
CountModelClasses <- function(ModelEntries) { 
	Count0Class <- 0 
	Count1Class <- 0 
	Count2Class <- 0 
	for (j in 1:length(ModelEntries)) { 
		if (ModelEntries[j] == 0) { 
			Count0Class <- Count0Class + 1
		} else if (ModelEntries[j] == 1) { 
			Count1Class <- Count1Class + 1 
		} else if (ModelEntries[j] == 2) { 
			Count2Class <- Count2Class + 1 
		} else {
			PH1 <- 1
	return(c(Count0Class, Count1Class, Count2Class))

#' @title Get Model Prior Matrix
#' @description Creates a matrix containing the model descriptions and
#' their associated priors.
#' @param DataSources A string indicating the variable names of the
#' input datafiles and phenotypes.
#' @param Models A matrix describing the models being explored
#' (default output from running \code{\link{bmass}}).
#' @param ModelPriors A vector containing the priors on each model
#' across each tranche of sigma alpha (default output from running
#' \code{\link{bmass}}; length is number of models times number of 
#' sigma alphas).
#' @param LogFile A matrix of string outputs for function logging
#' purposes (default output from running \code{\link{bmass}}).
#' @param SigmaAlphas A vector containing the different values
#' traversed for this 'effect size controlling' hyperparameter (see
#' "Prior on Sigma_Alpha" in Stephens 2013 PLoS ONE, 
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0065245}).
#' @return A matrix containing the original description of each model
#' sort by prior, each model's trained prior, the cummulative prior
#' distribution, and the model's original order position.
#' @examples
#' Phenotypes <- c("bmass_SimulatedData1", "bmass_SimulatedData2")
#' bmassOutput <- bmass(Phenotypes,bmass_SimulatedSigSNPs)
#' bmassOutput[c("ModelPriorMatrix", "LogFile")] <- 
#'   GetModelPriorMatrix(Phenotypes, bmassOutput$Models,
#'   bmassOutput$ModelPriors, bmassOutput$LogFile)
#' head(bmassOutput$ModelPriorMatrix)
#' @export
GetModelPriorMatrix <- function (DataSources, Models, ModelPriors, LogFile, SigmaAlphas = c(0.005,0.0075,0.01,0.015,0.02,0.03,0.04,0.05,0.06,0.07,0.08,0.09,0.1,0.15)) {

	ModelPriors.Collapsed <- CollapseSigmaAlphasTogether(ModelPriors, length(SigmaAlphas))

	ModelPriorMatrix <- cbind(Models,ModelPriors.Collapsed)[order(ModelPriors.Collapsed, decreasing=TRUE),]
	ModelPriorMatrix <- data.frame(cbind(ModelPriorMatrix, cumsum(ModelPriorMatrix[,(length(DataSources)+1)])), order(ModelPriors.Collapsed, decreasing=TRUE))
	colnames(ModelPriorMatrix) <- c(DataSources, "Prior", "Cumm_Prior", "OrigOrder")

	return(list(ModelPriorMatrix=ModelPriorMatrix, LogFile=LogFile))


#' @title Get Top Multivariate Models
#' @description Get a summary of the top models per SNP across all
#' multivariate \{\bold{U},\bold{D},\bold{I}\} combinations based on 
#' posterior probabilities.
#' @param DataSources A string indicating the variable names of the
#' input datafiles and phenotypes.
#' @param ListSNPs A list produced from running \code{\link{bmass}} 
#' containing the SNPs of interest to get marginal posteriors for.
#' @param ModelPriorMatrix A matrix detailing the models being
#' explored and their associated priors (obtained by running
#' \code{\link{GetModelPriorMatrix}})
#' @param LogFile A matrix of string outputs for function logging
#' purposes (default output from running \code{\link{bmass}}).
#' @return A matrix containing each model that was a SNP's top model
#' at least once, along with related information; this matrix is
#' appended to the input ListSNPs as a new object, \code{TopModels} 
#' (the full returned object is a list containing the input ListSNPs and
#' the input LogFile).
#' @examples
#' Phenotypes <- c("bmass_SimulatedData1", "bmass_SimulatedData2")
#' bmassOutput <- bmass(Phenotypes, bmass_SimulatedSigSNPs)
#' bmassOutput[c("ModelPriorMatrix", "LogFile")] <- 
#'   GetModelPriorMatrix(Phenotypes, bmassOutput$Models,
#'   bmassOutput$ModelPriors, bmassOutput$LogFile)
#' bmassOutput[c("PreviousSNPs", "LogFile")] <-
#'   GetTopModelsPerSNPViaPosteriors(Phenotypes,
#'   bmassOutput$PreviousSNPs, bmassOutput$ModelPriorMatrix, bmassOutput$LogFile)
#' head(bmassOutput$PreviousSNPs$TopModels)
#' @export
GetTopModelsPerSNPViaPosteriors <- function (DataSources, ListSNPs, ModelPriorMatrix, LogFile) {

