
Defines functions interactive_login_authentication service_principal_authentication set_default_datastore get_workspace_details get_default_keyvault get_default_datastore write_workspace_config list_workspaces delete_workspace load_workspace_from_config get_workspace create_workspace

Documented in create_workspace delete_workspace get_default_datastore get_default_keyvault get_workspace get_workspace_details interactive_login_authentication list_workspaces load_workspace_from_config service_principal_authentication set_default_datastore write_workspace_config

# Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

#' Create a new Azure Machine Learning workspace
#' @description
#' Create a new Azure Machine Learning workspace. Throws an exception if the
#' workspace already exists or any of the workspace requirements are not
#' satisfied. When you create new workspace, it automatically creates several
#' Azure resources that are used in the workspace:
#' * Azure Container Registry: Registers Docker containers that you use during
#'   training and when you deploy a model. To minimize costs, ACR is
#'   lazy-loaded until deployment images are created.
#' * Azure Storage account: Used as the default datastore for the workspace.
#' * Azure Application Insights: Stores monitoring information about your
#'   models.
#' * Azure Key Vault: Stores secrets that are used by compute targets and other
#'   sensitive information that's needed by the workspace.
#' @param name A string of the new workspace name. Workspace name has to be
#' between 2 and 32 characters of letters and numbers.
#' @param auth The `ServicePrincipalAuthentication` or `InteractiveLoginAuthentication`
#' object. For more details refer to https://aka.ms/aml-notebook-auth. If NULL,
#' the default Azure CLI credentials will be used or the API will prompt for credentials.
#' @param subscription_id A string of the subscription ID of the containing
#' subscription for the new workspace. The parameter is required if the user has
#' access to more than one subscription.
#' @param resource_group A string of the Azure resource group that is containing
#' the workspace. The parameter defaults to a mutation of the workspace name.
#' @param location A string of the location of the workspace. The parameter
#' defaults to the resource group location. The location has to be a supported
#' region for Azure Machine Learning Services.
#' @param create_resource_group If `TRUE` the resource group will be created
#' if it doesn't exist.
#' @param friendly_name A string of the friendly name for the workspace that
#' can be displayed in the UI.
#' @param storage_account A string of an existing storage account in the Azure
#' resource ID format. The storage will be used by the workspace to save run
#' outputs, code, logs etc. If `NULL` a new storage will be created.
#' @param key_vault A string of an existing key vault in the Azure resource ID
#' format. The key vault will be used by the workspace to store credentials
#' added to the workspace by the users. If `NULL` a new key vault will be
#' created.
#' @param app_insights A string of an existing Application Insights in the Azure
#' resource ID format. The Application Insights will be used by the workspace to
#' log webservices events. If `NULL` a new Application Insights will be created.
#' @param container_registry A string of an existing container registry in the
#' Azure resource ID format. The container registry will be used by the
#' workspace to pull and push both experimentation and webservices images. If
#' `NULL` a new container registry will be created.
#' @param cmk_keyvault A string representing the key vault containing the customer
#' managed key in the Azure resource ID format:
#' '/subscriptions//resourcegroups//providers/microsoft.keyvault/vaults/'. For
#' example: '/subscriptions/d139f240-94e6-4175-87a7-954b9d27db16/resourcegroups/myresourcegroup/providers/microsoft.keyvault/vaults/mykeyvault'.
#' @param resource_cmk_uri The key URI of the customer managed key to encrypt the data at rest.
#' The URI format is: 'https://<keyvault-dns-name>/keys/<key-name>/<key-version>'.
#' For example, 'https://mykeyvault.vault.azure.net/keys/mykey/bc5dce6d01df49w2na7ffb11a2ee008b'.
#' Refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/azure-stack/user/azure-stack-key-vault-manage-portal for steps on how
#' to create a key and get its URI.
#' @param hbi_workspace Specifies whether the customer data is of High Business
#' Impact(HBI), i.e., contains sensitive business information. The default value
#' is FALSE. When set to TRUE, downstream services will selectively disable logging.
#' @param exist_ok If `TRUE` the method will not fail if the workspace already
#' exists.
#' @param show_output If `TRUE` the method will print out incremental progress
#' of method.
#' @param sku A string indicating if the workspace will be "basic" or
#' "enterprise" edition.
#' @return The `Workspace` object.
#' @export
#' @section Examples:
#' This example requires only minimal specification, and all dependent
#' resources as well as the resource group will be created automatically.
#' ```
#' ws <- create_workspace(name = 'myworkspace',
#'                        subscription_id = '<azure-subscription-id>',
#'                        resource_group = 'myresourcegroup',
#'                        location = 'eastus2')
#' ```
#' This example shows how to reuse existing Azure resources by making
#' use of all parameters utilizing the Azure resource ID format. The specific
#' Azure resource IDs can be retrieved through the Azure Portal or SDK. This
#' assumes that the resource group, storage account, key vault, App Insights
#' and container registry already exist.
#' ```
#' prefix = "subscriptions/<azure-subscription-id>/resourcegroups/myresourcegroup/providers/"
#' ws <- create_workspace(
#'        name = 'myworkspace',
#'        subscription_id = '<azure-subscription-id>',
#'        resource_group = 'myresourcegroup',
#'        create_resource_group = FALSE,
#'        location = 'eastus2',
#'        friendly_name = 'My workspace',
#'        storage_account = paste0(prefix, 'microsoft.storage/storageaccounts/mystorageaccount'),
#'        key_vault = paste0(prefix, 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults/mykeyvault'),
#'        app_insights = paste0(prefix, 'microsoft.insights/components/myappinsights'),
#'        container_registry = paste0(
#'          prefix,
#'          'microsoft.containerregistry/registries/mycontainerregistry'))
#' ```
#' @seealso
#' [get_workspace()] [service_principal_authentication()] [interactive_login_authentication()]
#' @md
create_workspace <- function(
  auth = NULL,
  subscription_id = NULL,
  resource_group = NULL,
  location = NULL,
  create_resource_group = TRUE,
  friendly_name = NULL,
  storage_account = NULL,
  key_vault = NULL,
  app_insights = NULL,
  container_registry = NULL,
  cmk_keyvault = NULL,
  resource_cmk_uri = NULL,
  hbi_workspace = FALSE,
  exist_ok = FALSE,
  show_output = TRUE,
  sku = "basic") {
  ws <-
    azureml$core$Workspace$create(name = name,
                                  auth = auth,
                                  subscription_id = subscription_id,
                                  resource_group = resource_group,
                                  location = location,
                                  create_resource_group = create_resource_group,
                                  friendly_name = friendly_name,
                                  storage_account = storage_account,
                                  key_vault = key_vault,
                                  app_insights = app_insights,
                                  container_registry = container_registry,
                                  cmk_keyvault = cmk_keyvault,
                                  resource_cmk_uri = resource_cmk_uri,
                                  hbi_workspace = hbi_workspace,
                                  exist_ok = exist_ok,
                                  show_output = show_output,
                                  sku = sku)

