
#' Break Detection in the Seasonal and Trend Component of a Univariate Time
#' Series
#' Iterative break detection in seasonal and trend component of a time series.
#' Seasonal breaks is a function that combines the iterative decomposition of
#' time series into trend, seasonal and remainder components with significant
#' break detection in the decomposed components of the time series.
#' The algorithm decomposes the input time series `Yt` into three components:
#' trend, seasonality and remainder, using the function defined by the `decomp`
#' parameter. Then each component is checked for at least one significant
#' break using [strucchangeRcpp::efp()], and if there is one, [strucchangeRcpp::breakpoints()]
#' is run on the component. The result allows differentiating between breaks in
#' trend and seasonality.
#' @param Yt univariate time series to be analyzed. This should be an object of
#' class "ts" with a frequency greater than one.
#' @param h minimal segment size between potentially detected breaks in the
#' trend model given as fraction relative to the sample size (i.e. the minimal
#' number of observations in each segment divided by the total length of the
#' timeseries).
#' @param season the seasonal model used to fit the seasonal component and
#' detect seasonal breaks (i.e. significant phenological change).  There are
#' three options: "dummy", "harmonic", or "none" where "dummy" is the model
#' proposed in the first Remote Sensing of Environment paper and "harmonic" is
#' the model used in the second Remote Sensing of Environment paper (See paper
#' for more details) and where "none" indicates that no seasonal model will be
#' fitted (i.e. St = 0 ). If there is no seasonal cycle (e.g. frequency of the
#' time series is 1) "none" can be selected to avoid fitting a seasonal model.
#' @param max.iter maximum amount of iterations allowed for estimation of
#' breakpoints in seasonal and trend component.
#' @param breaks integer specifying the maximal number of breaks to be
#' calculated. By default the maximal number allowed by h is used.
#' @param hpc A character specifying the high performance computing support.
#' Default is "none", can be set to "foreach". Install the "foreach" package
#' for hpc support.
#' @param level numeric; threshold value for the \link[strucchangeRcpp]{sctest.efp}
#' test; if a length 2 vector is passed, the first value is used for the trend,
#' the second for the seasonality
#' @param decomp "stlplus" or "stl": the function to use for decomposition.
#' \code{stl} can handle sparse time series (1 < frequency < 4), \code{stlplus}
#' can handle \code{NA} values in the time series.
#' @param type character, indicating the type argument to
#' \link[strucchangeRcpp]{efp}
#' @param \dots additional arguments passed to [stlplus::stlplus()], if
#' its usage has been enabled, otherwise ignored.
#' @return An object of the class "bfast" is a list with the following
#' elements: \item{Yt}{ equals the Yt used as input.} \item{output}{ is a list
#' with the following elements (for each iteration): \tabular{ll}{ \code{Tt}
#' \tab the fitted trend component\cr \code{St} \tab the fitted seasonal
#' component\cr \code{Nt} \tab the noise or remainder component\cr \code{Vt}
#' \tab equals the deseasonalized data \code{Yt - St} for each iteration\cr
#' \code{bp.Vt} \tab output of the \code{\link[strucchangeRcpp]{breakpoints}}
#' function for the trend model. Note that the output breakpoints are index
#' numbers of \code{na.omit(as.numeric(Vt))}.\cr \code{ci.Vt} \tab output of the
#' \code{\link[strucchangeRcpp]{breakpoints}} confint function for the trend
#' model\cr \code{Wt} \tab equals the detrended data \code{Yt - Tt} for each
#' iteration\cr \code{bp.Wt} \tab output of the
#' \code{\link[strucchangeRcpp]{breakpoints}} function for the seasonal model.
#' Note that the output breakpoints are index numbers of \code{na.omit(as.numeric(Wt))}. \cr
#' \code{ci.Wt} \tab output of the \code{\link[strucchangeRcpp]{breakpoints}}
#' confint function for the seasonal model }} \item{nobp}{ is a list with the
#' following elements: \tabular{ll}{ \code{nobp.Vt} \tab logical, TRUE if there
#' are no breakpoints detected\cr \code{nobp.Wt} \tab logical, TRUE if there
#' are no breakpoints detected }} \item{Magnitude}{ magnitude of the biggest
#' change detected in the trend component} \item{Time}{ timing of the biggest
#' change detected in the trend component}
#' @author Jan Verbesselt
#' @seealso \code{\link[bfast]{plot.bfast}} for plotting of bfast() results.
#' \cr \code{\link[strucchangeRcpp]{breakpoints}} for more examples and background
#' information about estimation of breakpoints in time series.
