
Defines functions rGibbs

Documented in rGibbs

rGibbs <-
function(gstar, tau, type, numGraphs=1){
	if(missing(gstar) || missing(type) || missing(tau))
		stop("gstar, tau, prob, and/or type is missing.")
	if(numGraphs <= 0)
		stop("numGraphs must be an integer greater than 0.")
	nodes <- getNumNodes(gstar, type)
	edges <- getNumEdges(nodes, type)
	gstar <- as.vector(as.matrix(gstar))
	# Transform to a LT if we have a full matrix
	if(tolower(type) == "adjmatrix" || tolower(type) == "m")
		gstar <- full2lt(gstar)
	# Calculate the prob for a graph k-distance away and then sample distances from that
	possEdges <- 0:edges
	distProb <- exp(lgamma(edges+1) - lgamma(edges-possEdges+1) - lgamma(possEdges+1) - tau*possEdges-edges * log(1+exp(-tau)))
	gdists <- sample(possEdges, numGraphs, replace=TRUE, prob=distProb)
	# Take our starting graph and randomly flip-flop k nodes to get a graph k-distance away
	genData <- matrix(gstar, length(gstar), numGraphs)
	for(i in 1:numGraphs){ 
		nodesChange <- sample(1:length(gstar), gdists[i], replace=FALSE)
		genData[nodesChange, i] <- 1 * !genData[nodesChange, i]
	# Transform back to a full matrix if we started with one
	if(tolower(type) == "adjmatrix" || tolower(type) == "m")
		genData <- apply(genData, 2, function(x){lt2full(x)})

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bingat documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:11 p.m.