Defines functions EMrun_bet_dbb EMrun_bes_dbb gradlam_bet_dbb gradlam_bes_dbb Qf_bet_dbb Qf_bes_dbb dbbtest

Documented in dbbtest EMrun_bes_dbb EMrun_bet_dbb gradlam_bes_dbb gradlam_bet_dbb Qf_bes_dbb Qf_bet_dbb

#' @title dbbtest
#' @description Function to run the discrimination test between beta and bessel regressions (DBB).
#' @param formula symbolic description of the model (set: z ~ x or z ~ x | v); see details below.
#' @param data arguments considered in the formula description. This is usually a data frame composed by:
#' (i) the response with bounded continuous observations (0 < z_i < 1),
#' (ii) covariates for the mean submodel (columns of matrix x) and
#' (iii) covariates for the precision submodel (columns of matrix v).
#' @param epsilon tolerance value to control the convergence criterion in the Expectation-Maximization algorithm (default = 10^(-5)).
#' @param link.mean a string containing the link function for the mean.
#' The possible link functions for the mean are "logit","probit", "cauchit", "cloglog".
#' @param link.precision a string containing the link function the precision parameter.
#' The possible link functions for the precision parameter are "identity", "log", "sqrt", "inverse".
#' @return Object of class dbbtest, which is a list containing two elements. The 1st one is a table of terms
#' considered in the decision rule of the test; they are sum(z2/n) = sum_{i=1}^{n}(z_i^2)/n, sum(quasi_mu) = sum_{i=1}^{n}(tilde{mu_i}^2 + tilde{mu_i}(1-tilde{mu_i})/2)
#' |D_bessel| and |D_beta| as indicated in the main reference. The 2nd term of the list is the name of the selected model (bessel or beta).
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{simdata_bes}}, \code{\link{dbessel}}, \code{\link{simdata_bet}}
#' @examples
#' # Illustration using the Weather task data set available in the bbreg package.
#' dbbtest(agreement ~ priming + eliciting, data = WT,
#' link.mean = "logit", link.precision = "identity")
#' @export
dbbtest = function(formula,data,epsilon=10^(-5), link.mean, link.precision)
  link_mean = stats::make.link(link.mean)
  link_precision = stats::make.link(link.precision)
  ## Processing call
  eps = match.call()
  if(missing(data)){ data = environment(formula) }
  MF = match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  arg_names = match(c("formula","data"), names(MF), nomatch=0)
  MF = MF[c(1,arg_names)]
  MF$drop.unused.levels = TRUE
  ## Processing formula
  Fo = as.Formula(formula)
  if(length(Fo)[2] < 2){ Fo = as.Formula(stats::formula(Fo),~1)
  if(length(Fo)[2] > 2){ Fo = Formula(stats::formula(Fo, rhs = 1:2)) }}
  MF$formula = Fo
  MF[[1]] = as.name("model.frame")
  MF = eval(MF, parent.frame())
  MTerms_x = stats::terms(Fo, data = data, rhs = 1)
  MTerms_v = stats::delete.response(stats::terms(Fo, data = data, rhs = 2))
  z = stats::model.response(MF, "numeric")
  x = stats::model.matrix(MTerms_x, MF)
  v = stats::model.matrix(MTerms_v, MF)
  n = length(z)
  nkap = ncol(x)
  nlam = ncol(v)
  if(nkap==0){ x = cbind(rep(1,n),x); nkap = 1 }
  if(nlam==0){ v = cbind(rep(1,n),v); nlam = 1 }
  idx = which(apply(x==1,2,sum)!=n) # find non-intercept columns in x.
  idv = which(apply(v==1,2,sum)!=n) # find non-intercept columns in v.
  if(length(idx) > 0 & length(idx)==nkap){
    outquasi = stats::glm(z ~ 0 + x[,idx], family = stats::quasi(variance = "mu(1-mu)",link=link.mean), start=rep(0,nkap)) }
  if(length(idx) > 0 & length(idx)<nkap){
    outquasi = stats::glm(z ~ x[,idx], family = stats::quasi(variance = "mu(1-mu)",link=link.mean), start=rep(0,nkap)) }
  if(length(idx) == 0){
    outquasi = stats::glm(z ~ 1, family = stats::quasi(variance = "mu(1-mu)",link=link.mean), start=rep(0,nkap)) }
  kapquasi = outquasi$coefficients
  muquasi = link_mean$linkinv(x%*%kapquasi)
  sumz2 = sum(z^2)/n
  sumquasi = sum(muquasi*(1-muquasi)/2 + muquasi^2)
  selection = 0 # symbol: 0 = beta and 1 = bessel
  if(sumz2 < sumquasi){
    # Set initial values.
    lam = startvalues(z,x,v,link.mean)
    lam = lam[[2]]
    EM = EMrun_bes_dbb(lam,z,v,mu=muquasi,epsilon,link.precision)
    phi = link_precision$linkinv(v%*%EM)
    gphi = (1-phi+(phi^2)*exp(phi)*expint_En(phi,order=1))/2
    Wbes = gphi
    EM = EMrun_bet_dbb(lam,z,v,mu=muquasi,epsilon, link.precision)
    phi = link_precision$linkinv(v%*%EM)
    gphi = 1/(1+phi)
    Wbet = gphi
    Dbes = sumz2 - sum(muquasi*(1-muquasi)*Wbes + muquasi^2)/n
    Dbet = sumz2 - sum(muquasi*(1-muquasi)*Wbet + muquasi^2)/n
    if( abs(Dbes) <= abs(Dbet) ){selection = 1}
  out = list()
  tab = c(sumz2,sumquasi,abs(Dbes),abs(Dbet))
  names(tab) = c("sum(z2/n)","sum(quasi_mu)","|D_bessel|","|D_beta|")
  out[[1]] = tab
  out[[2]] = if(selection==0){"beta"}else{"bessel"}
  names(out) = c("terms","model")
  class(out) = "dbbtest"

