#' @title Bayesian Discount Prior: Two-Arm Linear Regression
#' @description \code{bdplm} is used to estimate the treatment effect in the
#' presence of covariates using the regression analysis implementation of the
#' Bayesian discount prior. \code{summary} and \code{print} methods are
#' supported. Currently, the function only supports a two-arm clinical trial
#' where all of current treatment, current control, historical treatment, and
#' historical control data are present
#' @param formula an object of class "formula." See "Details" for more
#' information, including specification of treatment data indicators.
#' @param data a data frame containing the current data variables in the model.
#' A column named \code{treatment} must be present; \code{treatment} must be
#' binary and indicate treatment group vs. control group.
#' @param data0 a data frame containing the historical data variables in the
#' model. The column labels of data and data0 must match.
#' @param prior_treatment_effect scalar. The historical adjusted treatment
#' effect. If left \code{NULL}, value is estimated from the historical data.
#' @param prior_control_effect scalar. The historical adjusted control effect.
#' If left \code{NULL}, value is estimated from the historical data.
#' @param prior_treatment_sd scalar. The standard deviation of the historical
#' adjusted treatment effect. If left \code{NULL}, value is estimated from the
#' historical data.
#' @param prior_control_sd scalar. The standard deviation of the historical
#' adjusted control effect. If left \code{NULL}, value is estimated from the
#' historical data.
#' @param prior_covariate_effect vector. The prior mean(s) of the covariate
#' effect(s). Default value is zero. If a single value is input, the the
#' scalar is repeated to the length of the input covariates. Otherwise, care
#' must be taken to ensure the length of the input matches the number of
#' covariates.
#' @param prior_covariate_sd vector. The prior standard deviation(s) of the
#' covariate effect(s). Default value is 1e4. If a single value is input, the
#' the scalar is repeated to the length of the input covariates. Otherwise,
#' care must be taken to ensure the length of the input matches the number of
#' covariates.
#' @param discount_function character. Specify the discount function to use.
#' Currently supports \code{weibull}, \code{scaledweibull}, and
#' \code{identity}. The discount function \code{scaledweibull} scales the
#' output of the Weibull CDF to have a max value of 1. The \code{identity}
#' discount function uses the posterior probability directly as the discount
#' weight. Default value is "\code{identity}".
#' @param alpha_max scalar. Maximum weight the discount function can apply.
#' Default is 1. Users may specify a vector of two values where the first
#' value is used to weight the historical treatment group and the second value
#' is used to weight the historical control group.
#' @param fix_alpha logical. Fix alpha at alpha_max? Default value is FALSE.
#' @param number_mcmc_alpha scalar. Number of Monte Carlo simulations for
#' estimating the historical data weight. Default is 5000.
#' @param number_mcmc_sigmagrid scalar. Grid size for computing sigma. Default
#' is 5000. See "Details" for more information.
#' @param number_mcmc_sigma scalar. Number of Monte Carlo simulations for
#' estimating sigma. Default is 1000. See "Details" for more information.
#' @param number_mcmc_beta scalar. Number of Monte Carlo simulations for
#' estimating beta, the vector of regression coefficients. Default is 10000.
#' @param weibull_shape scalar. Shape parameter of the Weibull discount function
#' used to compute alpha, the weight parameter of the historical data. Default
#' value is 3. Users may specify a vector of two values where the first value
#' is used to estimate the weight of the historical treatment group and the
#' second value is used to estimate the weight of the historical control
#' group. Not used when \code{discount_function} = "identity".
#' @param weibull_scale scalar. Scale parameter of the Weibull discount function
#' used to compute alpha, the weight parameter of the historical data. Default
#' value is 0.135. Users may specify a vector of two values where the first
#' value is used to estimate the weight of the historical treatment group and
#' the second value is used to estimate the weight of the historical control
#' group. Not used when \code{discount_function} = "identity".
