
Defines functions localConstructRnormMatrix remoteConstructRnormMatrix remoteConstructRnormVector localCrossProdMatSelfDiag remoteCrossProdMatSelfDiag localCrossProdMatSelf remoteCrossProdMatSelf localCrossProdMatVec remoteCrossProdMatVec localMultChol remoteMultChol localCalcChol remoteCalcChol localBacksolve remoteBacksolve localForwardsolve remoteForwardsolve localCalc remoteCalc

Documented in localBacksolve localCalc localCalcChol localConstructRnormMatrix localCrossProdMatSelf localCrossProdMatSelfDiag localCrossProdMatVec localForwardsolve localMultChol remoteBacksolve remoteCalc remoteCalcChol remoteConstructRnormMatrix remoteConstructRnormVector remoteCrossProdMatSelf remoteCrossProdMatSelfDiag remoteCrossProdMatVec remoteForwardsolve remoteMultChol

remoteCalc <- function(input1Name, input2Name = NULL, FUN, outputName, input1Pos = '.GlobalEnv', input2Pos = '.GlobalEnv', outputPos = '.GlobalEnv'){
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  status <- mpi.remote.exec(localCalc, input1Name, input2Name, FUN, outputName,
                  input1Pos, input2Pos, outputPos, ret = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% sapply(status, class))
    stop("remoteCalc: error on slaves:\n", status)  

localCalc <- function(input1Name, input2Name, FUN, outputName, input1Pos, input2Pos, outputPos){
  # function that allows generic operations to be performed on objects on the slave processes; e.g., subtracting two vectors or matrices 
  # this function assumes dimensions of the two inputs are consistent - e.g. that both are distributed (and therefore broken up into pieces that lie within a dProblem or both are complete
    status <- try(assign(outputName, FUN(get(input1Name, pos = eval(as.name(input1Pos)))), pos = eval(as.name(outputPos)))) else
  status <- try(assign(outputName, FUN(get(input1Name, pos = eval(as.name(input1Pos))), get(input2Name, pos = eval(as.name(input2Pos)))),
                       pos = eval(as.name(outputPos))))
  if(inherits(status, "try-error")) invisible(status) else invisible(NULL)

remoteForwardsolve <- function(cholName, inputName, outputName, cholPos = '.GlobalEnv', inputPos = '.GlobalEnv', outputPos = '.GlobalEnv', n1, n2 = NULL, h1 = 1, h2 = NULL){
  status <- mpi.remote.exec(localForwardsolve, cholName, inputName, outputName, cholPos, inputPos, outputPos, n1, n2, h1, h2, ret = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% sapply(status, class))
    stop("remoteForwardsolve: error on slaves:\n", status)  

localForwardsolve <- function(cholName, inputName, outputName, cholPos, inputPos, outputPos, n1, n2, h1, h2){
  status <- try( {
    output <- alloc(inputName, inputPos) # this creates a copy of the input
      .Call("forwardsolve_wrapper", output, get(cholName, eval(as.name(cholPos))), as.integer(n1), as.integer(h1), .bigGP$I, .bigGP$J, .bigGP$D, PACKAGE="bigGP")
    } else{
      .Call("forwardsolve_matrix_wrapper", output, get(cholName, eval(as.name(cholPos))), as.integer(n1), as.integer(n2), as.integer(h1), as.integer(h2), .bigGP$I, .bigGP$J, .bigGP$D, PACKAGE="bigGP")
    assign(outputName, output, pos = eval(as.name(outputPos)))
  } )
  if(inherits(status, "try-error")) invisible(status) else invisible(NULL)

remoteBacksolve <- function(cholName, inputName, outputName, cholPos = '.GlobalEnv', inputPos = '.GlobalEnv', outputPos = '.GlobalEnv', n1, n2 = NULL, h1 = 1, h2 = NULL){
  if(!is.null(n2)) {
    stop("remoteBacksolve: backsolve into a matrix not currently implemented.")
  } else {
    status <- mpi.remote.exec(localBacksolve, cholName, inputName, outputName, cholPos, inputPos, outputPos, n1, n2, h1, h2, ret = TRUE)
    if("try-error" %in% sapply(status, class))
      stop("remoteBacksolve: error on slaves:\n", status)  

