#' @title bdpnormal Object Plot
#' @description \code{plot} method for class \code{bdpnormal}.
#' @param x object of class \code{bdpnormal}. The result of a call to the
#' \code{\link{bdpnormal}} function.
#' @param type character. Optional. Select plot type to print. Supports the
#' following: "discount" gives the discount function; "posteriors" gives the
#' posterior plots of the event rates; and "density" gives the augmented
#' posterior density plot(s). Leave NULL to display all plots in sequence.
#' @param print logical. Optional. Produce a plot (\code{print = TRUE}; default)
#' or return a ggplot object (\code{print = FALSE}). When \code{print =
#' FALSE}, it is possible to use \code{ggplot2} syntax to modify the plot
#' appearance.
#' @details The \code{plot} method for \code{bdpnormal} returns up to three
#' plots: (1) posterior density curves; (2) posterior density of the effect of
#' interest; and (3) the discount function. A call to \code{plot} that omits
#' the \code{type} input returns one plot at a time and prompts the user to
#' click the plot or press return to proceed to the next plot. Otherwise, the
#' user can specify a plot \code{type} to display the requested plot.
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_string ggtitle ylim guides guide_legend theme
#' element_blank
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom stats sd density is.empty.model median model.offset
#' model.response pweibull quantile rbeta rgamma rnorm var vcov
#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "bdpnormal"), function(x, type = NULL, print = TRUE) {
posterior_treatment <- x$posterior_treatment
posterior_control <- x$posterior_control
discount_function <- x$args1$discount_function
N0_t <- x$args1$N0_t
N0_c <- x$args1$N0_c
N_t <- x$args1$N_t
N_c <- x$args1$N_c
arm2 <- x$args1$arm2
method <- x$args1$method
information_sources <- NULL
### Create data frames for plotting via ggplot2
D1 <- D2 <- D3 <- D5 <- D6 <- NULL
if (arm2) {
dens1 <- density(posterior_control$posterior_mu,
adjust = 0.5
D1 <- data.frame(
information_sources = "Posterior",
group = "Control",
x = dens1$x,
y = dens1$y
if (!is.null(posterior_control$posterior_flat_mu)) {
dens2 <- density(posterior_control$posterior_flat_mu,
adjust = 0.5
D2 <- data.frame(
information_sources = "Current Data",
group = "Control",
x = dens2$x,
y = dens2$y
if (!is.null(posterior_control$prior_mu)) {
dens3 <- density(posterior_control$prior_mu,
adjust = 0.5
D3 <- data.frame(
information_sources = "Historical Data",
group = "Control",
x = dens3$x,
y = dens3$y
dens4 <- density(posterior_treatment$posterior_mu,
adjust = 0.5
D4 <- data.frame(
information_sources = "Posterior",
group = "Treatment",
x = dens4$x,
y = dens4$y
if (!is.null(posterior_treatment$posterior_flat_mu)) {
dens5 <- density(posterior_treatment$posterior_flat_mu,
adjust = 0.5
D5 <- data.frame(
information_sources = "Current Data",
group = "Treatment",
x = dens5$x,
y = dens5$y
if (!is.null(posterior_treatment$prior_mu)) {
dens6 <- density(posterior_treatment$prior_mu,
adjust = 0.5
D6 <- data.frame(
information_sources = "Historical Data",
group = "Treatment",
x = dens6$x,
y = dens6$y
D <- rbind(D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6)
D$information_sources <- factor(D$information_sources,
levels = c("Posterior", "Current Data", "Historical Data")
D$group <- factor(D$group, levels = c("Treatment", "Control"))
### Posterior Type Plots
post_typeplot <- ggplot(D, aes_string(x = "x", y = "y")) +
size = 2,
colour = "information_sources",
lty = "information_sources"
) +
facet_wrap(~group, ncol = 1, scales = "free") +
ylab("Density (PDF)") +
xlab("Values") +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("Posterior Type Plot") +
guides(fill = guide_legend(title = NULL)) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank())
### Density Plots
densityplot <- ggplot(
subset(D, information_sources == "Posterior"),
aes_string(x = "x", y = "y")
) +
geom_line(size = 2, aes_string(colour = "group")) +
ylab("Density (PDF)") +
xlab("Values") +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("Density Plot") +
guides(fill = guide_legend(title = NULL)) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank())
### Discount function plot
### - Only makes sense to plot if Current/historical treatment are present or
### both current/historical control are present
p_hat <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