#' @param method character. Analysis method with respect to estimation of the
#' weight paramter alpha. Default method "\code{mc}" estimates alpha for each
#' Monte Carlo iteration. Alternate value "\code{fixed}" estimates alpha once
#' and holds it fixed throughout the analysis. See the the \code{bdplm}
#' vignette \cr \code{vignette("bdplm-vignette", package="bayesDP")} for more
#' details.
#' @details \code{bdplm} uses a two-stage approach for determining the strength
#' of historical data in estimation of an adjusted mean or covariate effect.
#' In the first stage, a \emph{discount function} is used that that defines
#' the maximum strength of the historical data and discounts based on
#' disagreement with the current data. Disagreement between current and
#' historical data is determined by stochastically comparing the respective
#' posterior distributions under noninformative priors. Here with a two-arm
#' regression analysis, the comparison is the proability (\code{p}) that the
#' covariate effect of an historical data indicator is significantly different
#' from zero. The comparison metric \code{p} is then input into the discount
#' function and the final strength of the historical data is returned
#' (\code{alpha}).
#' In the second stage, posterior estimation is performed where the discount
#' function parameter, \code{alpha}, is used to weight the historical data
#' effects.
#' The formula must include an intercept (i.e., do not use \code{-1} in the
#' formula) and both data and data0 must be present. The column names of data
#' and data0 must match. See \code{examples} below for example usage.
#' The underlying model results in a marginal posterior distribution for the
#' error variance \code{sigma2} that does not have a known distribution. Thus,
#' we use a grid search to draw samples of \code{sigma2}. First, the marginal
#' posterior is evaluated at a grid of \code{number_mcmc_sigmagrid}
#' \code{sigma2} values. The bounds of the grid are taken as approximately six
#' standard deviations from an estimate of \code{sigma2} using the \code{lm}
#' function. Next, \code{number_mcmc_sigma} posterior draws of \code{sigma2}
#' are made by sampling with replacement from the grid with each value having
#' the corresponding marginal posterior probability of being selected. With
#' posterior draws of \code{sigma2} in hand, we can make posterior draws of
#' the regression coefficients.
#' @return \code{bdplm} returns an object of class "bdplm".
#' An object of class "\code{bdplm}" is a list containing at least the
#' following components: \describe{ \item{\code{posterior}}{ data frame. The
#' posterior draws of the covariates, the intercept, and the treatment effect.
#' The grid of sigma values are included.} \item{\code{alpha_discount}}{
#' vector. The posterior probability of the stochastic comparison between the
#' current and historical data for each of the treatment and control arms. If
#' \code{method="mc"}, the result is a matrix of estimates, otherwise for
#' \code{method="fixed"}, the result is a vector of estimates.}
#' \item{\code{estimates}}{ list. The posterior means and standard errors of
#' the intercept, treatment effect, covariate effect(s) and error variance.} }
#' @examples
#' # Set sample sizes
#' n_t <- 30 # Current treatment sample size
#' n_c <- 30 # Current control sample size
#' n_t0 <- 80 # Historical treatment sample size
#' n_c0 <- 80 # Historical control sample size
#' # Treatment group vectors for current and historical data
#' treatment <- c(rep(1, n_t), rep(0, n_c))
#' treatment0 <- c(rep(1, n_t0), rep(0, n_c0))
#' # Simulate a covariate effect for current and historical data
#' x <- rnorm(n_t + n_c, 1, 5)