#' @references \insertRef{janbfast}{bfast}
#' \insertRef{janbfastpheno}{bfast}
#' @keywords ts
#' @example examples/bfast.r
#' @export bfast
bfast <- function (Yt, h = 0.15, season = c("dummy", "harmonic", "none"), 
                   max.iter = 10, breaks = NULL, hpc = "none", level = 0.05,
                   decomp = c("stl", "stlplus"),
                   type = "OLS-MOSUM", ...) 
  # Error catching
  decomp = match.arg(decomp)
  if (decomp == "stl" && any(is.na(Yt))) {
    warning("The stl() function cannot deal with missing values in the time series, falling back to decomp='stlplus'.")
    decomp <- "stlplus"
  if(decomp == "stlplus" && !requireNamespace("stlplus", quietly = TRUE)) {
    warning("stlplus package could not be loaded, falling back to decomp='stl'.")
    decomp <- "stl"
  ## Get Arguments
  season <- match.arg(season)
  level  <- rep(level, length.out = 2)
  ti <- time(Yt)
  f <- frequency(Yt) # on cycle every f time points (seasonal cycle)
  if (class(Yt) != "ts")
    stop("Not a time series object")
  if (f < 1)
    stop("Time series frequency needs to be more than 1")
  if (decomp == "stlplus" && f < 4) {
    warning("Not enough seasons (frequency < 4) for using stlplus decomposition, falling back to decomp = 'stl'")
    decomp <- "stl"
  output <- list()
  Tt <- 0
  if (season == "harmonic") {
    w <- 1/f
    tl <- 1:length(Yt)
    co <- cos(2 * pi * tl * w)
    si <- sin(2 * pi * tl * w)
    co2 <- cos(2 * pi * tl * w * 2)
    si2 <- sin(2 * pi * tl * w * 2)
    co3 <- cos(2 * pi * tl * w * 3)
    si3 <- sin(2 * pi * tl * w * 3)
    smod <- Wt ~ co + si + co2 + si2 + co3 + si3
    # Start the iterative procedure and for first iteration St=decompose result
    St <- if (decomp == "stlplus") {
        stlplus::stlplus(Yt, t=ti, n.p = f, s.window = "periodic",   ...)$data[, "seasonal"]
    } else {
        stl             (Yt,                           "periodic")$time.series[, "seasonal"]
  else if (season == "dummy") {
    # Start the iterative procedure and for first iteration St=decompose result
    St <- if (decomp == "stlplus") {
        stlplus::stlplus(Yt, t = ti, n.p = f, s.window = "periodic", ...)$data[, "seasonal"]
    } else {
        stl(Yt, "periodic")$time.series[, "seasonal"]
    D <- seasonaldummy(Yt)
    D[rowSums(D) == 0, ] <- -1
    smod <- Wt ~ -1 + D
  else if (season == "none") {
    print("No seasonal model will be fitted!")
    St <- 0
  else stop("Not a correct seasonal model is selected ('harmonic' or 'dummy') ")
  Vt.bp <- 0
  Wt.bp <- 0
  CheckTimeTt <- 1
  CheckTimeSt <- 1
  i <- 0
  while ((!identical(CheckTimeTt, Vt.bp) | !identical(CheckTimeSt, Wt.bp)) & i < max.iter) {
    CheckTimeTt <- Vt.bp
    CheckTimeSt <- Wt.bp
    ### Change in trend component
    Vt <- Yt - St # Deasonalized Time series
    p.Vt <- sctest(efp(Vt ~ ti, h = h, type = type))
    if (p.Vt$p.value <= level[1]) {
      bp.Vt   <- breakpoints(Vt ~ ti, h = h, breaks = breaks, na.action=na.exclude,hpc = hpc)
      nobp.Vt <- is.na(breakpoints(bp.Vt)[1])
    } else {
      nobp.Vt <- TRUE
      bp.Vt   <- NA
    if (nobp.Vt) {
      ## No Change detected
      fm0   <- lm(Vt ~ ti)
      Vt.bp <- 0 # no breaks times
      Tt <- ts(data=NA,start = ti[1], end = ti[length(ti)],frequency = f) # Data minus trend
      Tt[which(!is.na(Yt))] <- fitted(fm0) # Overwrite non-missing with fitted values
      tsp(Tt) <- tsp(Yt)
      ci.Vt <- NA