discountfun_plot <- NULL
if (!is.null(N0_t) & !is.null(N_t)) {
### Create discount function based on distribution type
if (discount_function == "weibull") {
discount_function_treatment <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[1],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[1]
} else if (discount_function == "scaledweibull") {
max_p <- pweibull(1,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[1],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[1]
discount_function_treatment <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[1],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[1]
) / max_p
} else if (discount_function == "identity") {
discount_function_treatment <- p_hat
D1 <- data.frame(
group = "Treatment",
y = discount_function_treatment,
x = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
D2 <- data.frame(
group = c("Treatment"),
p_hat = median(posterior_treatment$p_hat)
D3 <- data.frame(
group = c("Treatment"),
p_hat = median(posterior_treatment$alpha_discount)
discountfun_plot <- ggplot() +
geom_line(data = D1, aes_string(y = "y", x = "x", color = "group"), size = 1) +
geom_vline(data = D2, aes_string(xintercept = "p_hat", color = "group"), lty = 2) +
geom_hline(data = D3, aes_string(yintercept = "p_hat", color = "group"), lty = 2)
if (arm2) {
if (!is.null(N0_c) & !is.null(N_c)) {
if (is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
discountfun_plot <- ggplot()
### Create discount function based on distribution type
if (discount_function == "weibull") {
discount_function_control <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[2],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[2]
} else if (discount_function == "scaledweibull") {
max_p <- pweibull(1,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[2],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[2]
discount_function_control <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[2],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[2]
) / max_p
} else if (discount_function == "identity") {
discount_function_control <- p_hat
D4 <- data.frame(
group = "Control",
y = discount_function_control,
x = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
D5 <- data.frame(group = "Control", p_hat = median(posterior_control$p_hat))
D6 <- data.frame(group = "Control", p_hat = median(posterior_control$alpha_discount))
discountfun_plot <- discountfun_plot +
geom_line(data = D4, aes_string(y = "y", x = "x", color = "group"), size = 1) +
geom_vline(data = D5, aes_string(xintercept = "p_hat", color = "group"), lty = 2) +
geom_hline(data = D6, aes_string(yintercept = "p_hat", color = "group"), lty = 2)
if (!is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
discountfun_plot <- discountfun_plot +
facet_wrap(~group, ncol = 1) +
theme_bw() +
ylab("Alpha Discount Value") +
xlab("Stochastic comparison (Current vs Historical Data)") +
ggtitle("Discount Function") +
ylim(0, 1) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(title = NULL)) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank())
if (print) {
if (is.null(type)) {
op <- par(ask = TRUE)
if (!is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
} else if (type == "discount") {
if (!is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
} else if (type == "posteriors") {
} else if (type == "density") {
} else {
if (is.null(type)) {
out <- list(
posteriors = post_typeplot,
density = densityplot
if (!is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
out <- c(out, discount = list(discountfun_plot))
} else {
} else if (type == "discount") {
if (!is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
} else if (type == "posteriors") {
} else if (type == "density") {
#' @title bdpbinomial Object Plot
#' @description \code{plot} method for class \code{bdpbinomial}.
#' @param x object of class \code{bdpbinomial}. The result of a call to the
#' \code{\link{bdpbinomial}} function.
#' @param type character. Optional. Select plot type to print. Supports the
#' following: "discount" gives the discount function; "posteriors" gives the
#' posterior plots of the event rates; and "density" gives the augmented
#' posterior density plot(s). Leave NULL to display all plots in sequence.