#' x0 <- rnorm(n_t0 + n_c0, 1, 5)
#' # Simulate outcome:
#' # - Intercept of 10 for current and historical data
#' # - Treatment effect of 31 for current data
#' # - Treatment effect of 30 for historical data
#' # - Covariate effect of 3 for current and historical data
#' Y <- 10 + 31 * treatment + x * 3 + rnorm(n_t + n_c, 0, 5)
#' Y0 <- 10 + 30 * treatment0 + x0 * 3 + rnorm(n_t0 + n_c0, 0, 5)
#' # Place data into separate treatment and control data frames and
#' # assign historical = 0 (current) or historical = 1 (historical)
#' df_ <- data.frame(Y = Y, treatment = treatment, x = x)
#' df0 <- data.frame(Y = Y0, treatment = treatment0, x = x0)
#' # Fit model using default settings
#' fit <- bdplm(
#' formula = Y ~ treatment + x, data = df_, data0 = df0,
#' method = "fixed"
#' )
#' # Look at estimates and discount weight
#' summary(fit)
#' print(fit)
#' @rdname bdplm
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom stats density is.empty.model median model.offset model.response
#' pweibull pnorm quantile rbeta rgamma rnorm var vcov contrasts<- dt gaussian
#' model.frame model.matrix.default offset terms terms.formula
#' coefficients lm qgamma runif
#' @aliases bdplm-method
#' @aliases bdplm,ANY-method
#' @useDynLib bayesDP, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @export bdplm
bdplm <- setClass("bdplm", slots = c(
posterior_treatment = "list",
posterior_control = "list",
args1 = "list"
function(formula = formula,
data = data,
data0 = NULL,
prior_treatment_effect = NULL, # 0,
prior_control_effect = NULL, # 0,
prior_treatment_sd = NULL, # 1e4,
prior_control_sd = NULL, # 1e4,
prior_covariate_effect = 0,
prior_covariate_sd = 1e4,
number_mcmc_alpha = 5000,
number_mcmc_sigmagrid = 5000,
number_mcmc_sigma = 100,
number_mcmc_beta = 10000,
discount_function = "identity",
alpha_max = 1,
fix_alpha = FALSE,
weibull_scale = 0.135,
weibull_shape = 3,
method = "mc") {
function(formula = formula,
data = data,
data0 = NULL,
prior_treatment_effect = NULL, # 0,
prior_control_effect = NULL, # 0,
prior_treatment_sd = NULL, # 1e4,
prior_control_sd = NULL, # 1e4,
prior_covariate_effect = 0,
prior_covariate_sd = 1e4,
number_mcmc_alpha = 5000,
number_mcmc_sigmagrid = 5000,
number_mcmc_sigma = 100,
number_mcmc_beta = 10000,
discount_function = "identity",
alpha_max = 1,
fix_alpha = FALSE,
weibull_scale = 0.135,
weibull_shape = 3,
method = "mc") {
### Check validity of data input
call <-
if (missing(data)) {
stop("Current data not input correctly.")
if (is.null(data0)) {
stop("Historical data not input correctly.")
### Parse current data
mf <- mf0 <- = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$na.action <- NULL
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
Y <- model.response(mf, "any")
if (length(dim(Y)) == 1L) {
nm <- rownames(Y)
dim(Y) <- NULL
if (!is.null(nm)) {
names(Y) <- nm
X <- if (!is.empty.model(mt)) {
object = mt, data = data, contrasts.arg = NULL,
keep.order = TRUE, drop.baseline = TRUE
} else {
matrix(, NROW(Y), 0L)
### Alter intercept column name, if present
imatch <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(X))
if (! colnames(X)[imatch] <- "intercept"
# Create indicator of whether each column is present
cmatch <- match(c("intercept", "treatment"), colnames(X))
cmatch <- ! ### == TRUE == present
if (!all(cmatch)) {
stop("Current data is input incorrectly. Intercept and treatment must be present.")
### Count levels of treatment data and sure 0 and 1 are present
trt_levels <- levels(as.factor(X[, "treatment"]))
if (!(all(trt_levels %in% c(0, 1)))) {
stop("Treatment input has wrong levels. Values should be 0 and 1.")
### Parse historical data
if (missing(data0)) {
stop("Historical data is required.")
