
Defines functions nties.integer64 nunique.integer64 is.sorted.integer64 nvalid.integer64 na.count.integer64 ordercache sortordercache sortcache hashcache print.cache remcache getcache setcache cache jamcache newcache

Documented in cache getcache hashcache is.sorted.integer64 jamcache na.count.integer64 newcache nties.integer64 nunique.integer64 nvalid.integer64 ordercache print.cache remcache setcache sortcache sortordercache

# /*
# R-Code for caching
# S3 atomic 64bit integers for R
# (c) 2011 Jens Oehlschägel
# Licence: GPL2
# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
# Created: 2011-12-11
# Last changed:  2011-12-11
# */

#! \name{cache}
#! \alias{cache}
#! \alias{newcache}
#! \alias{jamcache}
#! \alias{setcache}
#! \alias{getcache}
#! \alias{remcache}
#! \alias{print.cache}
#! \title{
#! 	Atomic Caching
#! }
#! \description{
#! 	Functions for caching results attached to atomic objects
#! }
#! \usage{
#! newcache(x)
#! jamcache(x)
#! cache(x)
#! setcache(x, which, value)
#! getcache(x, which)
#! remcache(x)
#! \method{print}{cache}(x, all.names = FALSE, pattern, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{x}{
#!   an integer64 vector (or a cache object in case of \code{print.cache})
#! }
#!   \item{which}{
#!   A character naming the object to be retrieved from the cache or to be stored in the cache
#! }
#!   \item{value}{
#!   An object to be stored in the cache 
#! }
#!   \item{all.names}{
#!   passed to \code{\link{ls}} when listing the cache content
#! }
#!   \item{pattern}{
#!   passed to \code{\link{ls}} when listing the cache content
#! }
#!   \item{\dots}{
#! 	ignored
#! }
#! }
#! \details{
#! 	A \code{cache} is an \code{link{environment}} attached to an atomic object with the \code{link{attrib}} name 'cache'. 
#! 	It contains at least a reference to the atomic object that carries the cache. 
#! 	This is used when accessing the cache to detect whether the object carrying the cache has been modified meanwhile.
#! 	Function \code{newcache(x)} creates a new cache referencing  \code{x} \cr
#! 	Function \code{jamcache(x)} forces \code{x} to have a cache \cr
#! 	Function \code{cache(x)} returns the cache attached to \code{x} if it is not found to be outdated \cr
#! 	Function \code{setcache(x, which, value)} assigns a value into the cache of \code{x} \cr
#! 	Function \code{getcache(x, which)} gets cache value 'which' from \code{x} \cr
#! 	Function \code{remcache} removes the cache from \code{x} \cr
#! }
#! \value{
#! 	see details
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel@truecluster.com>
#! }
#! \seealso{
#!  \code{\link{still.identical}} for testing whether to symbols point to the same RAM. \cr
#! 	Functions that get and set small cache-content automatically when a cache is present: \code{\link{na.count}}, \code{\link{nvalid}}, \code{\link{is.sorted}}, \code{\link{nunique}} and \code{\link{nties}} \cr
#! 	Setting big caches with a relevant memory footprint requires a conscious decision of the user: \code{\link{hashcache}}, \code{\link{sortcache}}, \code{\link{ordercache}} and \code{\link{sortordercache}} \cr
#! 	Functions that use big caches: \code{\link{match.integer64}}, \code{\link{\%in\%.integer64}}, \code{\link{duplicated.integer64}}, \code{\link{unique.integer64}}, \code{\link{unipos}}, \code{\link{table.integer64}}, \code{\link{as.factor.integer64}}, \code{\link{as.ordered.integer64}}, \code{\link{keypos}}, \code{\link{tiepos}}, \code{\link{rank.integer64}}, \code{\link{prank}}, \code{\link{qtile}}, \code{\link{quantile.integer64}}, \code{\link{median.integer64}} and \code{\link{summary.integer64}} \cr
#! }
#! \examples{
#! 	x <- as.integer64(sample(c(rep(NA, 9), 1:9), 32, TRUE))
#! 	y <- x
#! 	still.identical(x,y)
#! 	y[1] <- NA
#! 	still.identical(x,y)
#! 	mycache <- newcache(x)
#! 	ls(mycache)
#! 	mycache
#! 	rm(mycache)
#! 	jamcache(x)
#! 	cache(x)
#! 	x[1] <- NA
#! 	cache(x)
#! 	getcache(x, "abc")
#! 	setcache(x, "abc", 1)
#! 	getcache(x, "abc")
#! 	remcache(x)
#! 	cache(x)
#! }
#! \keyword{ environment }

