
Defines functions ExtractPIPs CalcPIPs CalcWithinGroupPIPs CalcGroupPIPs

Documented in ExtractPIPs

#' Calculate group-specific posterior inclusion probabilities
#' Calculate posterior inclusion probabilities for each group of variables
#' @inheritParams ExtractEsts
#' @noRd
CalcGroupPIPs <- function(fit, sel = NULL) {
    groups <- fit$groups
    if (is.null(groups)) {
        stop("Cannot compute group-specific posterior inclusion probabilities; BKMR was not run with variable groups")
    if (is.null(sel)) {
        sel <- with(fit, seq(floor(iter/2) + 1, iter))
    grps <- unique(groups)
    groupincl.probs <- sapply(grps, function(x) mean(rowSums(fit$delta[sel, groups == x, drop = FALSE]) > 0))

#' Calculate conditional predictor specific posterior inclusion probabilities
#' For those predictors within a multi-predictor group, as defined using the \code{groups} argument, the posterior inclusion probabilities for the predictor conditional on the group being selected into the model.
#' @inheritParams ExtractEsts
#' @noRd
CalcWithinGroupPIPs <- function(fit, sel = NULL) {
    groups <- fit$groups
    if (is.null(groups)) {
        stop("Cannot compute group-specific posterior inclusion probabilities; BKMR was not run with variable groups")
    if (is.null(sel)) {
        sel <- with(fit, seq(floor(iter/2) + 1, iter))

    # grps <- unique(groups)
    # ngrps <- sapply(grps, function(x) sum(groups == x))
    condprobs.group <- rep(NA, length(groups))
    for (i in unique(groups)) {
        condprobs.group[groups == i] <- colMeans(fit$delta[sel, ][rowSums(fit$delta[sel, groups == i, drop = FALSE]) > 0, groups == i, drop = FALSE])


#' Calculate variable-specific posterior inclusion probabilities
#' Calculate variable-specific posterior inclusion probabilities from BKMR model fit
#' @inheritParams ExtractEsts
#' @noRd
CalcPIPs <- function(fit, sel = NULL) {
  if (inherits(fit, "bkmrfit")) {
    if (is.null(sel)) {
      sel <- with(fit, seq(floor(iter/2) + 1, iter))
    groups <- fit$groups
    if (is.null(groups)) {
      ret <- colMeans(fit$delta[sel, , drop = FALSE])

#' Extract posterior inclusion probabilities (PIPs) from BKMR model fit
#' Extract posterior inclusion probabilities (PIPs) from Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression (BKMR) model fit
#' @inheritParams ExtractEsts
#' @param z.names optional argument providing the names of the variables included in the \code{h} function.
#' @return a data frame with the variable-specific PIPs for BKMR fit with component-wise variable selection, and with the group-specific and conditional (within-group) PIPs for BKMR fit with hierarchical variable selection.
#' @details For guided examples, go to \url{https://jenfb.github.io/bkmr/overview.html}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## First generate dataset
#' set.seed(111)
#' dat <- SimData(n = 50, M = 4)
#' y <- dat$y
#' Z <- dat$Z
#' X <- dat$X
#' ## Fit model with component-wise variable selection
#' ## Using only 100 iterations to make example run quickly
#' ## Typically should use a large number of iterations for inference
#' set.seed(111)
#' fitkm <- kmbayes(y = y, Z = Z, X = X, iter = 100, verbose = FALSE, varsel = TRUE)
#' ExtractPIPs(fitkm)
ExtractPIPs <- function(fit, sel = NULL, z.names = NULL) {
  if (inherits(fit, "bkmrfit")) {
    if (!fit$varsel) {
      stop("This model was not fit with variable selection.")
    if (is.null(sel)) {
      sel <- with(fit, seq(floor(iter/2) + 1, iter))
    if (is.null(z.names)) {
      z.names <- colnames(fit$Z)
    if (is.null(z.names)) {
      z.names <- paste0("z", 1:ncol(fit$Z))
    df <- data.frame(variable = z.names, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    groups <- fit$groups
    if (is.null(groups)) {
      df$PIP <- colMeans(fit$delta[sel, , drop = FALSE])
    } else {
      ## group-specific posterior inclusion probability
      df$group <- groups
      grps <- unique(groups)
      groupincl.probs <- sapply(grps, function(x) mean(rowSums(fit$delta[sel, groups == x, drop = FALSE]) > 0))
      df.group <- dplyr::tibble(group = grps,
                                groupPIP = groupincl.probs)
      df <- dplyr::inner_join(df, df.group, by = "group")
      ## within-group conditional PIP
      condprobs.group <- rep(NA, length(groups))
      for (i in unique(groups)) {
        condprobs.group[groups == i] <- colMeans(fit$delta[sel, ][rowSums(fit$delta[sel, groups == i, drop = FALSE]) > 0, groups == i, drop = FALSE])
      df$condPIP <- condprobs.group

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bkmr documentation built on March 28, 2022, 9:11 a.m.