} else {
m00 <- match("data0", names(mf0), 0L)
m01 <- match("data", names(mf0), 0L)
mf0[m01] <- mf0[m00]
m0 <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf0), 0L)
mf0 <- mf0[c(1L, m0)]
mf0$na.action <- NULL
mf0[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf0 <- eval(mf0, parent.frame())
mt0 <- attr(mf0, "terms")
Y0 <- model.response(mf0, "any")
if (length(dim(Y0)) == 1L) {
nm0 <- rownames(Y0)
dim(Y0) <- NULL
if (!is.null(nm0)) {
names(Y0) <- nm0
X0 <- if (!is.empty.model(mt0)) {
object = mt0, data = data0, contrasts.arg = NULL,
keep.order = TRUE, drop.baseline = TRUE
} else {
matrix(, NROW(Y0), 0L)
### Alter intercept column name, if present
imatch <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(X0))
if (! colnames(X0)[imatch] <- "intercept"
# Create indicator of whether each column is present
cmatch <- match(c("intercept", "treatment"), colnames(X0))
cmatch <- ! ### == TRUE == present
if (!all(cmatch)) {
stop("Historical data is input incorrectly. Intercept and treatment must be present.")
cnames <- colnames(X)
cnames0 <- colnames(X0)
if (!all(cnames == cnames0)) {
stop("Column names in the historical data must match the current data.")
### Count levels of treatment data and ensure 0 and 1 are present
trt_levels0 <- levels(as.factor(X0[, "treatment"]))
# Check that the levels are 0 and/or 1
if (!(all(trt_levels0 %in% c(0, 1)))) {
stop("Treatment input has wrong levels. Values should be 0 and 1.")
### For method == "mc", grid size for estimating sigma2 must not be
### larger than the number of draws of alpha.
if (method == "mc" & number_mcmc_sigmagrid > number_mcmc_alpha) {
stop("number_mcmc_sigmagrid must be <= number_mcmc_alpha.")
### If method == "mc", fix_alpha must be FALSE
if (method == "mc" & fix_alpha) {
stop("mc method not possible with fix_alpha == TRUE. Set fix_alpha == FALSE.")
# Check that discount_function is input correctly
all_functions <- c("weibull", "scaledweibull", "identity")
function_match <- match(discount_function, all_functions)
if ( {
stop("discount_function input incorrectly.")
historical <- NULL
treatment <- NULL
intercept <- NULL
# Quick check, if alpha_max, weibull_scale, or weibull_shape have length 1,
# repeat input twice
if (length(alpha_max) == 1) {
alpha_max <- rep(alpha_max, 2)
if (length(weibull_scale) == 1) {
weibull_scale <- rep(weibull_scale, 2)
if (length(weibull_shape) == 1) {
weibull_shape <- rep(weibull_shape, 2)
# Format input data
### Create a master dataframe
df <- data.frame(Y = Y, data.frame(X), historical = 0)
df0 <- data.frame(Y = Y0, data.frame(X0), historical = 1)
df <- rbind(df, df0)
### Split data into separate treatment & control dataframes
df_t <- subset(df, treatment == 1)
df_c <- subset(df, treatment == 0)
### Also create current data dataframe
df_current <- subset(df, historical == 0, select = -intercept)
### Count number of covariates
names_df <- names(df)
covs_df <- names_df[!(names_df %in% c("Y", "intercept", "treatment", "historical"))]
n_covs <- length(covs_df)
# Estimate discount weights for each of the treatment and control arms
discount_treatment <- discount_lm(
df = df_t,
discount_function = discount_function,
alpha_max = alpha_max[1],
fix_alpha = fix_alpha,
number_mcmc_alpha = number_mcmc_alpha,
weibull_shape = weibull_shape[1],
weibull_scale = weibull_scale[1],
method = method
discount_control <- discount_lm(
df = df_c,
