
Defines functions mopt

Documented in mopt

#' Estimation of the optimal subsample size for bagged CV
#' @param x Vector. Sample.
#' @param N Positive integer. Number of subsamples for the bagged bandwidth.
#' @param r Positive integer. Size of the subsamples.
#' @param s Positive integer. Number of subsamples.
#' @param ncores Positive integer. Number of cores with which to parallelize the computations.
#' @details
#' Estimates the optimal size of the subsamples for the bagged CV bandwidth selector.
#' @return Estimate of the optimal subsample size.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- rt(10^5, 5)
#' mopt(x, 500, 500, 10, 2)
#' @export
mopt <-
  n <- length(x)

  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
  paroutput <- foreach::foreach(i=1:s,.combine=mean) %dopar%{
    subx <- sample(x,size=r,replace=FALSE)
    fit = mclust::Mclust(subx)
    mu <- fit$parameters$mean
    sigma <- sqrt(fit$parameters$variance$sigmasq)
    w <- fit$parameters$pro
    fhat <- Vectorize(function(x)sum(w/sigma*stats::dnorm((x-mu)/sigma)))
    fhat2 <- Vectorize(function(x)sum(w/sigma^3*kedd::kernel.fun((x-mu)/sigma,2)$kx))
    fhat3 <- Vectorize(function(x)sum(w/sigma^4*kedd::kernel.fun((x-mu)/sigma,3)$kx))
    Af <- stats::integrate(function(x)fhat(x)^2,-Inf,Inf)$value
    Af2 <- stats::integrate(function(x)fhat2(x)^2,-Inf,Inf)$value
    Af3 <- stats::integrate(function(x)fhat3(x)^2,-Inf,Inf)$value
    c1 <- 0.07019858*Af3/(Af2^(8/5))
    Astar <- 0.179569*Af/(Af2^(3/5))
    muCV <- -0.3469317*Af/Af2^(2/5)
    mse <- function(m)Astar*m^(-0.2)*n^(-0.4)*(1/N+(N-1)/N*(m/n)^2)+
    m0 <- floor(stats::optimize(mse,c(1,n))$minimum)


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baggedcv documentation built on July 26, 2019, 9:03 a.m.