
Defines functions multi_fit_stats_table print.blr_multi_model_fit_stats blr_multi_model_fit_stats.default blr_multi_model_fit_stats

Documented in blr_multi_model_fit_stats blr_multi_model_fit_stats.default

#' Multi model fit statistics
#' Measures of model fit statistics for multiple models.
#' @param model An object of class \code{glm}.
#' @param ... Objects of class \code{glm}.
#' @return A tibble.
#' @examples
#' model <- glm(honcomp ~ female + read + science, data = hsb2,
#' family = binomial(link = 'logit'))
#' model2 <- glm(honcomp ~ female + read + math, data = hsb2,
#' family = binomial(link = 'logit'))
#' blr_multi_model_fit_stats(model, model2)
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @family model fit statistics
#' @export
blr_multi_model_fit_stats <- function(model, ...) UseMethod("blr_multi_model_fit_stats")

#' @rdname blr_multi_model_fit_stats
#' @export
blr_multi_model_fit_stats.default <- function(model, ...) {


  k        <- list(model, ...)
  j        <- lapply(k, blr_model_fit_stats)
  n        <- length(j)
  names(j) <- seq_len(n)

  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
    class(j[[i]]) <- "list"

  output <- setDF(rbindlist(j))
  result <- list(mfit = output)

  class(result) <- "blr_multi_model_fit_stats"


#' @export
print.blr_multi_model_fit_stats <- function(x, ...) {

  df <- x$mfit[c(-7, -13)]

  measures <- c(
    "Log-Lik Intercept Only", "Log-Lik Full Model", "Deviance",
    "LR", "Prob > LR", "MCFadden's R2", "McFadden's Adj R2",
    "ML (Cox-Snell) R2", "Cragg-Uhler(Nagelkerke) R2",
    "McKelvey & Zavoina's R2", "Efron's R2", "Count R2",
    "Adj Count R2", "AIC", "BIC"

  model_id  <- seq_len(nrow(x$mfit))
  col_names <- c(paste("Model", model_id))

  print(multi_fit_stats_table(df, measures, col_names))


multi_fit_stats_table <- function(df, measures, col_names) {

  y <- round(t(df), 3)
  colnames(y) <- col_names
  cbind(data.frame(Measures = measures), y)


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blorr documentation built on July 2, 2020, 2:15 a.m.