
Defines functions stratify

Documented in stratify

#' Stratify raw Breeding Bird Survey data
#' Assigns each bird count data point and each route a strata
#'   based on its geographic location and the stratification
#'   as specified by the user.
#' @param by String argument of stratification type.
#'   Options are "state", "bcr", "latlong", "bbs_cws", "bbs_usgs"
#' @param sample_data Should just sample data (just Pacific Wren) be used?
#'   Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param quiet Should progress bars be suppressed?
#' @param bbs_data Raw BBS data saved as a list of 3 data frames.
#'   Not necessary if you have already run \code{fetch_bbs_data}
#' @param lump_species_forms Logical, default is TRUE, indicating that for
#'   species with multiple forms, the "unidentified" form is replaced by
#'   the sum of observations for all forms (including the original unidentified obs).
#'   The underlying BBS database includes separate data for each form,
#'   and these separate forms are retained with their original names.
#'   The original unidentified category for observations that were not specific to
#'   a particular form are replaced by the combined observations. If the user
#'   wishes to keep the unidentified form separate, this can be set to FALSE
#' @param stratify_by Deprecated in favour of 'by'
#' @return Large list (3 elements) consisting of:
#'   \item{bird_strat}{Dataframe of stratified bird data}
#'   \item{route_strat}{Dataframe of stratified route data}
#'   \item{species_strat}{Dataframe of stratified species data}
#'   \item{by}{Argument used for stratification}
#' @examples
#' # Toy examples using Pacific Wren sample data
#' # Stratify by CWS USGS stratifications
#' data_strat <- stratify(by = "bbs_usgs", sample_data = TRUE)
#' # Stratify by Bird Conservation Regions only
#' data_strat <- stratify(by = "bcr", sample_data = TRUE)
#' # Stratify by CWS BBS stratifications
#' data_strat <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", sample_data = TRUE)
#' # Stratify by State/Province/Territory only
#' data_strat <- stratify(by = "state", sample_data = TRUE)
#' # Stratify by blocks of 1 degree of latitude X 1 degree of longitude
#' data_strat <- stratify(by = "latlong", sample_data = TRUE)

#' # To stratify the entire dataset, simply set the sample_data = FALSE,
#' # or drop that argument altogher. The function then requires fetch_bbs_data()
#' # to have been run (takes about 10 minutes). Stratification of the entire dataset
#' # may take up to 3 minutes.
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @importFrom rappdirs app_dir
#' @export

stratify <- function(by = NULL,
                     sample_data = FALSE,
                     bbs_data = NULL,
                     lump_species_forms = TRUE,
                     quiet = FALSE,
                     stratify_by = NULL)
  if (isFALSE(is.null(stratify_by)))
    message("Argument \"stratify_by\" has been deprecated in favour of \"by\"")
    by <- stratify_by

  if(isFALSE(is.element(by, c("state", "bcr", "latlong", "bbs_cws", "bbs_usgs"))))
    stop("Invalid stratification specified, choose one of state, bcr, latlong, bbs_cws, or bbs_usgs"); return(NULL)

  bbs_dir <- app_dir(appname = "bbsBayes")

  if (isTRUE(sample_data))
    bbs_data <- load_sample_data()
  } else if (is.null(bbs_data))
    if(isFALSE(file.exists(paste0(bbs_dir$data(), "/bbs_raw_data.RData"))))
      stop("No BBS data downloaded. Please use fetch_bbs_data() first.")

  # Read lump table prior to analysis to determine progress bar length
  lump_sp <- utils::read.csv(system.file("species-lump-split",
                                         package = "bbsBayes"),
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                             fileEncoding = get_encoding())
  pb_len <- 8
  if (isTRUE(lump_species_forms))
    pb_len <- pb_len + nrow(lump_sp)
  if (!isTRUE(quiet))
    message("Stratifying data")
    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
      format = "\r[:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
      clear = FALSE,
      total = pb_len,
      width = 80)

  if (isFALSE(sample_data) & is.null(bbs_data))
    load(file = paste0(bbs_dir$data(), "/bbs_raw_data.RData"))
  if (!isTRUE(quiet)){pb$tick()}
  species <- bbs_data$species

  bird <- bbs_data$bird

  if (isFALSE(sample_data) & isTRUE(lump_species_forms)){
    rem1 <- NULL
    rem <- NULL
    tmp1 <- NULL
    tmp2 <- NULL
    tmp <- NULL

  for(lumpi in 1:nrow(lump_sp)){
    aou1 <- lump_sp[lumpi,"aou_original"]
    sp_en <- lump_sp[lumpi,"english_out"]
    sp_fr <- lump_sp[lumpi,"french_out"]
    wsp <- which(species$sp.bbs == aou1)
    species[wsp,"english"] <- sp_en
    species[wsp,"french"] <- sp_fr