#still.identical <- function(x, y){
#  .Call(C_r_ram_truly_identical, x = x, y = y, PACKAGE = "bit64")

newcache <- function(x){
	env <- new.env()
	vmode <- typeof(x)
	if (vmode=="double" && is.integer64(x))
	  vmode <- "integer64"
	setattr(env, "class", c(paste("cache", vmode, sep="_"),"cache","environment"))
	assign("x", x, envir=env)

jamcache <- function(x){
	cache <- attr(x, "cache")
	if (is.null(cache)){
		cache <- newcache(x)
		setattr(x, "cache", cache)
		if (!bit::still.identical(x, get("x", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE))){
			cache <- newcache(x)
			setattr(x, "cache", cache)
			warning("replaced outdated cache with empty cache")

cache <- function(x){
	cache <- attr(x, "cache")
	if (is.null(cache) || bit::still.identical(x, get("x", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)))
		warning("removed outdated cache")

setcache <- function(x, which, value){
	  env <- jamcache(x)
	  assign(which, value, envir=env)

getcache <- function(x, which){
	cache <- attr(x, "cache")
	if (is.null(cache))
	if (bit::still.identical(x, get("x", envir=cache, inherits=FALSE))){
		if (exists(which, envir=cache, inherits=FALSE))
			get(which, envir=cache, inherits=FALSE)
		warning("removed outdated cache")

remcache <- function(x){
		setattr(x, "cache", NULL)

print.cache<- function(x, all.names=FALSE, pattern, ...){
  l <- ls(x, all.names, pattern=pattern)
  cat(class(x)[1], ": ", paste(l, collapse=" - "), "\n", sep="")

#! \name{hashcache}
#! \alias{hashcache}
#! \alias{sortcache}
#! \alias{sortordercache}
#! \alias{ordercache}
#! \title{
#! 		Big caching of hashing, sorting, ordering
#! }
#! \description{
#! 	Functions to create cache that accelerates many operations
#! }
#! \usage{
#! hashcache(x, nunique=NULL, \dots)
#! sortcache(x, has.na = NULL)
#! sortordercache(x, has.na = NULL, stable = NULL)
#! ordercache(x, has.na = NULL, stable = NULL, optimize = "time")
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{x}{
#! 		an atomic vector (note that currently only integer64 is supported)
#! }
#!   \item{nunique}{ giving \emph{correct} number of unique elements can help reducing the size of the hashmap }
#!   \item{has.na}{
#! boolean scalar defining whether the input vector might contain \code{NA}s. If we know we don't have NAs, this may speed-up.
#! \emph{Note} that you risk a crash if there are unexpected \code{NA}s with \code{has.na=FALSE}
#! }
#!   \item{stable}{
#! boolean scalar defining whether stable sorting is needed. Allowing non-stable may speed-up.
#! }
#!   \item{optimize}{
#! by default ramsort optimizes for 'time' which requires more RAM,
#! set to 'memory' to minimize RAM requirements and sacrifice speed
#! }
#!   \item{\dots}{
#! 		passed to \code{\link{hashmap}}
#! }
#! }
#! \details{
#! 	The result of relative expensive operations \code{\link{hashmap}}, \code{\link{ramsort}}, \code{\link{ramsortorder}} and \code{\link{ramorder}} can be stored in a cache in order to avoid multiple excutions. Unless in very specific situations, the recommended method is \code{hashsortorder} only.
#! }
#! \note{
#!   Note that we consider storing the big results from sorting and/or ordering as a relevant side-effect, 
#! and therefore storing them in the cache should require a conscious decision of the user.
#! }
#! \value{
#! 	\code{x} with a \code{\link{cache}} that contains the result of the expensive operations, possible together with small derived information (such as \code{\link{nunique.integer64}}) and previously cached results.
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel@truecluster.com>
#! }
#! \seealso{
#! 	\code{\link{cache}} for caching functions and \code{\link{nunique}} for methods bennefitting from small caches
#! }
#! \examples{
#! 	x <- as.integer64(sample(c(rep(NA, 9), 1:9), 32, TRUE))
#!  sortordercache(x)
#! }
#! \keyword{ environment }