#' @param print logical. Optional. Produce a plot (\code{print = TRUE}; default)
#' or return a ggplot object (\code{print = FALSE}). When \code{print =
#' FALSE}, it is possible to use \code{ggplot2} syntax to modify the plot
#' appearance.
#' @details The \code{plot} method for \code{bdpbinomial} returns up to three
#' plots: (1) posterior density curves; (2) posterior density of the effect of
#' interest; and (3) the discount function. A call to \code{plot} that omits
#' the \code{type} input returns one plot at a time and prompts the user to
#' click the plot or press return to proceed to the next plot. Otherwise, the
#' user can specify a plot \code{type} to display the requested plot.
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_string ggtitle ylim guides guide_legend theme
#' element_blank
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom stats density is.empty.model median model.offset model.response
#' pweibull quantile rbeta rgamma rnorm var vcov
#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "bdpbinomial"), function(x, type = NULL, print = TRUE) {
posterior_treatment <- x$posterior_treatment
posterior_control <- x$posterior_control
discount_function <- x$args1$discount_function
N0_t <- x$args1$N0_t
N0_c <- x$args1$N0_c
N_t <- x$args1$N_t
N_c <- x$args1$N_c
arm2 <- x$args1$arm2
method <- x$args1$method
information_sources <- NULL
### Create data frames for plotting via ggplot2
D1 <- D2 <- D3 <- D5 <- D6 <- NULL
if (arm2) {
dens1 <- density(posterior_control$posterior,
adjust = 0.5
D1 <- data.frame(
information_sources = "Posterior",
group = "Control",
x = dens1$x,
y = dens1$y
if (!is.null(posterior_control$posterior_flat)) {
dens2 <- density(posterior_control$posterior_flat, adjust = 0.5)
D2 <- data.frame(
information_sources = "Current Data",
group = "Control",
x = dens2$x,
y = dens2$y
if (!is.null(posterior_control$prior)) {
dens3 <- density(posterior_control$prior, adjust = 0.5)
D3 <- data.frame(
information_sources = "Historical Data",
group = "Control",
x = dens3$x,
y = dens3$y
dens4 <- density(posterior_treatment$posterior, adjust = 0.5)
D4 <- data.frame(
information_sources = "Posterior",
group = "Treatment",
x = dens4$x,
y = dens4$y
if (!is.null(posterior_treatment$posterior_flat)) {
dens5 <- density(posterior_treatment$posterior_flat, adjust = 0.5)
D5 <- data.frame(
information_sources = "Current Data",
group = "Treatment",
x = dens5$x,
y = dens5$y
if (!is.null(posterior_treatment$prior)) {
dens6 <- density(posterior_treatment$prior, adjust = 0.5)
D6 <- data.frame(
information_sources = "Historical Data",
group = "Treatment",
x = dens6$x,
y = dens6$y
D <- rbind(D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6)
D$information_sources <- factor(D$information_sources,
levels = (c("Posterior", "Current Data", "Historical Data"))
D$group <- factor(D$group, levels = c("Treatment", "Control"))
### Posterior Type Plots
post_typeplot <- ggplot(D, aes_string(x = "x", y = "y")) +
geom_line(size = 2, aes_string(color = "information_sources", lty = "information_sources")) +
theme_bw() +
facet_wrap(~group, ncol = 1, scales = "free") +
ylab("Density (PDF)") +
xlab("Values") +
ggtitle("Posterior Type Plot") +
guides(fill = guide_legend(title = NULL)) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank())
### Density Plots
densityplot <- ggplot(
subset(D, information_sources == "Posterior"),
aes_string(x = "x", y = "y")
) +
geom_line(size = 2, aes_string(color = "group")) +
ylab("Density (PDF)") +
xlab("Values") +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("Density Plot") +
guides(fill = guide_legend(title = NULL)) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank())
### Discount function plot
### - Only makes sense to plot if Current/historical treatment are present or
### both current/historical control are present
p_hat <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
discountfun_plot <- NULL
if (!is.null(N0_t) & !is.null(N_t)) {
### Create discount function based on distribution type
if (discount_function == "weibull") {
discount_function_treatment <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[1],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[1]
} else if (discount_function == "scaledweibull") {
max_p <- pweibull(1,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[1],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[1]