    } else {
      fm1 <- lm(Vt[which(!is.na(Yt))] ~ breakfactor(bp.Vt)/ti[which(!is.na(Yt))] )
      ci.Vt <- confint(bp.Vt, het.err = FALSE)
      Vt.bp <- ci.Vt$confint[, 2]
      # Define empty copy of original time series
      Tt <- ts(data=NA,start = ti[1], end = ti[length(ti)],frequency = f)
      Tt[which(!is.na(Yt))] <- fitted(fm1) # Overwrite non-missing with fitted values
      tsp(Tt) <- tsp(Yt)
    if (season == "none") {
      Wt <- 0
      St <- 0
      bp.Wt <- NA
      ci.Wt <- NA
      nobp.Wt <- TRUE
    } else {
      ### Change in seasonal component
      Wt <- Yt - Tt
      p.Wt <- sctest(efp(smod, h = h, type = type)) # preliminary test 
      if (p.Wt$p.value <= level[2]) {
        bp.Wt <- breakpoints(smod, h = h, breaks = breaks, 
                             hpc = hpc)
        nobp.Wt <- is.na(breakpoints(bp.Wt)[1])
      else {
        nobp.Wt <- TRUE
        bp.Wt <- NA
      if (nobp.Wt) {
        ## No seasonal change detected
        sm0 <- lm(smod)
        St <- ts(data=NA,start = ti[1], end = ti[length(ti)],frequency = f)
        St[which(!is.na(Yt))] <- fitted(sm0) # Overwrite non-missing with fitted values
        tsp(St) <- tsp(Yt)
        Wt.bp <- 0
        ci.Wt <- NA
      } else {
        if (season == "dummy") 
          sm1 <- lm(Wt[!is.na(Wt)] ~ -1 + D[!is.na(Wt),] %in% breakfactor(bp.Wt))
        if (season == "harmonic") 
          sm1 <- lm(Wt[!is.na(Wt)] ~ (
            co[!is.na(Wt)] + si[!is.na(Wt)] + co2[!is.na(Wt)] + si2[!is.na(Wt)] + co3[!is.na(Wt)] + si3[!is.na(Wt)]
            ) %in% breakfactor(bp.Wt))
        ci.Wt <- confint(bp.Wt, het.err = FALSE)
        Wt.bp <- ci.Wt$confint[, 2]
        # Define empty copy of original time series
        St <- ts(data=NA,start = ti[1], end = ti[length(ti)],frequency = f)
        St[which(!is.na(Yt))] <- fitted(sm1) # Overwrite non-missing with fitted values
        tsp(St) <- tsp(Yt)
    i <- i + 1
    output[[i]] <- list(Tt = Tt, St = St, Nt = Yt - Tt - St, Vt = Vt, bp.Vt = bp.Vt, Vt.bp = Vt.bp, ci.Vt = ci.Vt,
                        Wt = Wt, bp.Wt = bp.Wt, Wt.bp = Wt.bp, ci.Wt = ci.Wt)
  if (!nobp.Vt) { # probably only works well for dummy model!
    Vt.nrbp <- length(bp.Vt$breakpoints)
    co  <- coef(fm1) # final fitted trend model
    Mag <- matrix(NA, Vt.nrbp, 3)
    for (r in 1:Vt.nrbp) {
      if (r == 1) {
        y1 <- co[1] + co[r + Vt.nrbp + 1] * ti[Vt.bp[r]]
      } else {
        y1 <- co[1] + co[r] + co[r + Vt.nrbp + 1] * ti[Vt.bp[r]]
      y2 <- (co[1] + co[r + 1]) + co[r + Vt.nrbp + 2] * ti[Vt.bp[r] + 1]

      Mag[r, 1] <- y1
      Mag[r, 2] <- y2
      Mag[r, 3] <- y2 - y1
    index <- which.max(abs(Mag[, 3]))
    m.x <- rep(Vt.bp[index], 2)
    m.y <- c(Mag[index, 1], Mag[index, 2]) #Magnitude position
    Magnitude <- Mag[index, 3] # Magnitude of biggest change
    Time <- Vt.bp[index]
  } else {
    m.x <- NA
    m.y <- NA
    Magnitude <- 0 # if we do not detect a break then the magnitude is zero
    Time <- NA # if we do not detect a break then we have no timing of the break
    Mag <- 0
  return(structure(list(Yt = Yt, output = output, nobp = list(Vt = nobp.Vt, Wt = nobp.Wt), 
                        Magnitude = Magnitude, Mags = Mag, Time = Time, 
                        jump = list(x = ti[m.x], y = m.y)), class = "bfast"))

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bfast documentation built on May 10, 2021, 5:08 p.m.