hashcache <-function(x, nunique=NULL, ...){
	env <- jamcache(x)
	if (is.null(nunique))
		nunique <- env$nunique
	env <- hashmap(x, nunique=nunique, cache=env, ...)
	if (is.null(nunique) && env$nunique<sqrt(length(x)))
		env <- hashmap(x, nunique=env$nunique, cache=env, ...)
	na.count(x) # since x has cache, na.count() will update the cache, unless its already there
	# different from sortcache, ordercache and sortordercache we do not set nties: hastab is too expensive

sortcache <- function(x, has.na = NULL){
	if (is.null(has.na)){
		na.count <- getcache(x, "na.count")
		if (is.null(na.count))
			has.na <- TRUE
			has.na <- na.count > 0
	s <- clone(x)
    na.count <- ramsort(s, has.na = has.na, na.last = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, stable = FALSE, optimize = "time")
	nut <- .Call(C_r_ram_integer64_sortnut, x = s, PACKAGE = "bit64")
    setcache(x, "sort", s)
    setcache(x, "na.count", na.count)
    setcache(x, "nunique", nut[[1]])
    setcache(x, "nties", nut[[2]])

sortordercache <- function(x, has.na = NULL, stable = NULL){
	if (is.null(has.na)){
		na.count <- getcache(x, "na.count")
		if (is.null(na.count))
			has.na <- TRUE
			has.na <- na.count > 0
	if (is.null(stable)){
		nunique <- getcache(x, "nunique")
		if (is.null(nunique))
		  stable <- TRUE
		  stable <- nunique < length(x)
	s <- clone(x)
	o <- seq_along(x)
    na.count <- ramsortorder(s, o, has.na = has.na, na.last = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, stable = stable, optimize = "time")
	nut <- .Call(C_r_ram_integer64_sortnut, x = s, PACKAGE = "bit64")
    setcache(x, "sort", s)
    setcache(x, "order", o)
    setcache(x, "na.count", na.count)
    setcache(x, "nunique", nut[[1]])
    setcache(x, "nties", nut[[2]])

ordercache <- function(x, has.na = NULL, stable = NULL, optimize = "time"){
	if (is.null(has.na)){
		na.count <- getcache(x, "na.count")
		if (is.null(na.count))
			has.na <- TRUE
			has.na <- na.count > 0
	if (is.null(stable)){
		nunique <- getcache(x, "nunique")
		if (is.null(nunique))
		  stable <- TRUE
		  stable <- nunique < length(x)
	o <- seq_along(x)
    na.count <- ramorder(x, o, has.na = has.na, na.last = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, stable = stable, optimize = optimize)
	nut <- .Call(C_r_ram_integer64_ordernut, table = x, order = o, PACKAGE = "bit64")
    setcache(x, "order", o)
    setcache(x, "na.count", na.count)
    setcache(x, "nunique", nut[[1]])
    setcache(x, "nties", nut[[2]])