discount_function_treatment <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[1],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[1]
) / max_p
} else if (discount_function == "identity") {
discount_function_treatment <- p_hat
D1 <- data.frame(
group = "Treatment",
y = discount_function_treatment,
x = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
D2 <- data.frame(group = "Treatment", p_hat = median(posterior_treatment$p_hat))
D3 <- data.frame(group = "Treatment", p_hat = median(posterior_treatment$alpha_discount))
discountfun_plot <- ggplot() +
geom_line(data = D1, aes_string(y = "y", x = "x", color = "group"), size = 1) +
geom_vline(data = D2, aes_string(xintercept = "p_hat", color = "group"), lty = 2) +
geom_hline(data = D3, aes_string(yintercept = "p_hat", color = "group"), lty = 2)
if (arm2) {
if (!is.null(N0_c) & !is.null(N_c)) {
if (is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
discountfun_plot <- ggplot()
### Create discount function based on distribution type
if (discount_function == "weibull") {
discount_function_control <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[2],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[2]
} else if (discount_function == "scaledweibull") {
max_p <- pweibull(1,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[2],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[2]
discount_function_control <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[2],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[2]
) / max_p
} else if (discount_function == "identity") {
discount_function_control <- p_hat
D4 <- data.frame(
group = "Control",
y = discount_function_control,
x = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
D5 <- data.frame(group = "Control", p_hat = median(posterior_control$p_hat))
D6 <- data.frame(group = "Control", p_hat = median(posterior_control$alpha_discount))
discountfun_plot <- discountfun_plot +
geom_line(data = D4, aes_string(y = "y", x = "x", color = "group"), size = 1) +
geom_vline(data = D5, aes_string(xintercept = "p_hat", color = "group"), lty = 2) +
geom_hline(data = D6, aes_string(yintercept = "p_hat", color = "group"), lty = 2)
if (!is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
discountfun_plot <- discountfun_plot +
facet_wrap(~group, ncol = 1) +
theme_bw() +
ylab("Alpha Discount Value") +
xlab("Stochastic comparison (Current vs Historical Data)") +
ggtitle("Discount Function") +
ylim(0, 1) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(title = NULL)) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank())
if (print) {
if (is.null(type)) {
op <- par(ask = TRUE)
if (!is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
} else if (type == "discount") {
if (!is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
} else if (type == "posteriors") {
} else if (type == "density") {
} else {
if (is.null(type)) {
out <- list(
posteriors = post_typeplot,
density = densityplot
if (!is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
out <- c(out, discount = list(discountfun_plot))
} else {
} else if (type == "discount") {
if (!is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
} else if (type == "posteriors") {
} else if (type == "density") {
#' @title bdpsurvival Object Plot
#' @description \code{plot} method for class \code{bdpsurvival}.
#' @param x object of class \code{bdpsurvival}. The result of a call to the
#' \code{\link{bdpsurvival}} function.
#' @param type character. Optional. Select plot type to print. Supports the
#' following: "discount" gives the discount function and "survival" gives the
#' survival curves. Leave NULL to display all plots in sequence.
#' @param print logical. Optional. Produce a plot (\code{print = TRUE}; default)
#' or return a ggplot object (\code{print = FALSE}). When \code{print =
#' FALSE}, it is possible to use \code{ggplot2} syntax to modify the plot
#' appearance.
#' @details The \code{plot} method for \code{bdpsurvival} returns up to two
#' plots: (1) posterior survival curves and (2) the discount function. A call
#' to \code{plot} that omits the \code{type} input returns one plot at a time
#' and prompts the user to click the plot or press return to proceed to the
#' next plot. Otherwise, the user can specify a plot \code{type} to display
#' the requested plot.