discount_function = discount_function,
alpha_max = alpha_max[2],
fix_alpha = fix_alpha,
number_mcmc_alpha = number_mcmc_alpha,
weibull_shape = weibull_shape[2],
weibull_scale = weibull_scale[2],
method = method
# Estimate historical adjusted treatment and control effects to use as the
# priors for the current data
if (is.null(prior_treatment_effect) | is.null(prior_control_effect) |
is.null(prior_treatment_sd) | is.null(prior_control_sd)) {
df0$control <- 1 - df0$treatment
cnames0 <- names(df0)
cnames0 <- cnames0[!(cnames0 %in% c("Y", "intercept", "historical", "treatment", "control"))]
cnames0 <- c("treatment", "control", cnames0)
f0 <- paste0("Y~ -1+", paste0(cnames0, collapse = "+"))
fit_0 <- lm(f0, data = df0)
summ_0 <- summary(fit_0)
if (is.null(prior_treatment_effect)) prior_treatment_effect <- summ_0$coef[1, 1]
if (is.null(prior_control_effect)) prior_control_effect <- summ_0$coef[2, 1]
if (is.null(prior_treatment_sd)) prior_treatment_sd <- summ_0$coef[1, 2]
if (is.null(prior_control_sd)) prior_control_sd <- summ_0$coef[2, 2]
### Prior covariate effects
if (length(prior_covariate_effect) == 1) {
prior_covariate_effect <- rep(prior_covariate_effect, n_covs)
if (length(prior_covariate_sd) == 1) {
prior_covariate_sd <- rep(prior_covariate_sd, n_covs)
# Estimate augmented treatment effect
### Compute prior terms
tau2 <- c(prior_treatment_sd, prior_control_sd, prior_covariate_sd)^2
mu0 <- c(prior_treatment_effect, prior_control_effect, prior_covariate_effect)
### Calculate constants from current data
df_current$control <- 1 - df_current$treatment
X <- df_current[, c("treatment", "control", covs_df)]
X <- as.matrix(X)
y <- df_current$Y
ystar <- c(y, mu0)
Xstar <- rbind(X, diag(length(mu0)))
XtX <- t(X) %*% X
Xty <- t(X) %*% y
### Estimation scheme differs conditional on discounting method
if (method == "fixed") {
### Extract alpha0, append "zero" weight for the covariate effect(s)
alpha0 <- c(
discount_treatment$alpha_discount + 1e-12,
discount_control$alpha_discount + 1e-12,
rep(1e-12, n_covs)
### Grid search of sigma2
### - Find grid limits via wls
SigmaBetaInv <- diag(alpha0 / tau2)
W <- c(rep(1, length(y)), alpha0 / tau2)
lmfit <- lm(ystar ~ Xstar - 1, weights = W)
summ <- summary(lmfit)
a <- summ$df[2]
b <- summ$sigma^2
lower <- 1 / qgamma(.9999999999, a / 2, (a * b) / 2)
upper <- 1 / qgamma(.0000000001, a / 2, (a * b) / 2)
grid_sigma2 <- seq(lower, upper, length.out = number_mcmc_sigmagrid)
### Sample candidate values of sigma2
sigma2candidates <- sigma2marginal(
n = number_mcmc_sigmagrid,
grid = grid_sigma2,
XtX = XtX,
SigmaBetaInv = SigmaBetaInv,
Xstar = Xstar,
Xty = Xty,
mu0 = mu0,
ystar = ystar
### Normalize the marginal posteriors (log-likelihoods) and exponentiate
logL <- sigma2candidates$logL
logL <- logL[is.finite(logL)]
normL <- logL[which.min(abs(logL))]
L <- exp(logL - normL)
### Sample with replacement from marginal posterior density of sigma2
sigma2_accept <- sample(
x = sigma2candidates$sigma2,
size = number_mcmc_sigma,
replace = TRUE,
prob = L
### Draw samples of the covariate vector beta
### n_beta_samples is ceiling(number_mcmc_beta/number_mcmc_sigma2)
n_beta_samples <- ceiling(number_mcmc_beta / number_mcmc_sigma)
beta_samples <- betaRegSampler(
sigma2_accept, XtX, SigmaBetaInv, mu0,
Xty, n_beta_samples
} else if (method == "mc") {
### Extract alpha0, append "zero" weight for the covariate effect(s)
alpha0 <- cbind(
