Man pages for avar
Allan Variance

adis_avAllan variance of IMU Data from an ADIS 16405 sensor
avarCompute the Empirical Allan Variance
av_ar1Calculate Theoretical Allan Variance for Stationary...
avar_mo_cppCompute Maximal-Overlap Allan Variance using Means
avar_to_cppCompute Tau-Overlap Allan Variance
av_drCalculate Theoretical Allan Variance for Drift Process
avlrComputes the Allan Variance Linear Regression estimator
av_qnCalculate Theoretical Allan Variance for Stationary...
av_rwCalculate Theoretical Allan Variance for Random Walk Process
av_wnCalculate Theoretical Allan Variance for Stationary White...
boostrap_ci_avlrCompute bootstrap confidence intervals for the AVLR estimator
covmat_ar1blocksCalculate Theoretical Covariance Matrix of AR(1) Blocks...
covmat_biCalculate Theoretical Covariance Matrix of Bias-Instability...
covmat_nswnCalculate Theoretical Covariance Matrix of Non-Stationary...
fit_avlrInternal function to the Allan Variance Linear Regression...
imar_avAllan variance of IMU Data from IMAR Gyroscopes
is.wholeInteger Check
kvh1750_avAllan variance of IMU Data from a KVH1750 IMU sensor
ln200_avAllan variance of IMU Data from a LN200 sensor
MOAVNon-stationary Maximal-overlapping Allan Variance
navchip_avAllan variance of IMU Data from a navchip sensor
NOAVNon-stationary Non-overlapping Allan Variance
plot.avarPlot Allan Deviation
plot.avlrPlot the AVLR with the Allan Variance
plot.imu_avarPlot Allan Variance based on IMU Data
plot.imu_avlrPlot the AVLR with the Allan Deviation for IMU
print.avarPrints Allan Variance
print.avlrPrint avlr object
print.imu_avlrPrint imu_avlr object
summary.avarSummary Allan Variance
avar documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 5:09 p.m.