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_string ggtitle ylim guides guide_legend theme
#' element_blank
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom stats density is.empty.model median model.offset model.response
#' pweibull quantile rbeta rgamma rnorm var vcov
#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "bdpsurvival"), function(x, type = NULL, print = TRUE) {
args1 <- x$args1
discount_function <- x$args1$discount_function
posterior_treatment <- x$posterior_treatment
posterior_control <- x$posterior_control
data <- args1$data
breaks <- args1$breaks
arm2 <- args1$arm2
method <- args1$method
### Survival curve(s)
### - Only computed for one-arm trial
### Organize data for current treatment
time_t <- sort(unique(args1$S_t$time))
survival_times_posterior_flat <- lapply(time_t, ppexp,
cuts = c(0, breaks)
survival_median_posterior_flat <- 1 - sapply(survival_times_posterior_flat, median)
D1 <- data.frame(
source = "Current Data",
group = "Treatment",
x = time_t,
y = survival_median_posterior_flat
### Organize data for historical treatment
if (!is.null(args1$S0_t)) {
time0_t <- sort(unique(args1$S0_t$time))
survival_times_prior <- lapply(time0_t, ppexp,
cuts = c(0, breaks)
survival_median_prior <- 1 - sapply(survival_times_prior, median)
D2 <- data.frame(
source = "Historical Data",
group = "Treatment",
x = time0_t,
y = survival_median_prior
} else {
D2 <- NULL
### Organize data for treatment posterior
survival_times_posterior <- lapply(time_t, ppexp, posterior_treatment$posterior_hazard, cuts = c(0, breaks))
survival_median_posterior <- 1 - sapply(survival_times_posterior, median)
D3 <- data.frame(
source = "Posterior",
group = "Treatment",
x = time_t,
y = survival_median_posterior
### Organize data for current control
if (!is.null(args1$S_c)) {
time_c <- sort(unique(args1$S_c$time))
survival_times_posterior_flat <- lapply(time_c, ppexp,
cuts = c(0, breaks)
survival_median_posterior_flat <- 1 - sapply(survival_times_posterior_flat, median)
D4 <- data.frame(
source = "Current Data",
group = "Control",
x = time_c,
y = survival_median_posterior_flat
} else {
D4 <- NULL
### Organize data for historical control
if (!is.null(args1$S0_c)) {
time0_c <- sort(unique(args1$S0_c$time))
survival_times_prior <- lapply(time0_c, ppexp,
cuts = c(0, breaks)
survival_median_prior <- 1 - sapply(survival_times_prior, median)
D5 <- data.frame(
source = "Historical Data",
group = "Control",
x = time0_c,
y = survival_median_prior
} else {
D5 <- NULL
### Organize data for control posterior
if (!is.null(args1$S_c) & !is.null(args1$S0_c)) {
survival_times_posterior <- lapply(time_c, ppexp, posterior_control$posterior_hazard, cuts = c(0, breaks))
survival_median_posterior <- 1 - sapply(survival_times_posterior, median)
D6 <- data.frame(
source = "Posterior",
group = "Control",
x = time_c,
y = survival_median_posterior
} else if (is.null(args1$S_c) & !is.null(args1$S0_c)) {
survival_times_posterior <- lapply(time0_c, ppexp, posterior_control$posterior_hazard, cuts = c(0, breaks))
survival_median_posterior <- 1 - sapply(survival_times_posterior, median)
D6 <- data.frame(
source = "Posterior",
group = "Control",
x = time0_c,
y = survival_median_posterior
} else if (!is.null(args1$S_c) & is.null(args1$S0_c)) {
survival_times_posterior <- lapply(time_c, ppexp, posterior_control$posterior_hazard, cuts = c(0, breaks))
survival_median_posterior <- 1 - sapply(survival_times_posterior, median)
D6 <- data.frame(
source = "Posterior",
group = "Control",
x = time_c,
y = survival_median_posterior
} else {
D6 <- NULL
D <- rbind(D4, D5, D6, D1, D2, D3)
D$group <- factor(D$group, levels = c("Treatment", "Control"))
### Plot survival curve
survival_curves <- ggplot(D, aes_string(x = "x", y = "y")) +
geom_line(size = 1.4, aes_string(color = "source", lty = "source")) +
facet_wrap(~group, ncol = 1, scales = "free") +
ylab("Survival probability") +
xlab("Time") +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("Survival Curve(s)") +
