
Defines functions plot.vp

Documented in plot.vp

#' Plot a vertical profile (`vp`)
#' @param x A `vp` class object.
#' @param quantity Character string with the quantity to plot. See
#' [vp][summary.vp] for list of available quantities.
#' * Aerial density related : `dens`, `eta`, `dbz`, `DBZH` for density,
#'   reflectivity, reflectivity factor and total reflectivity factor,
#'   respectively.
#' * Ground speed related : `ff`, `dd`, for ground speed and direction,
#'   respectively.
#' @param xlab A title for the x axis.
#' @param ylab A title for the y axis.
#' @param line_col Color of the plotted curve.
#' @param line_lwd Line width of the plotted curve.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the low level
#' [plot][graphics::plot] plotting function.
#' @param line.col Deprecated argument, use line_col instead.
#' @param line.lwd Deprecated argument, use line_lwd instead.
#' @returns No return value, side effect is a plot.
#' @method plot vp
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load example vp object:
#' data(example_vp)
#' # plot the animal density:
#' plot(example_vp, quantity = "dens")
#' # change the line color:
#' plot(example_vp, line_col = "blue")
#' # plot the ground speed:
#' plot(example_vp, quantity = "ff")
#' # plot the reflectivity factor of
#' # all scatterers (including precipitation):
#' plot(example_vp, quantity = "DBZH")
plot.vp <- function(x, quantity = "dens",
                    xlab = expression("volume density [#/km"^3 * "]"),
                    ylab = "height [km]", line_col = "red",
                    line_lwd = 1, line.col = "red", line.lwd = 1, ...) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "vp"))

  if (methods::hasArg("param")) stop("unknown function argument 'param`. Did you mean `quantity`?")

  # deprecate function argument
  if (!missing(line.col)) {
    warning("argument line.col is deprecated; please use line_col instead.",
      call. = FALSE
    line_col <- line.col
  if (!missing(line.lwd)) {
    warning("argument line.lwd is deprecated; please use line_lwd instead.",
      call. = FALSE
    line_lwd <- line.lwd

  if (!(quantity %in% names(x$data))) {
    stop(paste("unknown quantity '", quantity, "'", sep = ""))
  # set up the plot labels
  if (missing(xlab)) {
    xlab <- switch(quantity,
      "u" = "W->E ground speed component U [m/s]",
      "v" = "N->S ground speed component V [m/s]",
      "w" = "vertical speed W [m/s]",
      "ff" = "ground speed [m/s]",
      "dd" = "ground speed direction [deg]",
      "sd_vvp" = "VVP-retrieved radial velocity standard deviation [m/s]",
      "head_bl" = "heading baseline [unitless]",
      "head_ff" = "heading amplitude [unitless]",
      "head_dd" = "heading direction [deg]",
      "head_sd" = "heading standard deviation [unitless]",
      "dbz" = expression("reflectivity factor [dBZ"[e] * "]"),
      "dens" = expression("volume density [#/km"^3 * "]"),
      "eta" = expression("reflectivity " * eta * " [cm"^2 * "/km"^3 * "]"),
      "DBZH" = expression("total reflectivity factor [dBZ"[e] * "]"),
      "gap" = "Angular data gap detected [logical]",
      "n" = "# range gates in VVP velocity analysis",
      "n_all" = "# range gates in sd_vvp estimate",
      "n_dbz" = "# range gates in density estimates",
      "n_dbz_all" = "# range gates in DBZH estimate",
  # extract the data from the time series object
  pdat <- get_quantity(x, quantity)
  stopifnot(!is.null(interval <- x$attributes$where$interval))
  plot(pdat, (x$data$height + interval / 2) / 1000, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
  graphics::points(pdat, (x$data$height + interval / 2) / 1000, col = line_col, lwd = line_lwd, type = "l")

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bioRad documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:06 p.m.