#' Get an existing workspace
#' @description
#' Returns a `Workspace` object for an existing Azure Machine Learning
#' workspace. Throws an exception if the workpsace doesn't exist or the
#' required fields don't lead to a uniquely identifiable workspace.
#' @param name A string of the workspace name to get.
#' @param auth The `ServicePrincipalAuthentication` or `InteractiveLoginAuthentication`
#' object. For more details refer to https://aka.ms/aml-notebook-auth. If NULL,
#' the default Azure CLI credentials will be used or the API will prompt for credentials.
#' @param subscription_id A string of the subscription ID to use. The parameter
#' is required if the user has access to more than one subscription.
#' @param resource_group A string of the resource group to use. If `NULL` the
#' method will search all resource groups in the subscription.
#' @return The `Workspace` object.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' [create_workspace()] [service_principal_authentication()] [interactive_login_authentication()]
#' @md
get_workspace <- function(name, auth = NULL, subscription_id = NULL,
                          resource_group = NULL) {
    azureml$core$Workspace$get(name, auth = auth,
                               subscription_id = subscription_id,
                               resource_group = resource_group)
  error = function(e) {
    if (grepl("No workspaces found with name=", e$message, )) {
    } else {

#' Load workspace configuration details from a config file
#' @description
#' Returns a `Workspace` object for an existing Azure Machine Learning
#' workspace by reading the workspace configuration from a file. The method
#' provides a simple way of reusing the same workspace across multiple files or
#' projects. Users can save the workspace ARM properties using
#' `write_workspace_config()`, and use this method to load the same workspace
#' in different files or projects without retyping the workspace ARM properties.
#' @param path A string of the path to the config file or starting directory
#' for search. The parameter defaults to starting the search in the current
#' directory.
#' @param file_name A string that will override the config file name to
#' search for when path is a directory path.
#' @return The `Workspace` object.
#' @seealso [write_workspace_config()]
#' @export
#' @md
load_workspace_from_config <- function(path = NULL, file_name = NULL) {
  azureml$core$workspace$Workspace$from_config(path = path,
                                               "_file_name" = file_name)