#! \name{is.sorted.integer64}
#! \alias{is.sorted.integer64}
#! \alias{na.count.integer64}
#! \alias{nvalid.integer64}
#! \alias{nunique.integer64}
#! \alias{nties.integer64}
#! \title{
#! 	Small cache access methods
#! }
#! \description{
#! 	These methods are packaged here for methods in packages \code{bit64} and \code{ff}.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! 	\method{is.sorted}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! 	\method{na.count}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! 	\method{nvalid}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! 	\method{nunique}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! 	\method{nties}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{x}{
#! 	some object
#! 	}
#!   \item{\dots}{
#! 	ignored
#! 	}
#! }
#! \details{
#!   All these functions benefit from a \code{\link{sortcache}}, \code{\link{ordercache}} or \code{\link{sortordercache}}.  
#!   \code{na.count}, \code{nvalid} and \code{nunique} also benefit from a \code{\link{hashcache}}.
#!	\cr
#! 	\code{is.sorted} checks for sortedness of \code{x} (NAs sorted first) \cr
#!  \code{na.count} returns the number of \code{NA}s \cr 
#!  \code{nvalid} returns the number of valid data points, usually \code{\link{length}} minus \code{na.count}. \cr
#!  \code{nunique} returns the number of unique values \cr
#!  \code{nties} returns the number of tied values. 
#! }
#! \note{
#! 	If a \code{\link{cache}} exists but the desired value is not cached, 
#!  then these functions will store their result in the cache. 
#!  We do not consider this a relevant side-effect, 
#!  since these small cache results do not have a relevant memory footprint.
#! }
#! \value{
#! 	\code{is.sorted} returns a logical scalar, the other methods return an integer scalar.
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel@truecluster.com>
#! }
#! \seealso{
#! 	\code{\link{cache}} for caching functions and \code{\link{sortordercache}} for functions creating big caches
#! }
#! \examples{
#! 	x <- as.integer64(sample(c(rep(NA, 9), 1:9), 32, TRUE))
#!  length(x)
#!  na.count(x)
#!  nvalid(x)
#!  nunique(x)
#!  nties(x)
#!  table.integer64(x)
#!  x
#! }
#! \keyword{ environment }
#! \keyword{ methods }

na.count.integer64 <- function(x, ...){
  env <- cache(x)
  if (is.null(env)){
	.Call(C_r_ram_integer64_nacount, x = x, PACKAGE = "bit64")
    if (exists("na.count", envir=env, inherits=FALSE))
		get("na.count", envir=env, inherits=FALSE)
		ret <- .Call(C_r_ram_integer64_nacount, x = x, PACKAGE = "bit64")
		assign("na.count", ret, envir=env)

nvalid.integer64 <- function(x, ...){
	length(x) - na.count(x)

is.sorted.integer64 <- function(x, ...){
  env <- cache(x)
  if (is.null(env)){
	.Call(C_r_ram_integer64_issorted_asc, x = x, PACKAGE = "bit64")
    if (exists("is.sorted", envir=env, inherits=FALSE))
		get("is.sorted", envir=env, inherits=FALSE)
		ret <- .Call(C_r_ram_integer64_issorted_asc, x = x, PACKAGE = "bit64")
		assign("is.sorted", ret, envir=env)

nunique.integer64 <- function(x, ...){
	env <- cache(x)
		has.cache <- FALSE
		if (exists("nunique", envir=env, inherits=FALSE))
			return(get("nunique", envir=env, inherits=FALSE))
			has.cache <- TRUE
	if (is.sorted(x)){
		ret <- .Call(C_r_ram_integer64_sortnut
		, x = x
		, PACKAGE = "bit64"
		if (has.cache){
			assign("nunique", ret[1], envir=env)
			assign("nties", ret[2], envir=env)
		h <- hashmap(x)
		if (has.cache)
		  assign("nunique", h$nunique, envir=env)

nties.integer64 <- function(x, ...){
	cv <- getcache(x, "nties")
	if (is.null(cv)){
		if (is.sorted(x)){
			cv <- .Call(C_r_ram_integer64_sortnut
			, x = x
			, PACKAGE = "bit64"
		    s <- clone(x)
			na.count <- ramsort(s, has.na = TRUE, na.last = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE, stable = FALSE, optimize = "time")
			cv <- .Call(C_r_ram_integer64_sortnut, x = s, PACKAGE = "bit64")[[2]]

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