
Defines functions makeconstobj

Documented in makeconstobj

#' @title User-guided Function to Create a Constraints Input for ATA Form Creation
#' @author Gulsah Gurkan (gurkangulsah@gmail.com), Michael Chajewski (mchajewski@hotmail.com)
#' @description Guides the user to create a complex list object identifying the constraints to be applied in automated test assembly functions from the \code{ata} package.
#' @keywords ata wdm lp automatest_test_assembly testform test_form test_via_wdm test_via_lp
#' @usage makeconstobj( ipool,
#'  id,
#'  empty = FALSE)
#' @param ipool Item by characteristic (or property) metadata.
#' @param id Name (not actual codes) of unique item identifier (variable).
#' @param empty Should the function return an empty list to be filled in manually. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A list object with "nC" 
#'                            "nameC" 
#'                            "lowerC" 
#'                            "upperC" 
#'                            "wC"
#'                            "nI"
#'                            "set_id"
#' @references Parshall, C. G., et al. (2002). Automated test assembly for online administration. In C. G. Parshall, J. A. Spray, J. C. Kalohn, & T. Davey, Practical considerations in computer based testing (pp.106-125). New York, NY: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
#' @export

makeconstobj <- function(ipool,         # Item by item characteristic item metadata pool
                         id,            # Name of unique item identifier
                         empty=FALSE){  # If TRUE, can create an empty constobj to be filled in later
  # turn global warnings off (will be put back on at the end of the function)
  # --------------------- 
  # Return empty constobj 
  # ---------------------
    constraints <- list(
      nC=c(),         # Number of constraints to be satisfied
      nameC=c(),      # Name of constraint; must be numeric and must reflect variable name in input
      lowerC=c(),     # Lower bound total constraint value on ATA form
      upperC=c(),     # Upper bound total constraint value on ATA form
      wC=c(),         # Constraint weight used for weighted sum of (positive) deviations St
      nI=c(),         # Number of items on the future test
      set_id=NA       # set IDs for items; default is NA.
    # Print output
    message("An empty list was created to be filled in and applied in the ATA formation.\n")