#' @title Qf_bes_dbb
#' @description Q-function related to the bessel model. This function was adapted for the discrimination test between bessel and beta (DBB) required in the Expectation-Maximization algorithm.
#' @param lam coefficients in lambda related to the covariates in v.
#' @param wz parameter wz representing E(1/W_i|Z_i = z_i, theta).
#' @param z response vector with 0 < z_i < 1.
#' @param v matrix containing the covariates for the precision submodel. Each column is a different covariate.
#' @param mu mean parameter (vector having the same size of z).
#' @param link.precision a string containing the link function the precision parameter.
#' The possible link functions for the precision parameter are "identity", "log", "sqrt", "inverse".
#' @return Scalar representing the output of this auxiliary function for the bessel case.
Qf_bes_dbb = function(lam,wz,z,v,mu,link.precision){
  link_precision = stats::make.link(link.precision)
  phi = link_precision$linkinv(v%*%lam) # precision parameter
  out1 = log(mu) + log(1-mu) + 2*log(phi) + phi
  out2 = 0.5*wz*(phi^2)*( ((mu^2)/z) + (((1-mu)^2)/(1-z)) )
  return( sum(out1-out2) )

#' @title Qf_bet_dbb
#' @description Q-function related to the beta model. This function was adapted for the discrimination test between bessel and beta (DBB) required in the Expectation-Maximization algorithm.
#' @param lam coefficients in lambda related to the covariates in v.
#' @param phiold previous value of the precision parameter (phi).
#' @param z response vector with 0 < z_i < 1.
#' @param v matrix containing the covariates for the precision submodel. Each column is a different covariate.
#' @param mu mean parameter (vector having the same size of z).
#' @param link.precision a string containing the link function the precision parameter.
#' The possible link functions for the precision parameter are "identity", "log", "sqrt", "inverse".
#' @return Scalar representing the output of this auxiliary function for the beta case.
Qf_bet_dbb = function(lam,phiold,z,v,mu,link.precision){
  link_precision = stats::make.link(link.precision)
  phi = link_precision$linkinv(v%*%lam) # precision parameter
  mu0phi = mu*phi
  mu1phi = (1-mu)*phi
  mu0phi[which(mu0phi <=0)] = 10^(-10)
  mu1phi[which(mu1phi <=0)] = 10^(-10)
  out = phi*(mu*log(z/(1-z))+digamma(phiold)+log(1-z));
  out = out -lgamma(mu0phi)-lgamma(mu1phi);
  out = out -log(z*(1-z)) -digamma(phiold) -log(1-z) -phiold;

#' @title gradlam_bes_dbb
#' @description Gradient of the Q-function (adapted for the discrimination test between bessel and beta - DBB) to calculate the gradient required for optimization via \code{optim}.
#' This option is related to the bessel regression.
#' @param lam coefficients in lambda related to the covariates in v.
#' @param wz parameter wz representing E(1/W_i|Z_i = z_i, theta).
#' @param z response vector with 0 < z_i < 1.
#' @param v matrix containing the covariates for the precision submodel. Each column is a different covariate.
#' @param mu mean parameter (vector having the same size of z).
#' @param link.precision a string containing the link function the precision parameter.
#' The possible link functions for the precision parameter are "identity", "log", "sqrt", "inverse".
#' @return Scalar representing the output of this auxiliary gradient function for the bessel case.
gradlam_bes_dbb = function(lam,wz,z,v,mu,link.precision){
  link_precision = stats::make.link(link.precision)
  dphideta = link_precision$mu.eta(v%*%lam)
  phi = link_precision$linkinv(v%*%lam)
  aux = (2/phi)+1-wz*phi*(1 +  ((z-mu)^2)/(z*(1-z)) )
  aux = aux*dphideta
  Ulam = t(v)%*%aux

