
#'@name plate2df
#'@aliases plate2df
#'@title Format Matrix Type 2D Data of Multi well Plate as Dataframe
#'@description This function uses column names and row names of  'datamatrix' (2D data of a mutli well plate) and generate a dataframe with row, col (column) and position indices. The 'value' column represent corresponding value in the 'datamarix'.
#'@usage plate2df(datamatrix)
#'@param datamatrix datamatrix is the 2D data of a mutli well plate. Usually the result of \code{\link{data2plateformat}}:
#'@return A dataframe with 4 columns. Number of rows is equal to the number of wells (plate type of 'datamatrix'). The columns represent
#'\item{row }{Row number of the entry}
#'\item{col }{Column number of the entry}
#'\item{position }{Position (Row+column number) of the entry}
#'\item{value}{Individual entries in the 'datamatrix'}
#'@author A.A Palakkan
#'## loading data
#'## eg:1 spectrophotometer reading from 24 well plate in dataframe format
#'datamatrix<- data2plateformat(rawdata24, platetype = 24)
#'## eg:2 spectrophotometer reading from 96 well plate in dataframe format
#'datamatrix<- data2plateformat(rawdata96, platetype = 96)
#'## eg:3 spectrophotometer reading from 384 well plate in dataframe format
#'datamatrix<- data2plateformat(rawdata384, platetype = 384)
#'@keywords manip
#' @export

plate2df<- function (datamatrix){

position <- value <- NULL
platelayout <- data.frame(row = rep(rownames(datamatrix),length(colnames(datamatrix)))
                             , col = rep(colnames(datamatrix),each =length(rownames(datamatrix))))

platelayout$col<-formatC(platelayout$col, width = 2,flag = 0)
platelayout$position <- paste0(platelayout$row,sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(platelayout$col)))

#platelayout$position <- paste0(platelayout$row, platelayout$col)
#platelayout$position <- sub("^(.)(.)$", "\\10\\2", platelayout$position, perl=T)
platelayout <- platelayout[order(platelayout$position),]

for(i in seq_along(rownames(platelayout)))

platelayout <- transform(


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