localBacksolve <- function(cholName, inputName, outputName, cholPos, inputPos, outputPos, n1, n2, h1, h2){
  status <- try( {
    output <- alloc(inputName, inputPos) # this creates a copy of the input
      .Call("backsolve_wrapper", output, get(cholName, eval(as.name(cholPos))), as.integer(n1), as.integer(h1), .bigGP$I, .bigGP$J, .bigGP$D, PACKAGE="bigGP")
    } else{
      stop("localBacksolve: backsolve into a matrix not currently implemented.")
    assign(outputName, output, pos = eval(as.name(outputPos)))
  } )
  if(inherits(status, "try-error")) invisible(status) else invisible(NULL)

remoteCalcChol <- function(matName, cholName, matPos = '.GlobalEnv', cholPos = '.GlobalEnv', n, h = 1){
  out <- mpi.remote.exec(localCalcChol, matName, cholName, matPos, cholPos, n, h, ret = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% sapply(out, class)) 
    stop("remoteCalcChol: error on slaves:\n", out)
  if(min(out) != 0 || max(out) != 0)
    stop("remoteCalcChol: Problem with Cholesky decomposition: either input matrix is not positive definite or there is a bug in the linear algebra implementation.")

localCalcChol <- function(matName, cholName, matPos, cholPos, n, h){
  status <- try( {
    L <- alloc(matName, matPos) # creates a copy of the input matrix
    out <- .Call("cholesky_wrapper", as.double(L), as.integer(n), as.integer(h), .bigGP$I, .bigGP$J, .bigGP$D, PACKAGE="bigGP")
    assign(cholName, L, eval(as.name(cholPos)))
  } )
  if(inherits(status, "try-error")) invisible(status) else invisible(out)

remoteMultChol <- function(cholName, inputName, outputName, cholPos = '.GlobalEnv', inputPos = '.GlobalEnv', outputPos = '.GlobalEnv', n1, n2 = NULL, h1 = 1, h2 = NULL){
  status <- mpi.remote.exec(localMultChol, cholName, inputName, outputName, cholPos, inputPos, outputPos, n1, n2, h1, h2, ret = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% sapply(status, class)) 
    stop("remoteMultChol: error on slaves:\n", status)
localMultChol <-  function(cholName, inputName, outputName, cholPos, inputPos, outputPos, n1, n2, h1 = 1, h2){
  status <- try( {
    output <- alloc(inputName, inputPos) # creates a copy of the input vector
      .Call("mult_chol_vector_wrapper", output, get(cholName, eval(as.name(cholPos))), get(inputName, eval(as.name(inputPos))), as.integer(n1), as.integer(h1), .bigGP$I, .bigGP$J, .bigGP$D, PACKAGE="bigGP")
    } else {
      .Call("mult_chol_matrix_wrapper", output, get(cholName, eval(as.name(cholPos))), get(inputName, eval(as.name(inputPos))), as.integer(n1), as.integer(n2), as.integer(h1), as.integer(h2), .bigGP$I, .bigGP$J, .bigGP$D, PACKAGE="bigGP")
    assign(outputName, output, eval(as.name(outputPos)))
  } )
  if(inherits(status, "try-error")) invisible(status) else invisible(NULL)
remoteCrossProdMatVec <- function(matName, inputName, outputName, matPos = '.GlobalEnv', inputPos = '.GlobalEnv', outputPos = '.GlobalEnv', n1, n2, h1 = 1, h2 = 1){
  status <- mpi.remote.exec(localCrossProdMatVec, matName, inputName, outputName, matPos, inputPos, outputPos, n1, n2, h1, h2, ret = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% sapply(status, class)) 
    stop("remoteCrossProdMatVec: error on slaves:\n", status)

localCrossProdMatVec <- function(matName, inputName, outputName, matPos, inputPos, outputPos, n1, n2, h1, h2){
  status <- try( {
    output <- alloc(getDistributedVectorLength(n2, h2))
    .Call("mult_cross_wrapper", output, get(matName, eval(as.name(matPos))), get(inputName, eval(as.name(inputPos))), as.integer(n1), as.integer(n2), as.integer(h1), as.integer(h2), .bigGP$I, .bigGP$J, .bigGP$D, PACKAGE="bigGP")
    assign(outputName, output, eval(as.name(outputPos)))
  } )
  if(inherits(status, "try-error")) invisible(status) else invisible(NULL)