discount_treatment$alpha_discount + 1e-12,
discount_control$alpha_discount + 1e-12
colnames(alpha0) <- c("alpha_treatment", "alpha_control")
for (i in 1:n_covs) {
alpha0 <- cbind(alpha0, 0)
colnames(alpha0)[i + 2] <- paste0("x", i)
### Grid search of sigma2
### - Find grid limits via wls
SigmaBetaInv <- t(apply(alpha0, 1, function(x) x / tau2))
W <- c(rep(1, length(y)), SigmaBetaInv[1, ])
summ <- summary(lm(ystar ~ Xstar - 1, weights = W))
a <- summ$df[2]
b <- summ$sigma^2
lower <- 1 / qgamma(.9999999999, a / 2, (a * b) / 2)
upper <- 1 / qgamma(.0000000001, a / 2, (a * b) / 2)
grid_sigma2 <- runif(number_mcmc_sigmagrid, lower, upper)
### Sample candidate values of sigma2
sigma2candidates <- sigma2marginalmc(
n = number_mcmc_sigmagrid,
grid = grid_sigma2,
XtX = XtX,
SigmaBetaInv = SigmaBetaInv,
Xstar = Xstar,
Xty = Xty,
mu0 = mu0,
ystar = ystar
### Normalize the marginal posteriors (log-likelihoods) and exponentiate
logL <- sigma2candidates$logL
logL <- logL[is.finite(logL)]
normL <- logL[which.min(abs(logL))]
L <- exp(logL - normL)
### Sample with replacement from marginal posterior density of sigma2
sigma2_sampleid <- sample(
x = 1:number_mcmc_sigmagrid,
size = number_mcmc_sigma,
replace = TRUE,
prob = L
sigma2_accept <- sigma2candidates$sigma2[sigma2_sampleid]
SigmaBetaInvID <- sigma2candidates$SigmaBetaInvID[sigma2_sampleid]
### Draw samples of the covariate vector beta
### n_beta_samples is ceiling(number_mcmc_beta/number_mcmc_sigma2)
n_beta_samples <- ceiling(number_mcmc_beta / number_mcmc_sigma)
beta_samples <- betaRegSamplermc(
sigma2_accept, XtX, SigmaBetaInv,
mu0, Xty, n_beta_samples
beta_samples <- data.frame(beta_samples)
names(beta_samples) <- c("treatment", "control", covs_df, "sigma")
### Estimate posterior of intercept and treatment effect
beta_samples$intercept <- beta_samples$control
beta_samples$treatment <- beta_samples$treatment - beta_samples$control
beta_samples$sigma <- sqrt(beta_samples$sigma)
### Format posterior table
m <- ncol(beta_samples)
beta_samples <- beta_samples[, c(m, 1, 3:(m - 1))]
### Format alpha_discount values
alpha_discount <- data.frame(
treatment = discount_treatment$alpha_discount,
control = discount_control$alpha_discount
### Format estimates
estimates <- list()
estimates$coefficients <- data.frame(t(colMeans(beta_samples)))
estimates$coefficients <- estimates$coefficients[c("intercept", "treatment", covs_df, "sigma")]
estimates$se <- data.frame(t(apply(beta_samples, 2, sd)))
estimates$se <- estimates$se[c("intercept", "treatment", covs_df, "sigma")]
### Format input arguments
args1 <- list(
call = call,
data = df
### Format output
me <- list(
posterior = beta_samples,
alpha_discount = alpha_discount,
estimates = estimates,
args1 = args1
class(me) <- "bdplm"
# Linear Regression discount weight estimation
# 1) Estimate the discount function
# - Test that the historical effect is different from zero
# - Estimate alpha based on the above comparison
discount_lm <- function(df, discount_function, alpha_max, fix_alpha,
weibull_shape, weibull_scale,
method) {
# Create formula
cnames <- names(df)
cnames <- cnames[!(cnames %in% c("Y", "intercept", "historical", "treatment"))]
cnames <- c("historical", cnames)
f <- paste0("Y~", paste0(cnames, collapse = "+"))
### Get "flat" fit
lm_fit <- lm(f, data = df)
lm_summ <- summary(lm_fit)
### Monte Carlo simulations of error variance
a <- lm_summ$df[2]