    # replace original unidentified data with combined data from all forms
    nadd <- lump_sp[lumpi,"n_add"]
    aoulump <- lump_sp[lumpi,paste0("aou",1:nadd)]
    tmp1 <- bird[which(bird$AOU %in% aou1),]
    tmp2 <- bird[which(bird$AOU %in% aoulump),]
    if(nrow(tmp1) > 0){
      rem1 <- which(bird$AOU %in% aou1)
    #bird <- bird[-which(bird$AOU %in% aou1),]
    tmp <- rbind(tmp1,tmp2)
      tmp <- tmp2
    if(nrow(tmp) > 0){
     tmp$AOU <- aou1
    # bird <- rbind(bird,tmp)
    if(lumpi == 1){
      tmp_add <- tmp
      rem <- rem1
      tmp_add <- rbind(tmp_add,tmp)
      rem <- c(rem,rem1)

    if (!isTRUE(quiet)){pb$tick()}
    bird <- bird[-rem,]
    bird <- rbind(bird,tmp_add)


  if (!isTRUE(quiet)){pb$tick()}
  route <- bbs_data$route; if (!isTRUE(quiet)){pb$tick()}

  if (by == "bbs_usgs")
    route[,"strat_name"] <- paste(route[,"Country"],
                                  sep = "-")
  }else if (by == "state")
    route[,"strat_name"] <- paste(route[,"St_Abrev"],
                                  sep = "")
  }else if (by == "bcr")
    route[,"strat_name"] <- paste("BCR",
                                  sep = "")
  }else if (by == "latlong")
    route[,"strat_name"] <- paste(trunc(route[,"Latitude"]),
                                  sep = "_")
  }else if (by == "bbs_cws")
    # Combine all BCR 7
    route[which(route$BCR == 7),"St_Abrev"] <- "BCR7"
    route[which(route$BCR == 7), "Route"] <- route[which(route$BCR == 7), "Route"]+(1000*route[which(route$BCR == 7), "statenum"])
    bird[which(bird$BCR == 7), "Route"] <- bird[which(bird$BCR == 7), "Route"]+(1000*bird[which(bird$BCR == 7), "statenum"])
    route[which(route$BCR == 7), "statenum"] <- 777
    bird[which(bird$BCR == 7), "statenum"] <- 777

    # Combine NS and PEI
    route[which(route$State == "Nova Scotia"), "State"] <- "Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island"
    ## adding 200 to hte PEI route numbers, so they remain distinct from the Nova Scotia routes (1, 5, 9, and 13)
    route[which(route$State == "Prince Edward Island"), "Route"] <- route[which(route$State == "Prince Edward Island"), "Route"]+ (1000*route[which(route$State == "Prince Edward Island"), "statenum"])
    route[which(route$State == "Prince Edward Island"), "State"] <- "Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island"
    route[which(route$State == "Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island"), "St_Abrev"] <- "NSPE"
    route[which(route$St_Abrev == "NSPE"), "statenum"] <- 765
    bird[which(bird$statenum == 65), "statenum"] <- 765
    ## adding statevalue*1000 to hte PEI route numbers, so they remain distinct from the Nova Scotia routes (1, 5, 9, and 13)
    bird[which(bird$statenum == 75), "Route"] <- bird[which(bird$statenum == 75), "Route"]+ (1000* bird[which(bird$statenum == 75), "statenum"])
    bird[which(bird$statenum == 75), "statenum"] <- 765

    route[,"strat_name"] <- paste(route[,"Country"],
                                  sep = "-")

  }; if (!isTRUE(quiet)){pb$tick()}

  route[,"rt.uni"] <- paste(route[,"statenum"],route[,"Route"],sep = "-"); if (!isTRUE(quiet)){pb$tick()} # regenerates the rt.uni value with newly defined combined states
  bird[,"rt.uni"] <- paste(bird[,"statenum"],bird[,"Route"],sep = "-"); if (!isTRUE(quiet)){pb$tick()}

  route[,"rt.uni.y"] <- paste(route[,"statenum"],route[,"Route"],route[,"Year"],sep = "-"); if (!isTRUE(quiet)){pb$tick()}  # regenerates the rt.uni.y value with newly defined combined states
  bird[,"rt.uni.y"] <- paste(bird[,"statenum"],bird[,"Route"],bird[,"Year"],sep = "-"); if (!isTRUE(quiet)){pb$tick()}

  return(list(bird_strat = bird,
              route_strat = route,
              species_strat = species,
              stratify_by = by))

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bbsBayes documentation built on March 7, 2023, 6:33 p.m.