	LogFile <- rbind(LogFile, paste(format(Sys.time()), " -- Running GetTopModelsPerSNPViaPosteriors().", sep=""))
	ListSNPs.Posteriors <- cbind(ListSNPs$Posteriors[,(length(DataSources)+1):ncol(ListSNPs$Posteriors)])[ModelPriorMatrix[,ncol(ModelPriorMatrix)],]
	ModelPriorMatrix.Paste <- apply(ModelPriorMatrix[,1:length(DataSources)], 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse="_"))
	PerSNPTopModels <- cbind(ModelPriorMatrix.Paste[apply(ListSNPs.Posteriors, 2, which.max)], apply(ListSNPs.Posteriors, 2, max))
	SummaryOfTopModels <- c()
	for (i in unique(PerSNPTopModels[,1])) {
	        PerSNPTopModels.Subset <- matrix(PerSNPTopModels[PerSNPTopModels[,1]==i,], nrow=length(which(PerSNPTopModels[,1]==i)))
	        SummaryOfTopModels <- rbind(SummaryOfTopModels, cbind(i, nrow(PerSNPTopModels.Subset), round(mean(as.numeric(PerSNPTopModels.Subset[,2])), digits=3), ModelPriorMatrix[ModelPriorMatrix.Paste == i, length(DataSources)+1]))

	#The below code leads to an error downstream when there is only 1 entry, hence the if clause and separation (code is also unnecessary if there is only 1 entry)
	if (nrow(SummaryOfTopModels) > 1) {
		SummaryOfTopModels <- SummaryOfTopModels[order(as.numeric(SummaryOfTopModels[,2]), decreasing=TRUE),]
	colnames(SummaryOfTopModels) <- c(paste(DataSources, collapse="_"), "n", "MeanPosterior", "OriginalPrior")
	ListSNPs$TopModels <- SummaryOfTopModels

        return(list(ListSNPs=ListSNPs, LogFile=LogFile))


#' @title Get Marginal \{\bold{U},\bold{D},\bold{I}\} Posteriors
#' @description Get marginal posteriors for how much every individual
#' phenotype belongs to categories \{\bold{U},\bold{D},\bold{I}\} 
#' across each SNP
#' @param DataSources A string indicating the variable names of the
#' input datafiles and phenotypes.
#' @param ListSNPs A list produced from running \code{\link{bmass}} 
#' containing the SNPs of interest to get marginal posteriors for.
#' @param Models A matrix describing the models being explored
#' (default output from running \code{\link{bmass}}).
#' @param LogFile A matrix of string outputs for function logging
#' purposes (default output from running \code{\link{bmass}}).
#' @return A list containing three matrices of SNPs x Phenotypes
#' marginal posteriors for each category \{\bold{U},\bold{D},\bold{I}\}; 
#' this list is appended to the input ListSNPs as a new object, 
#' \code{Marginals} (the full returned object is a list containing the 
#' input ListSNPs and the input LogFile).
#' @examples
#' Phenotypes <- c("bmass_SimulatedData1", "bmass_SimulatedData2")
#' bmassOutput <- bmass(Phenotypes, bmass_SimulatedSigSNPs)
#' bmassOutput[c("PreviousSNPs", "LogFile")] <-
#' GetMarginalPosteriors(Phenotypes, bmassOutput$PreviousSNPs,
#' bmassOutput$Models, bmassOutput$LogFile)
#' bmassOutput$PreviousSNPs$Marginals
#' @export
GetMarginalPosteriors <- function (DataSources, ListSNPs, Models, LogFile) {
	LogFile <- rbind(LogFile, paste(format(Sys.time()), " -- Running GetMarginalPosteriors().", sep=""))
	ListSNPs.MarginalPosteriors <- marginal.postprobs(ListSNPs$Posteriors[,(length(DataSources)+1):ncol(ListSNPs$Posteriors)], Models, 1)	
	rownames(ListSNPs.MarginalPosteriors$pU) <- DataSources 

	ListSNPs$Marginals <- ListSNPs.MarginalPosteriors

	return(list(ListSNPs=ListSNPs, LogFile=LogFile))


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bmass documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:02 a.m.