
Defines functions gera.bn.structure

Documented in gera.bn.structure

#'Learn the Bayesian Network structure from data and build a PA model
#'This function receives a data set, a list of parameters to learn the BN structure based on this data set. Then with the BN ready it will build a PA model if required. The process will then save the graphs of BN and PA and PA parameters.
#'@param data.to.work is a data from which the BN structure will be learned.
#'@param white.list  is a list of mandatory connections of BN structure to be created.
#'@param black.list is a list of forbiden connections of BN structure to be created.
#'@param nreplicates is how many times the boostrap will run.
#'@param cb.algorithms the name of constrained-based algorithms.
#'@param sb.algorithms the name of score-based algorithms.
#'@param cb.tests the name of tests for constrained-based algorithms.
#'@param sb.tests the name of network scores for score-based algorithms.
#'@param optimized.option a paremeter of bnlearn package to optmize the BN learn structre learning.
#'@param outcome.var is the outcome (dependent) variable.
#'@param build.pa indicates if the process will bulld a PA model or not.
#'@return NULL
#'@author Elias Carvalho
#'@references Scutari M (2017). Bayesian Network Constraint-Based Structure Learning Algorithms: Parallel and Optimized Implementations in the bnlearn R Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 77(2), 1-20.
#'# Clean environment
#'# Set environment
#'# setwd("To your working directory")
#'# Load packages
#'# Load Data
#'# Set variables to work
#'nreplicates = 1000
#'white.list <- NULL
#'black.list <- "L-T"
#'cb.algorithms = c("gs")
#'sb.algorithms = c("hc")
#'cb.tests = "jt"
#'sb.tests = "aic"
#'outcome.var = "E"
#'build.pa = 0
#'# Learn the BN from data and save results (data & images)
#'gera.bn.structure(dataQualiN, white.list, black.list, nreplicates, cb.algorithms,sb.algorithms,
#'                  cb.tests, sb.tests, optimized.option, outcome.var, build.pa)

gera.bn.structure <-function(data.to.work, white.list="", black.list="", nreplicates=1000, cb.algorithms = c("gs","iamb", "fast.iamb", "inter.iamb", "mmpc", "si.hiton.pc"),
                             sb.algorithms = c("hc","tabu"), cb.tests = "", sb.tests = "", optimized.option="FALSE", outcome.var, build.pa)
    # Verify the type of variables
    type.of.variable <- bnpa::check.types(data.to.work)

    # Check if the data set has numeric only or categorical only variables
    if (type.of.variable > 3)
      cat("Your data set need to have or only categorical or only numeric variables. Check please!")
    } # if type.of.variable > 3

    # Mount a white/black list
    if (!is.null(white.list) && white.list!="")
      cat("\n\n==== Building the white list...")
      white.list <- bnpa::mount.wl.bl.list(white.list)
    } else # if (white.list != "")
      white.list <- NULL
    } # else # if (black.list != "")
    if (!is.null(black.list) && black.list!="")
      cat("\n\n==== Building the black list...")
      black.list <- bnpa::mount.wl.bl.list(black.list)
    }  else # if (black.list != "")
      black.list <- NULL
    } # else # if (black.list != "")

  # Transform all categorical variables into ordered, if necessary, to work with 'jt' when using cb algorithms. OBS: and to work with sb algorithms the
  # variables will be treated as categorical
  if (type.of.variable==3)
    data.bkp <- data.to.work
    # Transform all not ordinal variables (probably the) in ordinal
    data.to.work.all.ordinal <- bnpa::transf.into.ordinal(data.to.work)
    # Show message
    cat("\n\n==== Checking the consistence of levels on data set...")
    # Create a variable to work
    flag.levels <- 0
    levels.of.variable <- 0
    # Scan the variables of data set
    for (x in 1:length(names(data.to.work)))
      # Calculate the number of levels each variable has
      commandAssign <- paste("levels.of.variable <- summary(data.to.work$", names(data.to.work)[x],")", sep = "")
      # Scan each level and verify how manu occurency it has
      for (y in 1:length(levels.of.variable))
        # Check if there are 0 occurrency on level
        if (levels.of.variable[y] == 0)
          cat("\nYour data set has variables with 0 elements on level ", y,"(", names(data.to.work)[x],").")
          flag.levels <- 1
        } # if (levels.of.variable[y] == 0)
      }# for (y in 1:number.of.levels)
    } # for (x in 1:length(names(data.to.work)))
    # stop in case of variable with less than 2 levels
    if (flag.levels != 0)
      cat("\n\nFix this problem, please.")
    } #  if (flag.levels != 0)
  } # if (type.of.variable==3)