guides(fill = guide_legend(title = NULL)) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank())
### Discount function plot
### - Only makes sense to plot if Current/historical treatment are present or
### both current/historical control are present
p_hat <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
discountfun_plot <- NULL
if (!is.null(args1$S_t) & !is.null(args1$S0_t)) {
### Create discount function based on distribution type
if (discount_function == "weibull") {
discount_function_treatment <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[1],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[1]
} else if (discount_function == "scaledweibull") {
max_p <- pweibull(1,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[1],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[1]
discount_function_treatment <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[1],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[1]
) / max_p
} else if (discount_function == "identity") {
discount_function_treatment <- p_hat
D1 <- data.frame(
group = "Treatment",
y = discount_function_treatment,
x = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
D2 <- data.frame(group = "Treatment", p_hat = c(median(posterior_treatment$p_hat)))
D3 <- data.frame(group = "Treatment", p_hat = c(median(posterior_treatment$alpha_discount)))
discountfun_plot <- ggplot() +
geom_line(data = D1, aes_string(y = "y", x = "x", color = "group"), size = 1) +
geom_vline(data = D2, aes_string(xintercept = "p_hat", color = "group"), lty = 2) +
geom_hline(data = D3, aes_string(yintercept = "p_hat", color = "group"), lty = 2)
if (arm2) {
if (!is.null(args1$S_c) & !is.null(args1$S0_c)) {
if (is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
discountfun_plot <- ggplot()
### Create discount function based on distribution type
if (discount_function == "weibull") {
discount_function_control <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[2],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[2]
} else if (discount_function == "scaledweibull") {
max_p <- pweibull(1,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[2],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[2]
discount_function_control <- pweibull(p_hat,
shape = x$args1$weibull_shape[2],
scale = x$args1$weibull_scale[2]
) / max_p
} else if (discount_function == "identity") {
discount_function_control <- p_hat
D4 <- data.frame(
group = "Control",
y = discount_function_control,
x = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
D5 <- data.frame(group = "Control", p_hat = c(median(posterior_control$p_hat)))
D6 <- data.frame(group = "Control", p_hat = c(median(posterior_control$alpha_discount)))
discountfun_plot <- discountfun_plot +
geom_line(data = D4, aes_string(y = "y", x = "x", color = "group"), size = 1) +
geom_vline(data = D5, aes_string(xintercept = "p_hat", color = "group"), lty = 2) +
geom_hline(data = D6, aes_string(yintercept = "p_hat", color = "group"), lty = 2)
if (!is.null(discountfun_plot)) {
discountfun_plot <- discountfun_plot +
facet_wrap(~group, ncol = 1) +
theme_bw() +
ylab("Alpha Discount Value") +
xlab("Stochastic comparison (Current vs Historical Data)") +
ggtitle("Discount Function") +
ylim(0, 1) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(title = NULL)) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank())
if (print) {
if (is.null(type)) {
op <- par(ask = TRUE)
if (!is.null(args1$S0_t) | (!is.null(args1$S_c) & !is.null(args1$S0_c))) {
} else if (type == "discount") {
if (!is.null(args1$S0_t) | (!is.null(args1$S_c) & !is.null(args1$S0_c))) {
} else if (type == "survival") {
} else {
if (is.null(type)) {
out <- list(survival = survival_curves)
if (!is.null(args1$S0_t) | (!is.null(args1$S_c) & !is.null(args1$S0_c))) {
out <- c(out, discount = list(discountfun_plot))
} else {
} else if (type == "discount") {
if (!is.null(args1$S0_t) | (!is.null(args1$S_c) & !is.null(args1$S0_c))) {
} else if (type == "survival") {
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