remoteCrossProdMatSelf <- function(inputName, outputName, inputPos = '.GlobalEnv', outputPos = '.GlobalEnv', n1, n2, h1 = 1, h2 = 1){
  status <- mpi.remote.exec(localCrossProdMatSelf, inputName, outputName, inputPos, outputPos, n1, n2, h1, h2, ret = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% sapply(status, class)) 
    stop("remoteCrossProdMatSelf: error on slaves:\n", status)

localCrossProdMatSelf <- function(inputName, outputName, inputPos, outputPos, n1, n2, h1 = 1, h2 = 1){
  status <- try( {
    output <- alloc(getDistributedTriangularMatrixLength(n2, h2))
    .Call("cross_prod_self_wrapper", output, get(inputName, eval(as.name(inputPos))), as.integer(n1), as.integer(n2), as.integer(h1), as.integer(h2), .bigGP$I, .bigGP$J, .bigGP$D, PACKAGE="bigGP")
    assign(outputName, output, eval(as.name(outputPos)))
  } )
  if(inherits(status, "try-error")) invisible(status) else invisible(NULL)

remoteCrossProdMatSelfDiag <- function(inputName, outputName, inputPos = '.GlobalEnv', outputPos = '.GlobalEnv', n1, n2, h1 = 1, h2 = 1){
  status <- mpi.remote.exec(localCrossProdMatSelfDiag, inputName, outputName, inputPos, outputPos, n1, n2, h1, h2, ret = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% sapply(status, class)) 
    stop("remoteCrossProdSelfDiag: error on slaves:\n", status)

localCrossProdMatSelfDiag <- function(inputName, outputName, inputPos, outputPos, n1, n2, h1, h2){
  status <- try( {
    output <- alloc(getDistributedVectorLength(n2, h2))
    .Call("cross_prod_self_diag_wrapper", output, get(inputName, eval(as.name(inputPos))), as.integer(n1), as.integer(n2), as.integer(h1), as.integer(h2), .bigGP$I, .bigGP$J, .bigGP$D, PACKAGE="bigGP")
    assign(outputName, output, eval(as.name(outputPos)))
  } )
  if(inherits(status, "try-error")) invisible(status) else invisible(NULL)

remoteConstructRnormVector <- function(objName, objPos = '.GlobalEnv', n, h = 1){
  status <- mpi.remote.exec(localConstructRnormMatrix, objName, objPos, n1 = n, n2 = NULL, h1 = h, h2 = NULL, ret = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% sapply(status, class)) 
    stop("remoteConstructRnormMatrix: error on slaves:\n", status)

remoteConstructRnormMatrix <- function(objName, objPos = '.GlobalEnv', n1, n2, h1 = 1, h2 = 1){
  status <- mpi.remote.exec(localConstructRnormMatrix, objName, objPos, n1, n2, h1, h2, ret = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% sapply(status, class)) 
    stop("remoteConstructRnormMatrix: error on slaves:\n", status)

localConstructRnormMatrix <- function(objName, objPos, n1, n2, h1, h2){
  if(is.null(n2)){  # vectors are stored differently than one-column matrices
    status <- try( {
      bsr <- (n1 + .bigGP$D*h1 - 1) %/% (.bigGP$D*h1)
      if( .bigGP$I == .bigGP$J ) {
        assign(objName, rnorm(bsr*h1), pos = eval(as.name(objPos)))
      } else {
        assign(objName, numeric(0), pos = eval(as.name(objPos)))
  } else{
    status <- try( {
      bsr <- (n2 + .bigGP$D*h2 - 1) %/% (.bigGP$D*h2)
      bsc <- (n1 + .bigGP$D*h1 - 1) %/% (.bigGP$D*h1)
      if( .bigGP$I == .bigGP$J ) {
        assign(objName, rnorm(bsr*bsc*h1*h2), pos = eval(as.name(objPos)))
      } else {
        assign(objName, rnorm(bsr*bsc*h1*h2*2), pos = eval(as.name(objPos)))
  if(inherits(status, "try-error")) invisible(status) else invisible(NULL)

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bigGP documentation built on April 26, 2023, 1:16 a.m.