  # Creates a data frame to store the final results
  cat("\n\n==== Creating a data frame to store algorithms, ci tests and network scores")
  # Define of rows based on algorithms, ci tests and network scores
  df.bn.alg.data <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = (length(cb.algorithms)*length(cb.tests)+length(sb.algorithms)*length(sb.tests))))
  # Name the columns
  names(df.bn.alg.data)[1] <- "Algorithm"
  names(df.bn.alg.data)[2] <- "Type of Algorithm"
  # Start loading the dat frame
  ncounter = 0
  # Load constrained-based algorithms
  for (x in 1:length(cb.algorithms))
    for (y in 1:length(cb.tests))
      ncounter <- ncounter + 1
      df.bn.alg.data[ncounter,1] <- paste(cb.algorithms[x],"--", cb.tests[y], sep = "")
      df.bn.alg.data[ncounter,2] <- "constrained-based"
      cat(paste("\nALgorithm is ", cb.algorithms[x], " and test is ", cb.tests[y], sep = ""))
    } # for (y in 1:length(cb.tests))
  } # for (x in 1:nrow(cb.algorithms))
  # Load score-based algorithms
  for (x in 1:length(sb.algorithms))
    for (y in 1:length(sb.tests))
      ncounter <- ncounter + 1
      df.bn.alg.data[ncounter,1] <- paste(sb.algorithms[x],"--", sb.tests[y], sep = "")
      df.bn.alg.data[ncounter,2] <- "score-based"
      cat(paste("\nALgorithm is ", sb.algorithms[x], " and test is ", sb.tests[y], sep = ""))
    } # for (y in 1:length(cb.tests))
  } # for (x in 1:nrow(cb.algorithms))

  # Start bootstrap
  # Creates a structure to retain BN to avoid interference of another package
  bn.imgname <- ""
  bn.model.data <- vector("list", nrow(df.bn.alg.data))
  bn.imgname.txt <-  vector("list", nrow(df.bn.alg.data))
  # Creates a structure to retain PA model data to avoid interference of another package
  pa.model.data <- vector("list", nrow(df.bn.alg.data))
  pa.model.txt <-  vector("list", nrow(df.bn.alg.data))
  pa.imgname.txt <-  vector("list", nrow(df.bn.alg.data))
  # Creates a counter to control the load of this data
  counter.model.data <- 0
  bn.structure <- ""

  # Scan df.bn.alg.data and identify the bn structure learning algorithm to be used
  for (x in 1:nrow(df.bn.alg.data))
    # Scan the first colum of dataframe to find the algorithm/test or score
    for (y in 1:nchar(df.bn.alg.data[x,1]))
      # If identify the label of BN test or score "--"
        # Load the bn structure learning algorithm
        bn.algorithm <- substr(df.bn.alg.data[x,1],1,y-1)
        # Load the test or score
        bn.score.test <- substr(df.bn.alg.data[x,1],y+2, nchar(df.bn.alg.data[x,1]))
        # Set the type of algorithm
        type.of.algorithm <- df.bn.alg.data[x,2]
        # Booststrap, average and export BN graph
        if (type.of.variable==3)
          bn.structure <- bnpa::boot.strap.bn(bn.algorithm, bn.score.test, data.to.work.all.ordinal, black.list, white.list, nreplicates, type.of.algorithm, outcome.var)
        } else # if (type.of.variable==3)
          bn.structure <- bnpa::boot.strap.bn(bn.algorithm, bn.score.test, data.to.work, black.list, white.list, nreplicates, type.of.algorithm, outcome.var)
        } # else # if (type.of.variable==3)
        # Build and print a PA model if required
        if (build.pa==1)
          # Set the PA param and image name
          pa.name <- paste("docPA_Param_", bn.algorithm, "_", bn.score.test,"_", nrow(data.to.work), ".txt", sep = "")
          pa.imgname <- paste("imgPA_", bn.algorithm, "_", bn.score.test,"_", nrow(data.to.work), ".png", sep = "")
          # Creating Path Analysis model ################
          cat(paste("\n\n==== Creating a Path Analysis model calculation for BN structure learning score-based algorithm --> '", bn.algorithm, "' , score test '", bn.score.test,  sep = ""))
          bnpa::gera.pa(bn.structure, data.to.work, pa.name, pa.imgname, bn.algorithm, bn.score.test, outcome.var)
        } #  if (build.pa==1)
      } # if(substr(df.bn.alg.data[x,1],y,y+1)=="--")
    } # for (y in 1:nchar(df.bn.alg.data[x,1]))
  } # for (x in 1:nrow(df.bn.alg.data))
} # gera.bn.structure <-function

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bnpa documentation built on Aug. 2, 2019, 1:05 a.m.