha, L, M, plot.which, col.resp=NULL, ...)  {
# This function computes the spectral matrix, F statistics and coherences, and plots them.
# Returned as well are the coefficients in the impulse response function.
# Enter, as the argument to this function, the full data matrix, and then the labels of the 
# columns of input series in the "full" and "reduced" regression models - enter NULL if there 
# are no inputs under the reduced model. 
# If the response variable is the LAST column of the data matrix, it need not be specified 
# among the inputs.  Otherwise, specify the column as 'col.resp'. 
# Other inputs are alpha (test size), L (smoothing), M (number of points in the 
# discretization of the integral)  and plot.which = "coh"  or "F", to plot either 
# the coherences or the F statistics.

# checks
L = floor(L)  # force L and M to be integers
M = floor(M)
if (L%%2 < 1) { L=L+1; cat('L is even and has been increased by 1 \n') }
if (alpha < 0 || alpha > 1) stop('alpha must be in [0, 1]')
if (is.null(col.resp)) col.resp = ncol(xdata)  # the last column

power = mvspec(xdata, kernel=kernel("daniell",(L-1)/2), plot = FALSE)
SPEC  = power$fxx 

### Compute the power under the full model:
f.yy = SPEC[col.resp,  col.resp,  ]
f.xx = SPEC[cols.full, cols.full, ]
f.xy = SPEC[cols.full, col.resp,  ]
f.yx = SPEC[col.resp,  cols.full, ]

power.full = c()
 n.freq = power$n.used/2
 for (k in 1:n.freq) {
      power.full[k] = f.yy[k] - sum(f.yx[,k]*solve(f.xx[,,k],f.xy[,k]))
power.full = Re(power.full)

### Compute the IFT of the coefficients in the full model:
B = array(dim = c(length(cols.full), n.freq))
for (k in 1:length(power.full)) {
     B[,k] = solve(t(f.xx[,,k]), f.yx[,k])

# Isolate those frequencies at which we need B:
# These are the frequencies 1/M, 2/M, ... .5*M/M 
# Currently the frequencies used are 1/N, 2/N, ... .5*N/N 
N = 2*n.freq  # This will be n', in our notation 
# R displays the power at only half of the frequencies.
sampled.indices = (N/M)*(1:(M/2))  # These are the indices of the frequencies we want
B = B[, sampled.indices]
# Invert B, by discretizing the defining integral, to get the coefficients b:
delta = 1/M
Omega = seq(from = 1/M, to = .5, length = M/2)

b = array(dim = c(M-1, length(cols.full)))
for (s in seq(from = -M/2+1, to = M/2 - 1, length = M-1)) {
	for (j in 1:length(cols.full)) {
		b[s + M/2,j] = 2*delta*sum(exp(2i*pi*Omega*s)*B[j,])
Betahat = Re(b)

### Compute the power under the reduced model:
if (length(cols.red) > 0) {
	f.xx = SPEC[cols.red, cols.red, ]
	f.xy = SPEC[cols.red, ncol(xdata), ]
	f.yx = SPEC[ncol(xdata), cols.red, ]

power.red = vector(length = n.freq)
for (k in 1:length(power.red)) {
	if(length(cols.red)==0) power.red[k] = f.yy[k]
	if(length(cols.red)==1) power.red[k] = f.yy[k] - f.yx[k]*f.xy[k]/f.xx[k]
	if(length(cols.red)> 1) power.red[k] = f.yy[k] - sum(f.yx[,k]*solve(f.xx[,,k],f.xy[,k]))
power.red = Re(power.red)

### Compute and plot the F statistics
q = length(cols.full)
q1 = length(cols.red)
q2 = q - q1
df.num = 2*q2
df.denom = 2*(L-q)
crit.F = qf(1-alpha, df.num, df.denom)
MS.drop = L*(power.red - power.full)/df.num
MSE = L*power.full/df.denom
F.to.drop = MS.drop/MSE
coh.mult = F.to.drop/(F.to.drop + df.denom/df.num)
crit.coh = crit.F/(crit.F + df.denom/df.num)

if(plot.which=="F.stat") {
	tsplot(power$freq, F.to.drop, xlab = "Frequency", ylab = "F", ylim = c(0, 3*crit.F), ...)
if(plot.which=="coh") {
	tsplot(power$freq, coh.mult, xlab = "Frequency", ylab = "Sq Coherence", ylim=c(0,1), ...) 	  

list(power.full = power.full, power.red = power.red, Betahat = Betahat, eF = F.to.drop, coh = coh.mult)


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