b <- lm_summ$sigma^2
sigma2 <- 1 / rgamma(number_mcmc_alpha, a / 2, (a * b) / 2)
### Monte Carlo simulations of historical effect
sigma2_beta <- lm_summ$cov.unscaled[2, 2] * sigma2
beta <- rnorm(number_mcmc_alpha, lm_summ$coefficients[2, 1], sqrt(sigma2_beta))
### Compute posterior comparison
if (method == "fixed") {
p_hat <- mean(beta > 0)
p_hat <- 2 * ifelse(p_hat > 0.5, 1 - p_hat, p_hat)
} else if (method == "mc") {
Z <- abs(beta) / sigma2_beta
p_hat <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(Z))
### Compute alpha, the discount weight
if (fix_alpha) {
alpha_discount <- alpha_max
} else {
# Compute alpha discount based on distribution
if (discount_function == "weibull") {
alpha_discount <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = weibull_shape,
scale = weibull_scale
) * alpha_max
} else if (discount_function == "scaledweibull") {
max_p <- pweibull(1, shape = weibull_shape, scale = weibull_scale)
alpha_discount <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = weibull_shape,
scale = weibull_scale
) * alpha_max / max_p
} else if (discount_function == "identity") {
alpha_discount <- p_hat * alpha_max
res <- list(
p_hat = p_hat,
alpha_discount = alpha_discount
model.matrixBayes <- function(object, data = environment(object), contrasts.arg = NULL,
xlev = NULL, keep.order = FALSE, drop.baseline = FALSE, ...) {
t <- if (missing(data)) {
} else {
terms.formula(object, data = data, keep.order = keep.order)
attr(t, "intercept") <- attr(object, "intercept")
if (is.null(attr(data, "terms"))) {
data <- model.frame(object, data, xlev = xlev)
} else {
reorder <- match(sapply(attr(t, "variables"), deparse, width.cutoff = 500)[-1], names(data))
if (anyNA(reorder)) {
stop("model frame and formula mismatch in model.matrix()")
if (!identical(reorder, seq_len(ncol(data)))) {
data <- data[, reorder, drop = FALSE]
int <- attr(t, "response")
if (length(data)) { # otherwise no rhs terms, so skip all this
if (drop.baseline) {
contr.funs <- as.character(getOption("contrasts"))
} else {
contr.funs <- as.character(list("contr.bayes.unordered", "contr.bayes.ordered"))
namD <- names(data)
## turn character columns into factors
for (i in namD) {
if (is.character(data[[i]])) {
data[[i]] <- factor(data[[i]])
warning(gettextf("variable '%s' converted to a factor", i), domain = NA)
isF <- vapply(data, function(x) is.factor(x) || is.logical(x), NA)
isF[int] <- FALSE
isOF <- vapply(data, is.ordered, NA)
for (nn in namD[isF]) { # drop response
if (is.null(attr(data[[nn]], "contrasts"))) {
contrasts(data[[nn]]) <- contr.funs[1 + isOF[nn]]
## it might be safer to have numerical contrasts:
## get(contr.funs[1 + isOF[nn]])(nlevels(data[[nn]]))
if (!is.null(contrasts.arg) && is.list(contrasts.arg)) {
if (is.null(namC <- names(contrasts.arg))) {
stop("invalid 'contrasts.arg' argument")
for (nn in namC) {
if ( <- match(nn, namD))) {
warning(gettextf("variable '%s' is absent, its contrast will be ignored", nn), domain = NA)
else {
ca <- contrasts.arg[[nn]]
if (is.matrix(ca)) {
contrasts(data[[ni]], ncol(ca)) <- ca
else {
contrasts(data[[ni]]) <- contrasts.arg[[nn]]
} else {
isF <- FALSE
data <- data.frame(x = rep(0, nrow(data)))
ans <- model.matrix.default(object = t, data = data)
cons <- if (any(isF)) {
lapply(data[isF], function(x) attr(x, "contrasts"))
} else {
attr(ans, "contrasts") <- cons
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