    # Return output
    # Stop the loop.
  # -------------- 
  # Check id input 
  # -------------- 
  # id name matches the data input.
  if(!id %in% names(ipool)){
    stop("ID variable name does not match input data.")
  # Check the size of the item pool based on the given item ID input.
  message(paste("Based on the ID name you submitted, '",id,"', there are ",length(unique(ipool[,id]))," items in the submitted data. ", sep = ""))
  tt <- readline(prompt=paste("Is the number of independent items correct? yes/no ", sep = ""))
    stop("Function is terminated. Please check the input.")
  # ------------------------ 
  # Prepare an output object 
  # ------------------------ 
  # Empty constraints object.
  constraints <- list() 
  # --------------------- 
  # Number of constraints 
  # --------------------- 
  # Append nC.
  message("ATA form will be created based on the constraints you define.")
  # nC has to be an integer with a length of 1.
    tt <- as.numeric(readline(prompt="How many constraints do you have? "))
    if(is.numeric(tt) & length(tt)==1 & !is.na(tt) & tt>1){
      if(tt > dim(ipool)[2]){
        message("Number of constraints exceeds the number of variables in the submitted data.")
      message("Number of constraints should be provided as an integer number larger than 1.")
  # attach nC to the list object.
  constraints["nC"] <- as.numeric(tt)
  # ------------------------------- 
  # Constraints variable name input 
  # ------------------------------- 
  # Print variable names in ipool if asked.
  message("Constraints will be selected from the data set provided.")
  tt <- readline(prompt="Do you want to see all unique column names from the submitted data? yes/no ")
    cat(paste(names(ipool)), "\n")
  # Append nameC.
  message(paste("Among the variables in the submitted data, please specify the names of the ",constraints$nC," variables to be used as ATA constraints.",sep = ""))
  nameC <- c()
  for (j in 1:(constraints$nC)) {
    # names has to match the data
      tt <- as.character(readline(prompt=paste("Constraint name", j, ": ",sep = " ")))
      if(tt %in% names(ipool)){
        message("Variable name does not match the submitted data.")
    nameC <- c(nameC,tt) 
  # Attach constraint names to the list object.
  constraints["nameC"] <- list(nameC)
  # All provided constraint variables are numeric
  if(sum(apply(ipool[,match(constraints$nameC, names(ipool))],2,is.numeric))!=constraints$nC){
    stop("All constraints variables must be numeric. \nIf a content selection is desired, then the content tag has to be dummy coded to indicate each content constraint seperately.")
  # ----------------------------------- 
  # Constraint bound values and weights 
  # ----------------------------------- 
  # Append lowerC.
  message("What are the lower bound values for the constraints?")
  lowerC <- c()
  for (j in 1:(constraints$nC)) {
    # Check the input for bound values.
      tt <- as.numeric(readline(prompt=paste("Lower bound value for constraint", constraints$nameC[j], ": ",sep = " ")))
      if(is.numeric(tt) & length(tt)==1 & !is.na(tt)){
        message("Bound values should be provided as only one value that is numeric.")
    lowerC <- c(lowerC,tt)
  # Attach lower bound values to the list object.
  constraints["lowerC"] <- list(lowerC)
  # Append upperC.
  message("What are the upper bound values for the constraints?")
  upperC <- c()
  for (j in 1:(constraints$nC)) {
    # Check the input for bound values.
      tt <- as.numeric(readline(prompt=paste("Upper bound value for constraint", constraints$nameC[j], ": ",sep = " ")))
      if(is.numeric(tt) & length(tt)==1 & !is.na(tt)){
        message("Bound values should be provided as only one value that is numeric.")
    upperC <- c(upperC,tt)
  # Attach upper bound values to the list object.
  constraints["upperC"] <- list(upperC)
  # Append wC.
  message("What are the weights for the constraints?")
  wC <- c()
  for (j in 1:(constraints$nC)) {
    # Check the input for weights.
      tt <- as.numeric(readline(prompt=paste("Weight for constraint", constraints$nameC[j], ": ",sep = " ")))
      if(is.numeric(tt) & length(tt)==1 & !is.na(tt)){
        message("Weights should be provided as only one value that is numeric.")
    wC <- c(wC,tt)
  # Attach weights to the list object.
  constraints["wC"] <- list(wC)
  # --------------- 
  # ATA form length 
  # --------------- 
  # Append nI.
  message("Please specify the ATA form length.")
  # Check the input for form length.
    tt <- as.numeric(readline(prompt="What is the total number of items to be selected? "))
    if(is.numeric(tt) & length(tt)==1 & !is.na(tt) & tt>1){
      if(tt >= dim(ipool)[1]){
        message("The input item pool must contain at least one more item than the ATA form requires.")
      message("Number of items to be selected should be provided as an integer number larger than 1.")
  # Attach form length to the list object.  
  constraints["nI"] <- as.numeric(tt)
  # --------- 
  # Item sets 
  # --------- 
  # Define set_id
  message("Please specify whether there are items sets in the data.")
  yn <- readline(prompt="Would you like to aggregate the data based on an ID defined unit? yes/no ")
    # Check input if it matches the data
      tt <- as.character(readline(prompt="What is the set ID column name to be used for aggregation? "))
      if(tt %in% names(ipool)){
       # Check if set id is already in use 
          message("set ID cannot be the same as item ID.")
        }else if(tt %in% constraints$nameC){
          message("set ID name is already in use as one of the contraint names.")
        message("set ID name does not match the submitted data.")
    # if not answered yes 
  }else if(yn!="yes"){
    tt <- NA
    message("No set ID was defined.")
  # Attach set_id to the list object.
  constraints["set_id"] <- tt
  # ------------- 
  # Print status 
  # ------------- 
  message("Complex list object identifying the constraints to be applied in the ATA was created.\n")
  # ------------- 
  # Return output 
  # ------------- 
  # turn global warnings back on


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ata documentation built on Nov. 10, 2020, 3:49 p.m.