
Defines functions extinction

Documented in extinction

extinction <- function(web, participant="both", method="random", ext.row=NULL, ext.col=NULL){
  # function to simulate extinctions of pollination web participants
  # web contains a matrix (rows=plants, cols=pollinators)
  # participant selects which group is to suffer extinctions: "plant", "pollinator" or "both";
  #        partial matching of strings allowed
  # method is either "random" (randomly a plant species is exterminated) or
  #        "abundance" (plant species with the lowest number of interactions
  #        is exterminated first; idea is that interaction number is proportional
  #        to true abundance); 
  #		   "degree", eliminating the most highly connected species first; or
  #		   "external", in which case ext.row and ext.col need to give the sequence by which species are to be eliminated (e.g. by inverse of independently measured abundance) ; partial matching of strings allowed
  # based on how I remember the idea of Jane Memmott's paper; C.F. Dormann, 6 Mar 2007

  # Error checking for partial matching of options:
  partis <- c("lower", "higher", "both")
  partis.match <- pmatch(participant, partis)
  if (is.na(partis.match)) stop("Choose participant: lower/higher/both.\n")

  meths <- c("random", "abundance", "degree", "external")
  meths.match <- pmatch(method, meths)
  if (is.na(meths.match)) stop("Choose extinction method: random/abundance/degree.\n")

  nr <- NROW(web); nc <- NCOL(web)

  if (partis.match==3 & meths.match==1) partis.match <- sample(2,1) #randomly draw a participant

  # construct row & column indices for random/abundance removal
  if (meths.match == 1) # random removal:
      rexcl <- sample(nr,1) #removes a plant
      cexcl <- sample(nc,1) #removes a pollinator
      if (partis.match==1) web[rexcl, ] <- 0
      if (partis.match==2) web[, cexcl] <- 0

  if (meths.match == 2)               # removal by abundance:
  	# randomisation of species sequence to break ties (in function order):
  	web <- web[sample(1:nrow(web)), sample(1:ncol(web)), drop=FALSE]
      rseq <- order(rowSums(web))
      cseq <- order(colSums(web))
      if (partis.match==1) web[rseq[1], ] <- 0
      if (partis.match==2) web[, cseq[1]] <- 0
      if (partis.match==3) {# "both"; deletes the species with fewest interactions, no matter from which level; needs randomisation of species sequence to not always use the first of similar values in a trophic level (random sorting is done initially)
      	if (min(rowSums(web)) < min(colSums(web))) {
      		web[rseq[1], ] <- 0
      	} else {
      		if (min(rowSums(web)) > min(colSums(web))) {
      			web[, cseq[1]] <- 0
      		} else { # now both would be the same:
      			if (sample(2, 1) == 1){ web[rseq[1], ] <- 0} else { web[, cseq[1]] <- 0}
  if (meths.match == 3){     # removal by degree
      if (partis.match == 1){
          sequ <- rowSums(web>0)   
          which.ex <- which(sequ == max(sequ))
          # if two or more species have the same degree, draw one randomly:
          if (length(which.ex) > 1){ ex <- sample(which.ex, size=1)}  else {ex <- which.ex}
          web[ex, ] <- 0
      if (partis.match == 2){
          sequ <- colSums(web>0)
          which.ex <- which(sequ == max(sequ))
          if (length(which.ex) > 1) ex <- sample(which.ex, size=1)  else ex <- which.ex
          web[, ex] <- 0
  if (meths.match == 4)               # removal by external sequence vector
      rseq <- ext.row
      cseq <- ext.col
      if (partis.match==1) web[rseq[1], ] <- 0
      if (partis.match==2) web[, cseq[1]] <- 0



#extinction(Safariland, "higher", "abun")
#extinction(Safariland, "higher", "deg")

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bipartite documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:23 a.m.