#' @title gradlam_bet
#' @description Gradient of the Q-function (adapted for the discrimination test between bessel and beta - DBB) to calculate the gradient required for optimization via \code{optim}.
#' This option is related to the beta regression.
#' @param lam coefficients in lambda related to the covariates in v.
#' @param phiold previous value of the precision parameter (phi).
#' @param z response vector with 0 < z_i < 1.
#' @param v matrix containing the covariates for the precision submodel. Each column is a different covariate.
#' @param mu mean parameter (vector having the same size of z).
#' @param link.precision a string containing the link function the precision parameter.
#' The possible link functions for the precision parameter are "identity", "log", "sqrt", "inverse".
#' @return Scalar representing the output of this auxiliary gradient function for the beta case.
gradlam_bet_dbb = function(lam,phiold,z,v,mu,link.precision){
  link_precision = stats::make.link(link.precision)
  phi = link_precision$linkinv(v%*%lam)
  dphideta = link_precision$mu.eta(v%*%lam)
  aux = mu*(log(z)-log(1-z)) +digamma(phiold)
  aux = aux +log(1-z)-mu*digamma(mu*phi)
  aux = aux -(1-mu)*digamma((1-mu)*phi)
  aux = aux*dphideta
  Ulam = t(v)%*%aux

#' @title EMrun_bes_dbb
#' @description Function (adapted for the discrimination test between bessel and beta - DBB) to run the Expectation-Maximization algorithm for the bessel regression.
#' @param lam initial values for the coefficients in lambda related to the precision parameter.
#' @param z response vector with 0 < z_i < 1.
#' @param v matrix containing the covariates for the precision submodel. Each column is a different covariate.
#' @param mu mean parameter (vector having the same size of z).
#' @param epsilon tolerance to controll convergence criterion.
#' @param link.precision a string containing the link function the precision parameter.
#' The possible link functions for the precision parameter are "identity", "log", "sqrt", "inverse".
#' @return Vector containing the estimates for lam in the bessel regression.
EMrun_bes_dbb = function(lam,z,v,mu,epsilon,link.precision){
  link_precision = stats::make.link(link.precision)
  phi = link_precision$linkinv(v%*%lam) # phi precision parameter.
  count = 0
    lam_r = lam
    phi_r = phi
    ### E step ------------------------------
    wz_r = Ew1z(z,mu,phi_r)
    ### M step ------------------------------
    M = stats::optim(par=lam, fn=Qf_bes_dbb, gr=gradlam_bes_dbb, wz=wz_r, z=z, v=v,
                     mu=mu,link.precision = link.precision, control=list(fnscale=-1), method='L-BFGS-B')
    lam = M$par
    phi = link_precision$linkinv(v%*%lam)
    # Compute Q -----------------------------
    Q_r = Qf_bes_dbb(lam_r,wz_r,z,v,mu,link.precision);
    Q = Qf_bes_dbb(lam,wz_r,z,v,mu,link.precision);
    ### Convergence criterion ---------------
    term1 = sqrt(sum((lam-lam_r)^2));
    term2 = abs(Q - Q_r);
    ### -------------------------------------
    count = count+1
    if(max(term1,term2) < epsilon){ break }
    if(count >= 10000){epsilon = 10^(-3)}
    ### -------------------------------------

#' @title EMrun_bet_dbb
#' @description Function (adapted for the discrimination test between bessel and beta - DBB) to run the Expectation-Maximization algorithm for the beta regression.
#' @param lam initial values for the coefficients in lambda related to the precision parameter.
#' @param z response vector with 0 < z_i < 1.
#' @param v matrix containing the covariates for the precision submodel. Each column is a different covariate.
#' @param mu mean parameter (vector having the same size of z).
#' @param epsilon tolerance to controll convergence criterion.
#' @param link.precision a string containing the link function the precision parameter.
#' The possible link functions for the precision parameter are "identity", "log", "sqrt", "inverse".
#' @return Vector containing the estimates for lam in the beta regression.
EMrun_bet_dbb = function(lam,z,v,mu,epsilon,link.precision){
  link_precision = stats::make.link(link.precision)
  phi = link_precision$linkinv(v%*%lam) # phi precision parameter.
  count = 0
    lam_r = lam
    phi_r = phi
    ### E step ------------------------------
    ### M step ------------------------------
    M = stats::optim(par = lam, fn = Qf_bet_dbb, gr = gradlam_bet_dbb, phiold=phi_r, z=z ,v=v, mu=mu,
                     link.precision = link.precision, control=list(fnscale=-1), method = 'L-BFGS-B')
    lam = M$par
    phi = link_precision$linkinv(v%*%lam)
    # Compute Q -----------------------------
    Q_r = Qf_bet_dbb(lam_r,phi_r,z,v,mu,link.precision);
    Q = Qf_bet_dbb(lam,phi_r,z,v,mu,link.precision);
    ### Convergence criterion ---------------
    term1 = sqrt(sum((lam-lam_r)^2));
    term2 = abs(Q - Q_r);
    ### -------------------------------------
    count = count+1
    if(max(term1,term2) < epsilon){ break }
    if(count >= 10000){epsilon = 10^(-3)}
    ### -------------------------------------

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