#' Delete a workspace
#' @description
#' Delete the Azure Machine Learning workspace resource. `delete_workspace()`
#' can also delete the workspace's associated resources.
#' @param workspace The `Workspace` object of the workspace to delete.
#' @param delete_dependent_resources If `TRUE` the workspace's associated
#' resources, i.e. ACR, storage account, key value, and application insights
#' will also be deleted.
#' @param no_wait If `FALSE` do not wait for the workspace deletion to complete.
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @md
delete_workspace <- function(workspace,
                             delete_dependent_resources = FALSE,
                             no_wait = FALSE) {
  workspace$delete(delete_dependent_resources, no_wait)

#' List all workspaces that the user has access to in a subscription ID
#' @description
#' List all workspaces that the user has access to in the specified
#' `subscription_id` parameter. The list of workspaces can be filtered
#' based on the resource group.
#' @param subscription_id A string of the specified subscription ID to
#' list the workspaces in.
#' @param resource_group A string of the specified resource group to list
#' the workspaces. If `NULL` the method will list all the workspaces within
#' the specified subscription in.
#' @return A named list of `Workspace` objects where element name corresponds
#' to the workspace name.
#' @export
#' @md
list_workspaces <- function(subscription_id, resource_group = NULL) {
  azureml$core$workspace$Workspace$list(subscription_id, resource_group)

#' Write out the workspace configuration details to a config file
#' @description
#' Write out the workspace ARM properties to a config file. Workspace ARM
#' properties can be loaded later using `load_workspace_from_config()`.
#' The method provides a simple way of reusing the same workspace across
#' multiple files or projects. Users can save the workspace ARM properties
#' using this function, and use `load_workspace_from_config()` to load the
#' same workspace in different files or projects without retyping the
#' workspace ARM properties.
#' @param workspace The `Workspace` object whose config has to be written down.
#' @param path A string of the location to write the config.json file. The config
#' file will be located in a directory called '.azureml'. The parameter defaults to
#' the current working directory, so by default config.json will be located at '.azureml/'.
#' @param file_name A string of the name to use for the config file. The
#' parameter defaults to `'config.json'`.
#' @return None
#' @seealso [load_workspace_from_config()]
#' @export
#' @md
write_workspace_config <- function(workspace, path = NULL, file_name = NULL) {
  workspace$write_config(path, file_name)

#' Get the default datastore for a workspace
#' @description
#' Returns the default datastore associated with the workspace.
#' When you create a workspace, an Azure blob container and Azure file share
#' are registered to the workspace with the names `workspaceblobstore` and
#' `workspacefilestore`, respectively. They store the connection information
#' of the blob container and the file share that is provisioned in the storage
#' account attached to the workspace. The `workspaceblobstore` is set as the
#' default datastore, and remains the default datastore unless you set a new
#' datastore as the default with `set_default_datastore()`.
#' @param workspace The `Workspace` object.
#' @return The default `Datastore` object.
#' @export
#' @section Examples:
#' Get the default datastore for the datastore:
#' ```
#' ws <- load_workspace_from_config()
#' ds <- get_default_datastore(ws)
#' ```
#' If you have not changed the default datastore for the workspace, the
#' following code will return the same datastore object as the above
#' example:
#' ```
#' ws <- load_workspace_from_config()
#' ds <- get_datastore(ws, datastore_name = 'workspaceblobstore')
#' ```
#' @seealso [set_default_datastore()]
#' @md
get_default_datastore <- function(workspace) {

#' Get the default keyvault for a workspace
#' @description
#' Returns a `Keyvault` object representing the default
#' [Azure Key Vault](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/key-vault-overview)
#' associated with the workspace.
#' @param workspace The `Workspace` object.
#' @return The `Keyvault` object.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' [set_secrets()] [get_secrets()] [list_secrets()] [delete_secrets()]
#' @md
get_default_keyvault <- function(workspace) {

#' Get the details of a workspace
#' @description
#' Returns the details of the workspace.
#' @param workspace The `Workspace` object.
#' @return Named list of the workspace details.
#' @export
#' @section Details:
#' The returned named list contains the following elements:
#' * *id*: URI pointing to the workspace resource, containing subscription ID,
#' resource group, and workspace name.
#' * *name*: Workspace name.
#' * *location*: Workspace region.
#' * *type*: URI of the format `"{providerName}/workspaces"`.
#' * *workspaceid*: Workspace ID.
#' * *description*: Workspace description.
#' * *friendlyName*: Workspace friendly name.
#' * *creationTime*: Time the workspace was created, in ISO8601.
#' * *containerRegistry*: Workspace container registry.
#' * *keyVault*: Workspace key vault.
#' * *applicationInsights*: Workspace App Insights.
#' * *identityPrincipalId*: Workspace identity principal ID.
#' * *identityTenantId*: Workspace tenant ID.
#' * *identityType*: Workspace identity type.
#' * *storageAccount*: Workspace storage account.
#' @md
get_workspace_details <- function(workspace) {

#' Set the default datastore for a workspace
#' @description
#' Set the default datastore associated with the workspace.
#' @param workspace The `Workspace` object.
#' @param datastore_name The name of the datastore to be set as default.
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @seealso [get_default_datastore()]
#' @md
set_default_datastore <- function(workspace, datastore_name) {

#' Manages authentication using a service principle instead of a user identity.
#' @description
#' Service Principal authentication is suitable for automated workflows like for CI/CD scenarios.
#' This type of authentication decouples the authentication process from any specific user login, and
#' allows for managed access control.
#' @param tenant_id The string id of the active directory tenant that the service
#' identity belongs to.
#' @param service_principal_id The service principal ID string.
#' @param service_principal_password The service principal password/key string.
#' @param cloud The name of the target cloud. Can be one of "AzureCloud", "AzureChinaCloud", or
#' "AzureUSGovernment". If no cloud is specified, "AzureCloud" is used.
#' @return `ServicePrincipalAuthentication` object
#' @export
#' @section Examples:
#' Service principal authentication involves creating an App Registration in
#' Azure Active Directory. First, you generate a client secret, and then you grant
#' your service principal role access to your machine learning workspace. Then,
#' you use the `ServicePrincipalAuthentication` object to manage your authentication flow.
#' ```
#' svc_pr_password <- Sys.getenv("AZUREML_PASSWORD")
#' svc_pr <- service_principal_authentication(tenant_id="my-tenant-id",
#'                                            service_principal_id="my-application-id",
#'                                            service_principal_password=svc_pr_password)
#' ws <- get_workspace("<your workspace name>",
#'                     "<your subscription ID>",
#'                     "<your resource group>",
#'                     auth = svc_pr)
#' ```
#' @seealso
#' [get_workspace()] [interactive_login_authentication()]
#' @md
service_principal_authentication <- function(tenant_id, service_principal_id,
                                             cloud = "AzureCloud") {
    tenant_id = tenant_id, service_principal_id = service_principal_id,
    service_principal_password = service_principal_password, cloud = cloud)

#' Manages authentication and acquires an authorization token in interactive login workflows.
#' @description
#' Interactive login authentication is suitable for local experimentation on your own computer, and is the
#' default authentication model when using Azure Machine Learning SDK.
#' The constructor of the class will prompt you to login. The constructor then will save the credentials
#' for any subsequent attempts. If you are already logged in with the Azure CLI or have logged-in before, the
#' constructor will load the existing credentials without prompt.
#' @param force Indicates whether "az login" will be run even if the old "az login" is still valid.
#' @param tenant_id The string id of the active directory tenant that the service
#' identity belongs to. This is can be used to specify a specific tenant when
#' you have access to multiple tenants. If unspecified, the default tenant will be used.
#' @param cloud The name of the target cloud. Can be one of "AzureCloud", "AzureChinaCloud", or
#' "AzureUSGovernment". If no cloud is specified, "AzureCloud" is used.
#' @return `InteractiveLoginAuthentication` object
#' @export
#' @section Examples:
#' ```
#' interactive_auth <- interactive_login_authentication(tenant_id="your-tenant-id")
#' ws <- get_workspace("<your workspace name>",
#'                     "<your subscription ID>",
#'                     "<your resource group>",
#'                     auth = interactive_auth)
#' ```
#' @seealso
#' [get_workspace()] [service_principal_authentication()]
#' @md
interactive_login_authentication <- function(force = FALSE,
                                             tenant_id = NULL,
                                             cloud = "AzureCloud") {
    force = force, tenant_id = tenant_id, cloud = cloud)

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